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The three things that rule the world
Some people think that the world is going to get better. I don't. I have always been taught that the love of money is the root of all evil.

Now upon observation of everything in the news, whether local or national, I have come to the conclusion that everything boils down to three things. Now whether u believe the bible or not is your business I guess. But since I was a little boy in Sunday school I have been taught to love, to give, and treat others the way I want to be treated. Simple rules to live by. But now the world is screwed up and everyone places blame on everyone else. And it all boils down to wanting Sex, Money and Power, in that order. They go hand in hand. They are the motivating factors in everything evil. If people who don't even believe anything in the bible is true could just follow the rules given on these three subjects then think about how muj better this place could be.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
I could not disagree more. You find far more evil in areas where money is in short supply and far more good in areas where men (and women) have managed to accumulate some wealth and power over their lives. Compare life in any affluent American suburb to life in downtown New Orleans, Port-au-Prince, or Ciudad Juarez (three of the most violent cities in the world).

Pursuing wealth, power, or sex to an excessive degree can lead to evil acts but I am much more comfortable living among those willing to work for a better life than I am with those content with collecting a welfare check.

Evil dominates societies where men are not relatively free to pursue wealth, power, and sex. The combination of tyranny and poverty breed evil.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I could not disagree more. You find far more evil in areas where money is in short supply and far more good in areas where men (and women) have managed to accumulate some wealth and power over their lives. Compare life in any affluent American suburb to life in downtown New Orleans, Port-au-Prince, or Ciudad Juarez (three of the most violent cities in the world).

Pursuing wealth, power, or sex to an excessive degree can lead to evil acts but I am much more comfortable living among those willing to work for a better life than I am with those content with collecting a welfare check.

Evil dominates societies where men are not relatively free to pursue wealth, power, and sex. The combination of tyranny and poverty breed evil.

I think "covet" would most describe what your trying to say. That, we are also warned about in the Bible.
To think I thought it was sex, drugs and rock and roll
I think that the main idea that everyone needs to keep in mind or what crazytaxidriver is trying to get across is that it is the LOVE of money, not money itself.

Personally, I could not agree more that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. I do, however, kind of group greed, the love of POWER/CONTROL and the LOVE of money together.
ImagineThat! Wrote:I think that the main idea that everyone needs to keep in mind or what crazytaxidriver is trying to get across is that it is the LOVE of money, not money itself.

Personally, I could not agree more that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. I do, however, kind of group greed, the love of POWER/CONTROL and the LOVE of money together.

That's what I meant. The love of money. Why r those places evil?? If they lack money then they obviously want money. So the violence that ensues is a result of what??

Take gang ridden cities for example. What is the purpose of these gangs? Some might say the purpose is for some to feel a sense of family, and that might be why some join. But what is their end game? To seize power and control of their territory.

It's hard to explain what I'm think while typing on a cell phone. So if I get a chance I'll try to detail myself when I get home
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:That's what I meant. The love of money. Why r those places evil?? If they lack money then they obviously want money. So the violence that ensues is a result of what??

Take gang ridden cities for example. What is the purpose of these gangs? Some might say the purpose is for some to feel a sense of family, and that might be why some join. But what is their end game? To seize power and control of their territory.

It's hard to explain what I'm think while typing on a cell phone. So if I get a chance I'll try to detail myself when I get home
I am not really disagreeing with you - my first post was a bit over the top. I think you can accumulate wealth and power while leading a good life. Those who love money and power but are too lazy (or are in too big a hurry) to accumulate it the right way are the problem. Wealth and power can be used as forces for good in the right hands.
Read the story, again, religious, pious, neo-cons, of the rich man and Lazarus. What were the rich man's "sins"? He lived in a big, fine house. He dressed in expensive threads. He ate delicacy foods. He thought Lazarus a no good bum. Of what virtues was Lazarus possessed? He was homeless. He was indigent. He was part of the masses of the least and the last.
thecavemaster Wrote:Read the story, again, religious, pious, neo-cons, of the rich man and Lazarus. What were the rich man's "sins"? He lived in a big, fine house. He dressed in expensive threads. He ate delicacy foods. He thought Lazarus a no good bum. Of what virtues was Lazarus possessed? He was homeless. He was indigent. He was part of the masses of the least and the last.
What were the rich man's sins?
Well, cavemaster, his sin was that he put his love of money ahead of his love of God. God has no problem with someone having money, but the money cannot become the god of your life.

Paul goes on to give guidelines to keep away from the love of money in 1 Timothy 6: realize that one day riches will be gone; be content with what you have; monitor what you are willing to do to get more money; love people more than money; love God's work more than money; freely share what you have with others.

