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Sarah Palin joins Fox News
Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, will return to her broadcast roots and take her conservative message to Fox News as a regular commentator, the cable channel announced Monday.

This is the kind of thing that I do not like about FOX. Both Palin and Huckabee are likely 2012 presidential candidates and I do not believe either of them should have a show on a news network unless they renounce their political careers first.

That being said, Palin will help FNC widen the gap in the ratings between CNN, MSNBC, and HLN and themselves. If FNC's competitors were in business to turn a profit, then they would have been wise to have hired Palin and given her a show opposite Huckabee. 2010 is going to be a very interesting year in politics.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is the kind of thing that I do not like about FOX. Both Palin and Huckabee are likely 2012 presidential candidates and I do not believe either of them should have a show on a news network unless they renounce their political careers first.

That being said, Palin will help FNC widen the gap in the ratings between CNN, MSNBC, and HLN and themselves. If FNC's competitors were in business to turn a profit, then they would have been wise to have hired Palin and given her a show opposite Huckabee. 2010 is going to be a very interesting year in politics.

I respectfully disagree with you on this one. Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are commentators. They are up front about being Conservative - it is not like they are anchoring the news as journalists. This should be great for Govenor Palin it will keep her in the public eye, keep her up to speed on public policy, and help her present her case and view points better. The icing on the cake will be to watch the 'libs heads explode' every time she is on Fox. WOO-HOO!!! :Thumbs:
Figured this was coming before long
Joe Friday Wrote:I respectfully disagree with you on this one. Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are commentators. They are up front about being Conservative - it is not like they are anchoring the news as journalists. This should be great for Govenor Palin it will keep her in the public eye, keep her up to speed on public policy, and help her present her case and view points better. The icing on the cake will be to watch the 'libs heads explode' every time she is on Fox. WOO-HOO!!! :Thumbs:
I agree that it will be great for Gov. Palin and I will also enjoy watching her tweaking liberal noses on the air. In the long run, however, I do not think that it will be good for Fox News. I personally do not believe FNC is as biased rightward as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. are in the opposite direction, but having two probable 2012 presidential candidates on its payroll lends credence to the socialists' argument that FNC is a mouthpiece for the GOP.

I strongly oppose the Fairness Doctrine and the Obama Administration's efforts to impose it through the backdoor using FCC regulations to increase "diversity" on the airwaves. Hiring people like Huckabee and Palin will make it harder to keep conservative voices on the air in the long run.

I hope that Huckabee decides not to run in 2012. He is a better talk show host than candidate, IMO.
I believe Fox is reaching on this. I don't dislike Palin but I am about sick of seeing her. I believe that this really kills the fair and balanced thing at fox. They are getting close to becoming the right wing MSNBC. Thats not good.

As for Huckabee, after that guy killed the four cops. I think he's finished. Too much like Willy Horton.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree that it will be great for Gov. Palin and I will also enjoy watching her tweaking liberal noses on the air. In the long run, however, I do not think that it will be good for Fox News. I personally do not believe FNC is as biased rightward as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. are in the opposite direction, but having two probable 2012 presidential candidates on its payroll lends credence to the socialists' argument that FNC is a mouthpiece for the GOP.

I strongly oppose the Fairness Doctrine and the Obama Administration's efforts to impose it through the backdoor using FCC regulations to increase "diversity" on the airwaves. Hiring people like Huckabee and Palin will make it harder to keep conservative voices on the air in the long run.

I hope that Huckabee decides not to run in 2012. He is a better talk show host than candidate, IMO.

If either Governor should declare their intent to run for president, they should leave as Fox Contributors. Until then, they are entitled to make a living like anyone else. As for the 'fairness doctrine,' if we as Americans do not vote out the democrats in 2010 :flush: and / or vote out B. Hussein Obama in 2012 - it will be too late for OUR Country anyway.

I like Governor Huckabee. The first time I ever knew of him was when I saw him being interviewed as Governor of Arkansas as he told the story about when the Clintons left and the Governor's desk and office doors had been nailed shut. We should have known then what the Clintons were bringing to the presidency. :yikes:
notamoocher Wrote:I believe Fox is reaching on this. I don't dislike Palin but I am about sick of seeing her. I believe that this really kills the fair and balanced thing at fox. They are getting close to becoming the right wing MSNBC. Thats not good.

As for Huckabee, after that guy killed the four cops. I think he's finished. Too much like Willy Horton.

