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Sheldon Clark Boys Basketball
I tried to leave, but they lies or the stupidity of some keep coming out. First of all the cite base counsil never hired this guy, that is a fact. There was a special committee put together. I dont know who was on, but i heard Principle, hager, Hickman. Maybe i was wrong about hickman but it was not site base counsal. and whoever said that if he can win at hazard and clay county he can def win here, well honey thats the whole problem if you win at those places your fired. HELLO thats why he is here. I wish SHerlock the best luck, it not his fault the fans, parents, wont let him succeed. oh they will love him until season starts then when kids dont play, parents will be mad, and im not talking about Blackburn kid bc at least he has the guts not to quit. I tip my hat to him. With Shurlock staff whoever it may be, i pretty sure i know who, will be sure to show him where to keep his lips, so that everyone who needs to be happy is. THANK YOU IM DONE FOR THE SUMMER, unless you peeps want to keep going back and forth about the lies. i have said my peace and wish the staff the best luck, BECAUSE THEY WILL NEEED IT. Clarifacation on that hiring committe would be nice. See you in the stands. I should have changed my name to the TRUTH.
Quit trying to cause trouble on here we get that you have some problems with how it went down so quit bring it up like this.
So If the certain boy of a certain someone doesnt get to play will the new coach be fired as well?
First and foremost, by law the site-based decision making council conducts interviews. Typically, a committee is formed from this group. A recommendation is then made to the principal who is supposed to make the ultimate decision pending the "approval" of the superintendent. In this case, and every case in Martin County, everyone knows Mark Blackburn calls the shots. To further clarify, the principal can make a direct hire if he or she "appoints" an existing employee.

From what I have been told, it boils down to one thing: Will Kevin Spurlock play the superintendent's son, who does not possess the skill set to even dress varsity. It is embarrassing to not only the school but the other kids who work and practice and hope to play based on merit and not association.

Kevin Spurlock is a good person and he could be the person to turn the program around, however, one can only suspect that he sold his soul to the devil to get the job.

Please, Mark Blackburn, stay out of this matter and stop hurting the kids of Martin County so that your kids can play. If your kid is good enough, he will play. It is high school basketball, not buddy league. If you're good, you play. If not, you ride the pine.
not causing trouble. CITE BASE DID NOT HIRE THIS COACH. Fletcher had a committe, not cite base, obviously nobody can give any names to who was on this committee, i will stick to who i said was on before.

Mr Blackburn did not hire this coach. He left all up to Principle Fletcher and his committee. OH down and out you have no idea who i am, you probally think you do but you don't. Write your article why this was a great hire, which i honestly hope he is bc the kids deserve a good coach. But its not fair what you have said about harless the last 3 years not giving him any support just bc you have a man crush on JR. Thanks have a nice year. GO CARDS, Now can i please go away? I hope no one responds to me. Oh i have just been told that the coach's name is actually Spurlock, lol.
^^cards fan in the stand you my friend are insane the site base council did indeed choose the coach along with mr fletcher mark blackburn had zero input on the coach he left it up to robbie to get the best man for the job so go away forever not just the summer and do u a favor
IntheZone Wrote:^^cards fan in the stand you my friend are insane the site base council did indeed choose the coach along with mr fletcher mark blackburn had zero input on the coach he left it up to robbie to get the best man for the job so go away forever not just the summer and do u a favor

i know you are not that stupid to believe the cite base who consists of teachers and one parent at that school did not hire the coach. i dont know what rock you all live under but obviously its the one with certain people got their lips around you all to. I think our lovely newspaper man would even varify this.
why the heck would hickman have any say in this?? he has bashed blackburn for sometime now do u really think mark would let him have any input on this situation? please tell us where all your info comes from since you obviously know more than the rest of uss
IntheZone Wrote:why the heck would hickman have any say in this?? he has bashed blackburn for sometime now do u really think mark would let him have any input on this situation? please tell us where all your info comes from since you obviously know more than the rest of uss

yeah i agree lol. blackburn letting hickman have any say in who the new coach is the craziest thing i have ever heard on here.... :ChairHit:
anyways i would like to say congrats on the cards at least they got somebody out of the county!!
Nice to see ya back on here monster I haven't heard anything from you in awhile.
This is to cardsfaninthestands. First get off my back, I really don't care who you are because it means very little to me. Your so called source sure did not have a clue as to what they were talking about because I was not part of any committee, nor did I have any input into was hired. No I did not support the former coach but thats my right. I fully support the hiring of Spurlock so you just need to get over it. You are simply mad because of the firing and just want to start trouble which you have done but u can kiss my ---. What's your problem with Hager, guess its because he's a winner and has tons of respect from his players and the community. Do us all a favor and leave this site not just for the summer but forever because no one wants to see u or read anything you have to post so from down and out go to h--- and have a nice retirement with your peeps.
CardinalAlum Wrote:Nice to see ya back on here monster I haven't heard anything from you in awhile.

ahh i was taking a lil break but i'am back now lol got to get warmed up for football season lol... this time of year is boring cause the baseball team isnt any fun to talk about lol...

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