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Pike County Central 98 Shelby Valley 91 -- OT
Congrats Pike is to my attention that Shelby Valley led the game by 19 or more at one point in the 3rd quarter..heck of a comeback by Central...
Congrats Pike Co Central
congrat's Pike County Central
Sounds like this was a good one.
Congrats PCC!!
Any stats?

What happened to Valley? To have such a large lead.... and then lose it?
Did they have a good lead at one point? If so then this is something they really need to work on.They've lost leads before this year and lost...
Nevermind, I just read the 1st post..No excuse for that....
Yeah guys there really is no excuse for it..They just don't finish out their games and from what I've seen Coach Booher makes some very questionable substitutions with the last few minutes of the game..
Pike Central wasn't playing like the team that has showed up in the past for the first half...Second half was a diffrent story i think Valley was up but like 14 at one point and was up by 12 or 13 at the half...Valley fouled way to much...Riddle gets hit with a foul then a Technical which IMO turned the game around alot took the lead from 5 to 2...Lowe had 34 didnt play in OT but a couple of seconds, Hess 14, Hamilton 17, Ratliff 12...IMO Ratliff stepped up huge in the second half and was the diffrence maker in this game...As well PCs Pep section was pretty good tonight...
brad lowe is a exellent player
Brad Lowe is by far the best player in this region.. Landon who?
Congrats to Pike Central on a big comeback.
Congrats Pike Central
According to WPRG the free throw count was Shelby Valley 6-18 and Pike Central 34-50...

I thought Brad Ratliff gave PCC a huge lift tonight.
"SuperStar" Wrote:According to WPRG the free throw count was Shelby Valley 6-18 and Pike Central 34-50...

I thought Brad Ratliff gave PCC a huge lift tonight.
WPRG is not official, but i heard the officials weren't very good.
Coach Booher is an absolute disgrace to the high school basketball world! He makes to say the least "questionable" decisions that have led to shelby valley's first losing season since i can remember. He doesn't even look for talent. Letting players like Gary Thomas only play 4 minutes the whole game is ridiculous. He is one of the best all around players on the team. He was able to show his talents under coach Rowe but is unable to do anything but warm the bench for Booher. Forget the region, district, or state we can't even hope for a winning season with the biggest joke in high school basketball.
Yeah Booher is a joke...he has no clue what hes doing out there, i think alot of people would agree with me when i say BRING BACK ROWE!!!
"fox sports" Wrote:WPRG is not official, but i heard the officials weren't very good.

That's why I said "According to WPRG"... And you are right, Sam Smith was terrible, as always...
"FloridaFan" Wrote:Coach Booher is an absolute disgrace to the high school basketball world! He makes to say the least "questionable" decisions that have led to shelby valley's first losing season since i can remember. Forget the region, district, or state we can't even hope for a winning season with the biggest joke in high school basketball.

Mitchell Riddle had as much to do with SV losing the game last night as anyone. His ball handling ability has cost SV on more than one occasion this season...
Correction, Tyler Hamilton had 22 pts. This kid really stepped it up tonight. Brad Ratliff came off the bench and sparked the Hawks' comeback. Congrats to the Hawks and please, no more games like that. My nerves cannot handle it!
IMO Valley came out hot hit a couple threes and went up quick
Even when Valley cooled down and wasn't hitten like they was at the first of the game there is no way they should hav blown that lead like that
They didn't rebound at all last night
How may offesnive rebouns did central have?
Brad Lowe is by far the best player in the region
He didn't have that good of game last night BUT STILL HAD 34
Brad Ratliff is the reason the Hawks won the game
Tyler Hamilton stepped up last night
Good win Hawks
G/L to both teams
The refs were bad on both sides of the ball they aren't the reason Valley lost if thats what you all are getting at not saying you all are...Central came out second half ready to play unlike the first half...and i agree BRING BACK ROWE he was a great coach just got a bad hand dealt to him...Valley did him wrong...
I think now, everyone around the valley area wishes Rowe was back. But the question is, does anyone think he will come back after the way he was treated the first time?
i attened this game... brad lowe fouled out in the fourth quarter and i was frightened that they wouldnt make it into ot... but they held it out..

did any1 see the 2 boys in the cheerleadin outfits...lmao...
Rowe was a good coach. Where is he at now?
WOW..wata score!
congrats pike central
congrats pike county central
Sounds Like A Good 1

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