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Obama, wake up and smell the war
Reviews are in on Obama's first year in his war on terror and just as with the economy, the president has earned a failing grade with most Americans. (A majority of Americans recently gave Obama an "F" in a CNN online poll for his first year in office.) Meanwhile, Obama vacationed and spent most of his time speaking. He spent most of the rest of his time pushing for so-called healthcare reform, the 8th most important issue to Americans according to a recent national poll.

Quote:[INDENT]Bam, wake up and smell the war

The evidence is mounting that President Obama is following not merely an erroneous anti-terrorism strategy, but one that is increasingly incoherent and incompetent. Two recent developments highlight his failure:

First, senior administration intelligence and homeland security officials testified to Congress that they were not aware in advance that the Christmas Day terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, would be read Miranda rights, arrested and charged with crimes. Stunningly, it appears that these decisions were essentially made wholly inside the Justice Department.

Second, the administration has conceded that some 50 terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay could neither be safely released nor tried and would therefore be held indefinitely. This flatly contradicts repeated Obama promises to close Gitmo. It also undercuts the rationale for Obama's planned civilian trials for other terrorists and previous decisions - including some by the Bush administration - to release far too many who simply reverted to terrorism.

Obama has strained mightily to move away from former President George W. Bush's "global war on terror," changing many of its underlying policies and even sidelining the phrase "war on terror." That Obama has not fully succeeded in reversing Bush's policies is not for lack of trying, but only because global realities have made it impossible for even someone so determined to succeed in just one year.

However, make no mistake: Obama has not given up. He remains determined to revolutionize America's conceptual basis for dealing with terrorism. His approach is a throwback to the pre-9/11 paradigm of treating terrorism as a problem to be handled through conventional law enforcement channels. That means full constitutional rights, including Fourth and Fifth Amendment protections and evidence restrictions, public jury trials and more. Read more:[/INDENT]

Not surprisingly, the administration that decided to stop using terms like "war on terror" and "Islamic terrorist" is not doing to well on the front lines in the fight against terror. A bipartisan panel on the war finds Obama's efforts severely inadequate.

Quote:[INDENT]Panel: U.S. Still Unprepared For Bioterror Attack

The United States isn't prepared for a biological terrorist attack, a congressionally mandated panel said in a report released Tuesday.

The Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation gave the Obama administration a failing grade for its efforts to prepare for and respond to a biological attack, such as the release of deadly viruses or bacteria.

"Nearly a decade after Sept. 11, 2001 ... and one month after the Christmas Day bombing attempt, the United States is failing to address several urgent threats, especially bioterrorism," said former Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the commission. "Each of the last three administrations has been slow to recognize and respond to the biothreat. But we no longer have the luxury of a slow learning curve, when we know al Qaeda is interested in bioweapons." [/INDENT]
Why don't we send the terrorists back to their respective countries and have them read their rights there. And let those officials take care of them how they see fit. Instead the us takes our tax dollars to keep them alive and give them their meals. And heaven forbid they make it into the states where they get to hang out with each other and plot against the us while inside it's own border
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Why don't we send the terrorists back to their respective countries and have them read their rights there. And let those officials take care of them how they see fit. Instead the us takes our tax dollars to keep them alive and give them their meals. And heaven forbid they make it into the states where they get to hang out with each other and plot against the us while inside it's own border
Because many of the terrorists that both the Bush administration and Obama administration have "repatriated" have attacked Americans after their release. They are treated as conquering heroes back home and for some reason, many of them manage to escape their confines.
Oh. I did not know that. I was thinking that if they cut off their hand for stealing they could at least take their privates so when they see their virgins they won't be able to do anythig with them
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Oh. I did not know that. I was thinking that if they cut off their hand for stealing they could at least take their privates so when they see their virgins they won't be able to do anythig with them
:thatsfunn Being neutered would certainly be a disincentive to a terrorist seeking to surround himself with 72 virgins eagerly ready to give their all to the cause. :biggrin:

Maybe we should at the very least deprive the terrorists of their trigger fingers before sending them home to a hero's welcome. Yemen has been particularly bad to allow released terrorist back onto their streets. Even Italy has allowed an Islamic terrorist or two to escape.

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