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Nasty Hit by Shouse
Here is a nasty hit that Cory Shouse laid on a kid from Madison Southern.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - cory shouse lays a kid out .wmv[/nomedia]
pretty nice but it is pretty easy to blind side someone
Ouch... I felt that one.
woah, lol.
The QB should have tucked it and
Laid Him Out!
Lights OUT!
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Wish Bone Wrote:pretty nice but it is pretty easy to blind side someone

It's called tackle football.:ChairHit:
Great tackle, I think we will see alot of this kid. He started middle line backer for Breathitt last year as a freshman. He is now at Pike Central.
Here comes the BOOOOOM!
I really would like to know what happened to the kid after that hit. From what i've been told he never got back up and was rushed to the hospital. With all jokes aside I hope the kid is alright because you can tell after shouse gets up the kids arms are straight up which means he was knocked out cold. Helluva hit though.
****. That was nice.

And Wish Bone, he may have hit him when he wasn't looking, but in no way is that a "blind" hit. The ball was coming to him, Shouse was right in front of him, he knew he was there. It wasn't some blind side block on a kickoff. He hit him straight up, the way he would have been coming if the kid had caught the ball. What you say makes it sounds like it was a dirty block. You're an idiot.
Big time hit!
but in no way is that a "blind" hit. The ball was coming to him, Shouse was right in front of him, he knew he was there. It wasn't some blind side block on a kickoff. He hit him straight up....... i agree he hit him from the front, and i hope the other kid is ok...
I felt That.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:I really would like to know what happened to the kid after that hit. From what i've been told he never got back up and was rushed to the hospital. With all jokes aside I hope the kid is alright because you can tell after shouse gets up the kids arms are straight up which means he was knocked out cold. Helluva hit though.

He was good got his head jared a little. Found out later he was home :Thumbs:
He sure stuck that kid. Nice hit.
That looked pretty sick.
Boom. Headshot!
Wish Bone Wrote:pretty nice but it is pretty easy to blind side someone

Blind side or not that was killer:Thumbs:
I hope the other kid was ok.
He got "JACKED UP."
Wish Bone Wrote:pretty nice but it is pretty easy to blind side someone

I agree.. He should have stopped and waited for him to turn around before hitting him. Hitting someone like that is just wrong. That's not how the game of football is played! :please:

Nasty hit! About as rough as I've seen at the high school level.. Hope the kid is okay.
Where is this kid from? That hit was pure nasty!
Below Zero Wrote:Where is this kid from? That hit was pure nasty!

Shouse plays SS for Pike Central.

Thanks for the info Hawkeye
I ve watched alot of high school football games this hit was one the best I've seen. It was even better LIVE.

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