Give it up cavemaster.
I love this site.
ImagineThat! Wrote:Well, cavemaster, his sin was that he put his love of money ahead of his love of God. God has no problem with someone having money, but the money cannot become the god of your life.

Paul goes on to give guidelines to keep away from the love of money in 1 Timothy 6: realize that one day riches will be gone; be content with what you have; monitor what you are willing to do to get more money; love people more than money; love God's work more than money; freely share what you have with others.

Give it up cavemaster.

You are a sincere, albeit, naive apologist. It is as hard for the rich man to not love and trust the money as it is for the poor to seek first the kingdom. Of course, the Carpenter himself did not offer such textualizing... but when was that ever a bar to any watch they keep?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:What were the rich man's sins?

That's just what the Pharisees wondered.
thecavemaster Wrote:That's just what the Pharisees wondered.

Then you tell us. Your no doubt, much smarter than they were.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Then you tell us. Your no doubt, much smarter than they were.

All that is said on the matter is this: the rich man lived in a big fine house, dined on delicacies, and was clothed in the finest of threads, and he showed disdain for the homeless bum Lazarus. I'm not an apologist. Read it yourself.
thecavemaster Wrote:All that is said on the matter is this: the rich man lived in a big fine house, dined on delicacies, and was clothed in the finest of threads, and he showed disdain for the homeless bum Lazarus. I'm not an apologist. Read it yourself.

Oh no!!!! Your not gettin off that easy. Your the one that conjured the story up. It's not my place to explain what your munbo jumbo is all about. You tell it. You be real sure that you explain it in the context that your trying to spin it in while your at it.

By the way, I know what it says and I know how the story goes. Your disappointing your audience here batman. We're all waiting!!!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Oh no!!!! Your not gettin off that easy. Your the one that conjured the story up. It's not my place to explain what your munbo jumbo is all about. You tell it. You be real sure that you explain it in the context that your trying to spin it in while your at it.

By the way, I know what it says and I know how the story goes. Your disappointing your audience here batman. We're all waiting!!!!!

What? The one who told the story gave no other explanation. It stands as it is. I'm not spinning anything. The story stands by itself. Read it again, slower this time.
thecavemaster Wrote:What? The one who told the story gave no other explanation. It stands as it is. I'm not spinning anything. The story stands by itself. Read it again, slower this time.

That's my whole point. I dont have to read it again, because I knew exactly what it said to begin with. I couldn't figure out how that story had any relevance to whatever concoction you were trying to cook up. Were you just grasping at straws hoping you could slide something, just anything, that sounded like you knew what you were talking about through?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:That's my whole point. I dont have to read it again, because I knew exactly what it said to begin with. I couldn't figure out how that story had any relevance to whatever concoction you were trying to cook up. Were you just grasping at straws hoping you could slide something, just anything, that sounded like you knew what you were talking about through?

Hold on: you are suggesting that this story has no bearing whatsoever on love of money? No bearing whatsoever on the way a society views riches and blessings and the like? You REALLY think that? Or, per usual, are you just posturing like a circus clown with a bucket of shredded paper?
thecavemaster Wrote:Hold on: you are suggesting that this story has no bearing whatsoever on love of money? No bearing whatsoever on the way a society views riches and blessings and the like? You REALLY think that? Or, per usual, are you just posturing like a circus clown with a bucket of shredded paper?
Didn't say that, but it had nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread. You took it off course. Or was that just an "angle?"
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Didn't say that, but it had nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread. You took it off course. Or was that just an "angle?"

What? "Three things"... sex, power, LOVE OF MONEY........... of course, riches and power are often coupled, and, of course, the powerful like to buy expensive sex. At any rate, this thread was most certainly ON COURSE with that particular story.
thecavemaster Wrote:What? "Three things"... sex, power, LOVE OF MONEY........... of course, riches and power are often coupled, and, of course, the powerful like to buy expensive sex. At any rate, this thread was most certainly ON COURSE with that particular story.

No, lets just be honest here. Your intention was to (in your own sick and demented way), try to bring humiliation to those posters that dont anny up to your own (self admitted) unbelieving tendencies. All you were trying to do was make someone feel as if they were a condemed sinner if they did not believe in and condone Chaiman Mao-bama's and the rest of his disciples' health care package. This thread was not necessarily entitled as anything that had anything to do with healthcare reform, but you twisted and concocted something else into trying achieve that very agenda. That's really what this all boils down to, and nothing else. Your god's ways may not be so transparent in the manner in which he and his henchmen conduct this nation's business by concealment tactics to the American public, but your intentions and motives are highly transparent. Like I told you before, your just like a big ol carp. You are just so predictable.

