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Russell 74 - Boyd County 37
Boyd Co fans........ dont expect much more than you saw tonight. Gonna be a long season. Somethings got to give.:HitWall:
Maybe there worse than I thought!
I wasn't at the game, but I'm guessing that Russell is better than most people think they will be. Kidwell can coach, and if he has some horses, he knows how to ride 'em.

I'm not saying that Russell win will the Region, or anything like that. What I am saying is that, as this season rolls on, we'll probably see more games that Russell shows well.

As for Boyd, I hope they can improve as they go along. The athletes need to have confidence in themselves, and a win or two can go a long way toward that goal.
What has happened to Boyd Co.? They used to dominate the 16th.
I am just going to be honest. Honest I guess could be good or bad. I do not mean this in a negative way. Boyd County will always be great in my eyes, win or lose. These kids now adays are more worried about where the party is over the weekend, or who is getting the "supplies" for the parties. I am not saying Boyd Co basketball players. I am saying kids in general. You cant get the atheletes out as long as this is going on. It doesnt help that your coach degrades his players, and tells them how bad they are. Not speaking of rumors, I have heard it myself. It took everything those boys had to get the ball up the floor. Not taking anything away from Russell, but Boyd Co fans and players are notmused to being in the bottom of the boat. My opinion, time for a change. :1:
Until the politics stop in Boyd County this is what your going to get. Several top coaches with proven track records applied for that job last year but they were all passed over. Wonder Why?
Well, King Roger bailed after only one year. My guess is he saw what was coming down the pike, and wasn't gonna be rescued by a Ramey home kid anymore. So, somehow, I doubt that there were that many "top coaches with proven track records" beating the door down at Boyd begging for that job. Care to elaborate on who those Jr. John Wooden's that applied were?
wow another blowout on the first day!!
LIB MRDux Wrote:Well, King Roger bailed after only one year. My guess is he saw what was coming down the pike, and wasn't gonna be rescued by a Ramey home kid anymore. So, somehow, I doubt that there were that many "top coaches with proven track records" beating the door down at Boyd begging for that job. Care to elaborate on who those Jr. John Wooden's that applied were?

Nobody said John Wooden was knocking down the door smart a$$. How much coaching experience has the current coach got? Were did he last coach at? Thats right, he didnt!
BCLions Wrote:Nobody said John Wooden was knocking down the door smart a$$. How much coaching experience has the current coach got? Were did he last coach at? Thats right, he didnt!
Yep, genius, but you can't refrain from hacking on him when if Calipari himself was on the bench for BC last night, the score would have been the same. I wish Dave would hang it up, he doesn't deserve the ridicule he gets from those supersmart basketball gurus like yourself. Hey, here's a suggestion, why don't you throw your hat into the ring when Dave hangs em up? Good luck coach!:Thumbs:

Several proven coaches, give me a break. Still waiting on that list.
LIB MRDux Wrote:Yep, genius, but you can't refrain from hacking on him when if Calipari himself was on the bench for BC last night, the score would have been the same. I wish Dave would hang it up, he doesn't deserve the ridicule he gets from those supersmart basketball gurus like yourself. Hey, here's a suggestion, why don't you throw your hat into the ring when Dave hangs em up? Good luck coach!:Thumbs:

Several proven coaches, give me a break. Still waiting on that list.

I’m not going to post any coaches names on the board. If you think he was the only person to apply for that job then your a idiot. Obviously you’re too stupid to see my point. Certain people don’t care if they win or loose as long as there kid gets to play. Why do you think they hired him? Politics! I care about Boyd Co and I want them to win. You right, they don’t have any talent, but there is no need to compound the problem with someone with no experience at coaching. Explain to me why we should have to go through another 3 (if were lucky) win season with this guy?
BCLions Wrote:I’m not going to post any coaches names on the board. If you think he was the only person to apply for that job then your a idiot. Obviously you’re too stupid to see my point. Certain people don’t care if they win or loose as long as there kid gets to play. Why do you think they hired him? Politics! I care about Boyd Co and I want them to win. You right, they don’t have any talent, but there is no need to compound the problem with someone with no experience at coaching. Explain to me why we should have to go through another 3 (if were lucky) win season with this guy?
I'm "a idiot". And you're classy and terrific with grammar and spelling. Boils down to this, you can put lace on a turd, and it's still a turd. Boyd needs players. They have great kids, kids I have known for several years, and they play hard for Dave. Guess that's not enough. How in the frig is that political? If there were any chance in this world they'd have been mildly competitive, Roger would still be on the sideline. Phil Pratt didn't win many either, was his hire political? Was he a poor coach?

