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Will Pistons Win Championship???
any thoughts?
More than likely.
I hope they do.. they're on of my favorite teams
with the way the r playing that is a definite yes
Probably at the rate they are going but anything can happen and change everything.
They are the best team in the NBA right now. I think that Miami and San Antonio are the only teams that will have a chance to beat them in the playoffs.
Yes they will...they had the talent to do so last year...but this year coach Flip Saunders has amped the offense way their starting line up positions 1 through 4 can knock down the 3 consistently
I do not believe there are any other teams that can run with them in a seven game series. I believe they will.
For some reason I just don't think they will.
The will win the eastern conference easy:dance:
When i watch the pistons play i am amazed everytime i see them..they are one of the best teams i have ever seen play and they are without a doubt gonna win the nba championship this year..
with the way they are playing i would be dissapointed if they didnt win it they are my fav team in the nba
Yes they will win it all. I mean come on who out there can beat them in a series. Sure a couple teams might beat them here and there but no team could beat them in a series right now.
Theyve got a good chance at it..........
pistons all the way
They are the team to beat now! You got to love that UK player that they have!
yes they will domanate
they are the best
who can beat them
i think they can if they keep playing the way they are right now
I'm hoping they will very much, they are my favorite team, and i'm expecting them to.
I'd love to see Tayshaun get ring number 2, but they are beatable I mean the Nets beat them the other night. But it is going to be extremly hard for anyone to beat them 4 games out of 7.
i hate to rain on everyones parrade but miami will win they just needs to gel a lil more they have all this year to do that watch out
yeah detroit will win it, they are about the only team that has role players that actually try to do more than just score.
I think they will and they have a shot of winning 72 games this year...
The Pistons will win 70 games this year and go on to the Playoffs to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, the NBA championship.
no way

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