How many regular Conservative contributors can you name on MSNBC? I don't think Fox News is in any danger of becoming the 'Right Wing MSNBC'. Here are just a few of the democrat / liberal contributors on Fox: Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Geraldine Ferraro, Juan Williams, Pat Caddell, Mara Liasson, Jeff Birnbaum, and Mort Kondrake. We could compare Govenor Palin to B. Hussein Obama who contributes to every news organization on the air except Fox. lol
Joe Friday Wrote:How many regular Conservative contributors can you name on MSNBC? I don't think Fox News is in any danger of becoming the 'Right Wing MSNBC'. Here are just a few of the democrat / liberal contributors on Fox: Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Geraldine Ferraro, Juan Williams, Pat Caddell, Mara Liasson, Jeff Birnbaum, and Mort Kondrake. We could compare Govenor Palin to B. Hussein Obama who contributes to every news organization on the air except Fox. lol

There is not a camera that Barack has not been intimate with.....
If it doesnt work out with Fox News, she could always go to FyreTV Big Grin
I love Mike Huckabee! Dude's a G
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree that it will be great for Gov. Palin and I will also enjoy watching her tweaking liberal noses on the air. In the long run, however, I do not think that it will be good for Fox News. I personally do not believe FNC is as biased rightward as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. are in the opposite direction, but having two probable 2012 presidential candidates on its payroll lends credence to the socialists' argument that FNC is a mouthpiece for the GOP.

I strongly oppose the Fairness Doctrine and the Obama Administration's efforts to impose it through the backdoor using FCC regulations to increase "diversity" on the airwaves. Hiring people like Huckabee and Palin will make it harder to keep conservative voices on the air in the long run.

I hope that Huckabee decides not to run in 2012. He is a better talk show host than candidate, IMO.

Ok I'm Just Curious. You say that CNN, MSNBC, CBS are Biased, But FNC Has 2 republican presidential candidates on there staff?
Stardust Wrote:There is not a camera that Barack has not been intimate with.....

Or one that Bush hasn't lied to.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Ok I'm Just Curious. You say that CNN, MSNBC, CBS are Biased, But FNC Has 2 republican presidential candidates on there staff?
Maybe you should read my above posts a little closer. If you do, then you may notice that:

1. I did not say that FNC has no bias. I said that its conservative bias is not as strong as the liberal bias of MSNBC and CNN; and

2. I stated that I think that it is a mistake for Fox to employ probably presidential candidates.

If after reading my previous posts in this thread and carefully reading this one you still do not understand my position, just let me know and I will try rephrasing that position.

BTW, I detest Huckabee as a politician and I think that he is finished as a national candidate (thankfully). Huckabee has a following among the religious right but he has no credibility among fiscal conservatives and Republicans need to run a fiscal conservative in 2012 to clean up Obama's mess.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Or one that Bush hasn't lied to.

Do tell there junior!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Do tell there junior!!

Off the top of my head. Bush stated he watched the attacks of 9/11 live from a tv in the school building he was giving a reading speech at. He stated that he said "thats one terrible pilot"? correct? Well there was no live footage of the towers until after the second plane hit right?
Also i want you to watch this video. I know its a youtube video but just watch it.

[ame=""]YouTube- US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage[/ame]
The medias involvement with politics is really taking a turn in the worst way. Media has taken the driver seat in developing nothing but political propaganda by both parties (these two instances way two obvious). This will be good for the Rep. party to push the issue of the next election and will impose a stronger frame work for their next canidate. However, as I said both biased medias are way to regulated among the highers who control the messages that are delivered to us day in and day out and impose their political agendas. I would love for once a diehard rep or dem. have a regular day to day show on the opposing medias stations just to see how strongly the msg they would normaly present is regulated mainly due to the target audience.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Also i want you to watch this video. I know its a youtube video but just watch it.

:please:John Stewart?? Sean Penn?? Boy, now that's a real lineup of credible heavyweights you've got there. Why didn't you just go ahead and scan for more Youtube videos taken from Disney World while you were at it? Now I'd really be interested in seeing what Micky Mouse and Pluto had to say about the whole deal. I would take anything they offered as being more credible than anything Sean Penn or John Stewart blubbered on about. Perhaps we should have snuck Snow White into Iraq and let her seduce Sadam into telling us all his dirty little secrets. That's where we really messed up, no doubt.

Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, and Bush all acted on what information our CIA, our military intelligence, and various other worldwide intelligence agencies told as fact. Undeniable fact. Confirmed fact. If you want to accuse someone of lying try blaming the intelligence agencies that supplied the information. What is the Bush adminstration or any other presidental administation that might currently be in office supposed to base anything from, if not from those sources? Good Grief son, is that all you've got??? :zzz:

Also, please try to find back up material just a tad more profane the next time if you dont care.:eyeroll:
Mr.Kimball Wrote::please:John Stewart?? Sean Penn?? Boy, now that's a real lineup of credible heavyweights you've got there. Why didn't you just go ahead and scan for more Youtube videos taken from Disney World while you were at it? Now I'd really be interested in seeing what Micky Mouse and Pluto had to say. I would take anything they offered as being more credible than anything Sean Penn or John Stewart blubbered on about. Perhaps we should have snuck Snow White into Iraq and let her seduce Sadam into telling us all his dirty little secrets. That's where we really messed up, no doubt.

Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, and Bush all acted on what our CIA, our military intelligence, and various other worldwide intelligence agencies told as fact. Undeniable fact. Confirmed fact. If you want to accuse someone of lying try blaming the intelligence agencies that supplied the information. What is the Bush adminstration or any other presidental administation supposed to base anything from, if not from them? Good Grief son, is that all you've got??? :zzz:

Also, please try to find back up material just a tad more profane the next time if you dont care.:eyeroll:

thats why i said its a video from youtube. not all this is true. What about the 9/11 attack?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:thats why i said its a video from youtube. not all this is true. What about the 9/11 attack?

What about the 9/11 attack? What hill of beans does that mean about anything that matters about anything?

Tell you what Bub, I am certainly not a great fan of everything that Bush did or said, but I certainly felt safer with him in office than the bumbling bunch of imbisols that's supposed to be looking out for our nations security right now.

December 25, 2009, Detroit Metro Airfield. "The system worked". Janet Napolitano (United States Director of Homeland Security)

Good Grief!!!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Off the top of my head. Bush stated he watched the attacks of 9/11 live from a tv in the school building he was giving a reading speech at. He stated that he said "thats one terrible pilot"? correct? Well there was no live footage of the towers until after the second plane hit right?

Mr.Kimball Wrote:What about the 9/11 attack? What hill of beans does that mean about anything that matters about anything?

Tell you what Bub, I am certainly not a great fan of everything that Bush did or said, but I certainly felt safer with him in office than the bumbling bunch of imbisols that's supposed to be looking out for our nations security right now.

December 25, 2009, "The system worked". Janet Napolitano (United States Director of Homeland Security)

Good Grief!!!

Did you even read the first post.

Also It Worked? How did it work? What Did they Accomplish? Were still in a war with Iraq. Are economy is down the toilet and sees no chance of recovery. George Walker Bush undoubtedly remains the most incompetent and mentally challenged president the US has had to suffer, and should have been impeached long ago along with all the members of his Administration who led the United States Of America into a bloody, unnecessary, expensive war against Iraq. They are responsible personally for the deaths of more than four thousand U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the maiming of countless thousands of both groups.

The only good thing he ever done was he didn't die and leave us with **** Cheney as a president!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Did you even read the first post.

Also It Worked? How did it work? What Did they Accomplish? Were still in a war with Iraq. Are economy is down the toilet and sees no chance of recovery. George Walker Bush undoubtedly remains the most incompetent and mentally challenged president the US has had to suffer, and should have been impeached long ago along with all the members of his Administration who led the United States Of America into a bloody, unnecessary, expensive war against Iraq. They are responsible personally for the deaths of more than four thousand U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the maiming of countless thousands of both groups.
No it didn't work. Sheeesh, you dont even know what I was referring to. That was a quote from Janet Napalitano concerning the failed bombing attempt by the underwear bomber just this past Christmas day. And now once again you want to get on here and play Big Boy with all the other grown ups.

You have no earthly idea what you are even blubbering and rambling on about. Were you even born when G.W. Bush was in office? If so, then no doubt you were still in diapers. You amuse me junior!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:No it didn't work. Sheeesh, you dont even know what I was referring to. That was a quote from Janet Napalitano concerning the failed bombing attempt by the underwear bomber just this past Christmas day. And now once again you want to get on here and play Big Boy with all the other grown ups.

You have no earthly idea what you are even blubbering and rambling on about. Were you even born when G.W. Bush was in office? If so, then no doubt you were still in diapers. You amuse me junior!!!

So i missed what u was referring to. Mistake. But ur not even replying to anything i said.
Yea I wish i would have waited a few more decades so i didnt have to watch people i know and love die for some heartless *******.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So i missed what u was referring to. Mistake. But ur not even replying to anything i said.
Yea I wish i would have waited a few more decades so i didnt have to watch people i know and love die for some heartless *******.

It's got to be getting close to your bedtime. Good night junior.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:It's got to be getting close to your bedtime. Good night junior.

There you go avoiding stuff... Whats the point of the comments? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Should i say stuff like go take some Viagra old man. Its stupid. And you call me Immature.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There you go avoiding stuff... Whats the point of the comments? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Should i say stuff like go take some Viagra old man. Its stupid. And you call me Immature.

Night junior!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Night junior!!

Its the weekend, I Can Stay up As Long As I Want....

You have still yet to reply............
LoL Just like a fox on the run.
Dustoff67 Wrote:LoL Just like a fox on the run.

Good to see an Aviator on board. Are you still flying Medevac missions?

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