And to answer your question, which you don't seem to be able to do for me, why not let Dave, who is a Boyd guy and willing to give his time and sweat to the program, coach this bunch? You want experience as a head coach, well, is he not getting that? Once again, there aren't any coaches in this nation who can will this bunch to double digit wins. They'll be better as the season rolls along. First game and you're cutting his throat. Once again, the mentality that continues to doom Boyd looms large.
Just a few observations from the game. BC's gaurd play has to improve. at one point in the game the score was 25-2 and BC had only attempted 5 shots with 2 of them being airballs. Russell was on fire early and it just snowballed. BC couldn't get the ball down the floor with a majority of the TO's direct passes to Russell. BC can expect to get pressed every game from here on out and BC will get better on the press offense just with experience. It is hard to simulate in practice what a teams pressure will be like when you are doing it against your second 5. Now the players know what to expect and will get better. I am just glad this happened in the first game so the kids have time to work on their game. Some of these kids think they are better than what they are & the parents think they are 2 times better than what their kid thinks. If they watch a game film of this game reality will set in real quick. Can it be fixed yes, will it, that depends on how hard the kid wants to work on individual skills. Most high school players can hit open shots but at somepoint you have to be able to create your own shot and dribble around someone to score. Yes BC is down but it will get better. IMO Russell cant play alot better than what they did and BC can't play alot worse than they did so BC has a lot of room to improve & I hope they do next time they play Russell it will be alot closer. Good luck LIONS & to all 16th region teams.
LionEagle Wrote:Just a few observations from the game. BC's gaurd play has to improve. at one point in the game the score was 25-2 and BC had only attempted 5 shots with 2 of them being airballs. Russell was on fire early and it just snowballed. BC couldn't get the ball down the floor with a majority of the TO's direct passes to Russell. BC can expect to get pressed every game from here on out and BC will get better on the press offense just with experience. It is hard to simulate in practice what a teams pressure will be like when you are doing it against your second 5. Now the players know what to expect and will get better. I am just glad this happened in the first game so the kids have time to work on their game. Some of these kids think they are better than what they are & the parents think they are 2 times better than what their kid thinks. If they watch a game film of this game reality will set in real quick. Can it be fixed yes, will it, that depends on how hard the kid wants to work on individual skills. Most high school players can hit open shots but at somepoint you have to be able to create your own shot and dribble around someone to score. Yes BC is down but it will get better. IMO Russell cant play alot better than what they did and BC can't play alot worse than they did so BC has a lot of room to improve & I hope they do next time they play Russell it will be alot closer. Good luck LIONS & to all 16th region teams.
I have to disagree Russell got 13 players into the score book and they will only get better as the season goes on. 13 players out of 18 is pretty good depth in basketball.
GOREDDEVILS Wrote:I have to disagree Russell got 13 players into the score book and they will only get better as the season goes on. 13 players out of 18 is pretty good depth in basketball.

I'm not saying Russell will not get better they will, I was very impressed. It will be hard for them to shoot much better than they did in this game. Just this one game BC has alot more room to improve.
LionEagle Wrote:Just a few observations from the game. BC's gaurd play has to improve. at one point in the game the score was 25-2 and BC had only attempted 5 shots with 2 of them being airballs. Russell was on fire early and it just snowballed. BC couldn't get the ball down the floor with a majority of the TO's direct passes to Russell. BC can expect to get pressed every game from here on out and BC will get better on the press offense just with experience. It is hard to simulate in practice what a teams pressure will be like when you are doing it against your second 5. Now the players know what to expect and will get better. I am just glad this happened in the first game so the kids have time to work on their game. Some of these kids think they are better than what they are & the parents think they are 2 times better than what their kid thinks. If they watch a game film of this game reality will set in real quick. Can it be fixed yes, will it, that depends on how hard the kid wants to work on individual skills. Most high school players can hit open shots but at somepoint you have to be able to create your own shot and dribble around someone to score. Yes BC is down but it will get better. IMO Russell cant play alot better than what they did and BC can't play alot worse than they did so BC has a lot of room to improve & I hope they do next time they play Russell it will be alot closer. Good luck LIONS & to all 16th region teams.

An excellent post, LE. A lot of wisdom in that, and I especially agree with the point you made that "BC wll get better". These kids need someone to believe in them, and the situation will slowly turn.

Like Joan Rivers said to David Carradine, just before his trip to Thailand - "Hang in there".
LionEagle Wrote:I'm not saying Russell will not get better they will, I was very impressed. It will be hard for them to shoot much better than they did in this game. Just this one game BC has alot more room to improve.
they put 85 up on morgan in a scrimmage and i can't imagine this boyd team being better than morgan so They can do better. One thing that is certain is this group of devils can put the ball in the basket.
Its just the first game guys. Long road ahead. BC will improve I am sure. Keep your heads up.
Congratulations Russell and Kidwell
Looking at Boyd Co. Middle School, in your opinion, what does the future look like for Boyd Co?
wildcat44 Wrote:Looking at Boyd Co. Middle School, in your opinion, what does the future look like for Boyd Co?

I think they have some pretty good players in the Middle School. I think it will depend on if they play more than one sport. If they stick to baseball, football, and soccer then you will have more years of the same thing. I will say that the elementary league is now a total waist. Someone told me they had a total of 7 league games and didnt start until almost December. Thats not enough basketball in my mind. The program will be whatever they make it.

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