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01-12-2006, 01:19 AM
Since 15th was talking about seat belts, I figured I would see who all has a radar detector. I know I do and never go anywhere without
01-12-2006, 02:08 AM
I was going to get one not long ago, and then I realized the best way to stay out of a ticket is to not speed. Seems to work pretty good...
01-12-2006, 02:14 AM
I've got one. My parents got it for me bout 15 months ago after I got my first ticket -- and only so far. But then again, I go to school in VA and they are ileagel.....think they will catch me?

01-12-2006, 03:05 AM
Beef Wrote:I've got one. My parents got it for me bout 15 months ago after I got my first ticket -- and only so far. But then again, I go to school in VA and they are ileagel.....think they will catch me?hh:
They wont care as long as you keep it off, but if their radar picks up your radar detector they usually get pretty ****ed off about it....I know one guy that said a police made him lay his radar detector under his tire and run over it...He didn't give him a ticket but I think making him do that would have been cheaper than the ticket would have been...
01-12-2006, 03:14 AM
How can their radar gun pick it up?....and that would suck if they did that to me, mine was like $300
01-12-2006, 03:40 AM
Beef Wrote:How can their radar gun pick it up?....and that would suck if they did that to me, mine was like $300
They have a detector but most radar detectors will pick it up now. I have got a ticket for having a radar detector but they didn't take it or make me run over it.
01-12-2006, 11:59 AM
WEll from a former Police officer, I have never seen a radar gun that will p/u that you have a radar detector. If you here your radar detector go off it is usually to late and they have done clocked you. And also there are some systems that you cant pick up like vascar.
01-12-2006, 12:50 PM
I haven't had a ticket yet, I hope it stays that way!
01-12-2006, 12:51 PM
They have them in Virginia. I had my radar detector in the floor and thought I had it turned off but liked one more turn and was pulled over for it. He asked if I had a radar detector and I said yes but it is turned off and he said no its not that he got a signal from it but it was weak so I looked and thats when I saw I didn't have it all the way off. He also said he couldn't tell which car so he picked mine and was right, lucky me.
01-12-2006, 01:10 PM
Deny, Deny, Deny.....that's my
01-12-2006, 01:11 PM
I have one.. only thing that sucks is when they clock you.. that's how I got my ticket...
In Virginia we had our radar dectetcor turned off and off of the windshield and they still gave us a ticket for having it in the car.. that made me pretty mad lol
In Virginia we had our radar dectetcor turned off and off of the windshield and they still gave us a ticket for having it in the car.. that made me pretty mad lol
01-12-2006, 02:09 PM
Drive slow. At least that's what I keep telling my son. He had 6 tickets in about six months. Got out of everyone but one. No points, No raised insurance, no nothing. I was never that lucky.
01-12-2006, 03:00 PM
Midee1 Wrote:Drive slow. At least that's what I keep telling my son. He had 6 tickets in about six months. Got out of everyone but one. No points, No raised insurance, no nothing. I was never that lucky.
Your son should have his license revoked...
01-12-2006, 03:15 PM
I had one but it was a piece of crap, so now I'm gonna get a new and better one once I get a job hehe.
01-12-2006, 05:41 PM
I don't see a big difference in the cheaper ones and the ones that are more expensive... they just talk to you lol
01-12-2006, 07:27 PM
Police don't run with their radar on. They wait until you get close and then flip it on.
Radar detectors really only work when yours goes off when police flip the radar on a different vehicle.
Radar detectors really only work when yours goes off when police flip the radar on a different vehicle.
01-12-2006, 10:36 PM
I've never had a radar detector, but if you pay attention you can tell when a cop is around. and if you know enough about cars, then you can tell by the headlights which ones are cops most of the time, and if you are driving and you see a car coming up on you pretty quickly most of the time it's a cop.. You learn these thing from being pulled over about 47 times..
01-12-2006, 10:42 PM
I can pretty much tell a cop car, but I got my radar detector just to be on the safe side.
01-13-2006, 12:44 AM
Cali Wrote:I had one but it was a piece of crap, so now I'm gonna get a new and better one once I get a job hehe.For a second here, I thought that you were talking about a ticket

01-13-2006, 02:43 AM
I had one back in 1994. I was coming accross Daniel Boone Pwy from London. Noticed at the 1st toll booth there were 2 cars behind me. I pulled out from the toll booth (10:30 p.m.) and I set sail toward Hazard at about 80 mph with my new radar detector. The 2 cars followed me all the way accross till we got within a few miles of Hazard. My radar detector beeped once. I slowed down the first car passed me then the second one got up beside me and the radar detector went off again, I looked beside me and guess who was right beside me? Thats right Mr. KY State Policeman!! He didn't pull me over but I gave my new radar detector to my friend the next day and said good luck!!!!!
01-13-2006, 09:50 AM
Cali Wrote:I had one but it was a piece of crap, so now I'm gonna get a new and better one once I get a job hehe.Cali, if you're serious about getting one, take a close look at the Valentine 1. It shows which direction the radar is coming from, How many radar signals it's picking up, and picks up each radar that police run, including laser.
I had one and it saved my butt a few times. If you hear it go off for just a second, slow down because it picked up radar that a cop is flipping it on another vehicle. The V-1 cost $399, but it's the best on the market.
You can check out Motor Trend, Car and Driver, and Road and Track's web sites. They usually test radar detectors every year and post their results online.
01-16-2006, 03:12 AM
Cali Wrote:I had one but it was a piece of crap, so now I'm gonna get a new and better one once I get a job hehe.
01-16-2006, 03:18 AM
I'm thinking about getting one too.. I cant afford to have anymore speeding tickets
01-16-2006, 03:25 PM
I use to have one...I got it in June when I started driving to Prestonsburg got destroyed in my car wreck in picked up pretty good...I didn't get any tickets but then again I never drove fast I just liked knowing...I'll prolly buy another before I go to college...
01-16-2006, 03:28 PM
DTfan Wrote:I use to have one...I got it in June when I started driving to Prestonsburg got destroyed in my car wreck in picked up pretty good...I didn't get any tickets but then again I never drove fast I just liked knowing...I'll prolly buy another before I go to college...NO, no more radar detectors for you. You won't be going fast enough to need one. Besides your mom won't go for
01-16-2006, 03:32 PM
Prolly true but I'd feel better having one driving form here to Richmond...espically in Wolfe County...not that I'm going to be going fast but just because I like knowing...but if you wanna play it like that then when I come down next I'm taking yours from you and hiding it...
01-16-2006, 03:34 PM
DTfan Wrote:Prolly true but I'd feel better having one driving form here to Richmond...espically in Wolfe County...not that I'm going to be going fast but just because I like knowing...but if you wanna play it like that then when I come down next I'm taking yours from you and hiding it... havent had 3 wrecks in 8 months you're not ALLOWED to take mine..
01-16-2006, 03:36 PM
my wrecks wasnt due to fast're the one who drives 70 and 80 mph everywhere you you're not going to need it won't be driving that fast now will you.
01-16-2006, 03:37 PM
DTfan Wrote:my wrecks wasnt due to fast're the one who drives 70 and 80 mph everywhere you you're not going to need it won't be driving that fast now will you.
No :AngelPray but I'm still keeping
01-16-2006, 03:38 PM
no your not....I'll hide it at my aunts...somewhere you won't find it....or I'll bring it here and stash it somewhere under a bunch of
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