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Seat Belts Do You Use Them or Not
I know there has been a lot of fatal accidents and most of them seem to be in E. Ky. I was wondering how many out there wear seat belts. I always buckle up.

I wear mine sometimes
Always and by my choice. I do not likethe law telling me I have to. It's okay for minors to be required but adults should live or die with their choice.
Always. I also require that anyone who enters my car must wear one as well.
Before my wreck I rarely wore it but since my wreck I won't drive w/o it... but when I'm in the passenger seat sometimes I wear it, it depends on who I'm riding with and if I trust their driving.
Always and all in the car with me must.

I'm sure BatP will back me up on this we've been on alot of fatal wrecks over the years and I can only remember taking the seat belt off one fatal, however I've helped remove several DOA's that IMO would have at least had a heck of a chance if not made it if they had on buckled up.
Just to let you know the back middle is the safest seat in the car and the front passenger seat is considered the DEATH SEAT (meaning location of most fatal's).
i have a phobia of them i know there supposed to save you but i cant help but think what if i get stuck and the car catches on fire geez its one of those hate/love things

It is such a habit that I put mine on, sometimes to drive to the bottom of my driveway knowing that I will have to get out and get the mail when I get there. It's just an automatic thing that I do when I sit down.

I always wear it when I drive and sometimes I forget when I am in the car riding with someone.
Always with me to, especially when I'm in the car with my friends.
KentuckyHillBilly5321 Wrote:Always. I also require that anyone who enters my car must wear one as well.
Same here buddy!!
I very seldom do, but anyone in the car with me must, and yea cd we have seen very few that died from having there's on, compared to all the ones that got ejected that did not have theres on.
Always.. I have since I started driving and anyone in my car must wear one too, especially kids
my kids have heard me tell them buckle up so often now they remind me when i forget
thats the way it should be
I very seldom do unless travelling. But my wife and kids always do. My wife just since she had her accident a few years ago.
Always :thumb:
Only when I see a cop.
No a good example for those kids to come CTD.
Batp something I learned from PO245 dang I think that was his number been to long. Anyway he and his kids always played a game with it. If they caught him without his seatbelt he owed them an ice cream and if he caught them without it he owed them a ice cream and something about their butts.

That's what we've done I currently owe like 8 ice creams. I get nailed if I don't have it on by the time I start backing out of the driveway. But then again that's the only time they can get me since I always wear it.

Just remember when you don't wear it for that little trip down the road because its not that far would you want your kid to take that same chance that's what keeps me wearing them. Also most do occur within a mile of the house.

As far as getting caught if the car catches on fire or goes into water. I know what they show on TV but very very few wrecks result in fire and if they do and you get trapped in the car the chances are that your trapped due to damage to the car not the seat belt. As far as water you have plenty of time to get that belt off before the car would get under water most of the time and its easier to get out of the car once it is totally submerged due to the pressure becoming equal. I guess the way I look at it with a belt you have alot better chances of making it and reducing your injury.
i wear it when im driving but if someone else is driving i rarely wear it
i always try to but i often forget to put it on
That's a good idea CD.

Need to remember that when I have kids.
It works and we've never had the first problem with them buckling or riding in their car seats. If you make them ride in the car seats from day one and never let them get out of it they won't ever fight you about doing so. Heck my 9 y.o. still wants to ride in a booster seat. Says she can see better.
I hate it when parents don't make their kids ride car seats and then the next time the kids cries because they know that they can get out and so they do it ALL the time. Very unsafe and just stupid of parents.

Don't ever let them do it and they'll never cry to get out of it. It becomes 2nd nature to them.
That's what I am hoping for with my children.

I am taking note of all of these things that I see other people do in order to raise my kids right.
I do when I drive just. But when I am a passenger I usually don't enless its with my mom. haha

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