While the title and subject matter of this thread is "The Three Things That Rule the World" your anology was not in that context. Again all you were doing was spinning a different angle to demonstrate your agenda.

In this story, the rich man was not condemned because he was rich, any more than the poor man was justified for being poor. These outward conditions (riches and poverty) were fundamentally irrelevant to the eternal destiny of these men. A godly rich man would have used his wealth differently, but it was not his works that would have saved him. The real basis for justification or condemnation is to be found in the rich man's concern for his lost brothers. The issue was whether or not these men were rich or poor, but whether or not these men believed the Scriptures, Moses, and the Prophets. It is not riches nor poverty which determines one's destiny, but belief or unbelief.

You are an evil evil man, CM. Just as is, your chosen god. You are both domestic enemies to the citizens of The United States of America and you and he(along with his other cronies) are all intentious of destoying every basic and moral principal that the people of this country deem to enjoy and prosper in..

Now I'm done with you, satan.
Let's see: a belief that decent healthcare should be considered a right. Labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that human greed might just make "trickle down economics" pretty tough on the working poor and squeezed middle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that homosexuals, whether one agrees with the lifestyle or not, should be equally protected under the marriage laws as a matter of constitutional principle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. Suggesting that the story of the rich man and lazarus has much to do with how a culture views riches and blessings ("the last shall be first: the first shall be last"): labeled by Kimball as "satan." I'm going to take that as a compliment, really, as, I believe, the one who told the story in the first place was called that as well. Thank you, Kimball.
CM, FWIW - that font that you are using is pretty hard to read in my browser (Chrome). I would be more likely to read your posts if you used the more legible, default sans-serif font that most other posters use. The only browser that I ever use that renders your posts reasonably well is Firefox and I like Chrome too well to switch back. I just thought I would mention it in case you have not looked at your posts in multiple browsers.
thecavemaster Wrote:Let's see: a belief that decent healthcare should be considered a right. Labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that human greed might just make "trickle down economics" pretty tough on the working poor and squeezed middle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that homosexuals, whether one agrees with the lifestyle or not, should be equally protected under the marriage laws as a matter of constitutional principle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. Suggesting that the story of the rich man and lazarus has much to do with how a culture views riches and blessings ("the last shall be first: the first shall be last"): labeled by Kimball as "satan." I'm going to take that as a compliment, really, as, I believe, the one who told the story in the first place was called that as well. Thank you, Kimball.
Compelling somebody else to pay for your healthcare through the threat of force is un-American. Forcing you to buy health insurance and using the IRS to enforce that requirement is un-American. Most Americans agree with Mr. Kimball in that regard, as do I. Even most citizens in the Bay State agree with us.

It is amazing how liberals reach the conclusion that somebody else should be compelled by law to pay for their "stuff" and apparently cannot see (or do not care) that such a system is nothing more than legalized theft.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:CM, FWIW - that font that you are using is pretty hard to read in my browser (Chrome). I would be more likely to read your posts if you used the more legible, default sans-serif font that most other posters use. The only browser that I ever use that renders your posts reasonably well is Firefox and I like Chrome too well to switch back. I just thought I would mention it in case you have not looked at your posts in multiple browsers.

You'd find out it really doesn't matter what font he uses in regards to anybody being able to make any sense out of them. It's all the same. You know what they say, "Stupid is as stupid does". It's the RAZZLE DAZZLE effect, ya know.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You'd find out it really doesn't matter what font he uses in regards to anybody being able to make any sense out of them. It's all the same. You know what they say, "Stupid is as stupid does". It's the RAZZLE DAZZLE effect, ya know.
But my eyes are not what they used to be. I am just thankful his posts are generally short and (not) to the point. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:But my eyes are not what they used to be. I am just thankful his posts are generally short and (not) to the point. :biggrin:

Yeah, he certainly is the master of the "sidestep" method, for sure.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Yeah, he certainly is the master of the "sidestep" method, for sure.
It is always pretty easy to anticipate an opponen'ts next move when it is always to the left.
thecavemaster Wrote:Let's see: a belief that decent healthcare should be considered a right. Labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that human greed might just make "trickle down economics" pretty tough on the working poor and squeezed middle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. A belief that homosexuals, whether one agrees with the lifestyle or not, should be equally protected under the marriage laws as a matter of constitutional principle: labeled by Kimball as un-american. Suggesting that the story of the rich man and lazarus has much to do with how a culture views riches and blessings ("the last shall be first: the first shall be last"): labeled by Kimball as "satan." I'm going to take that as a compliment, really, as, I believe, the one who told the story in the first place was called that as well. Thank you, Kimball.

Yeah, you go ahead and run with that one "spinmaster".

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