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Collinsworth to Harvard???
Heard on the Rich Brooks show/**** Gabriel call in show that Austin Collinsworth has got it in his head he can be a running back in the SEC and UK wants him to be Defensive Back or Receiver but he does not want that, but they said he had the grades and skills enough to play RB in the Ivy league for Harvard because supposedly thats what he is looking into, can UK sit back and let him slip through their fingers or give him a shot at RB or is he good enough to be a RB in a tough defensive minded SEC whats everyone's thoughts on this subject and would you like to see him in the UK Blue and White
I don't think he could play in the SEC as running back but that's just my opinion. UK has picked up recruiting and they get some pretty good backs now. Best of luck to him where ever he ends up.
Well if he can get into Harvard we certainly now know what abilities he got from his dad and which he got from his mom.
CatDawg Wrote:Well if he can get into Harvard we certainly now know what abilities he got from his dad and which he got from his mom.

:please: How so?
You have to be crazy to trun down Harvard, to go to UK. No one in there right mind would do that. In that case any Ivy league school.
Can you dig it? Wrote::please: How so?

That is the same question I am asking. Both parents were talented athletes and both highly educated and passed the bar exam; so looks to me that he got his abilities due to both parents. Just another person speaking about something they know nothing about.
sstack Wrote:Both parents were talented athletes and both highly educated and passed the bar exam; so looks to me that he got his abilities due to both parents.

Like Mike McConnell once said, "Cris Collinsworth is nowhere near as dumb as he sounds." (Keep in mind that I'm quite ancient and remember Cris when he came to town with that pseudo-Opie persona.)
He's no David Verser, but.......:eyeroll:
cj2561 Wrote:You have to be crazy to trun down Harvard, to go to UK. No one in there right mind would do that. In that case any Ivy league school.

I guess if he's planning on an NFL career, UK is the way. Not many Pat McInally's in the league anymore.
They said that he was trying to follow in the foot steps of his dad and that a NFL career is really a long shot not that he couldn't do it but the safer bet would be to go to Harvard get a grade A Education play RB in the Ivy League and who knows still maybe end up in the league as a return man or Defensive Back but at least he will get one of those top notch Educations not that he wouldnt get one at UK but well you know what i am trying to say
cj2561 Wrote:You have to be crazy to trun down Harvard, to go to UK. No one in there right mind would do that. In that case any Ivy league school.
Then why aren't the Ivy league schools the top programs in the country? Must be alot of crazy people out there. The Question should be why would you play at an Ivy League school vs. a big conference school?
Can you dig it? Wrote:Like Mike McConnell once said, "Cris Collinsworth is nowhere near as dumb as he sounds." (Keep in mind that I'm quite ancient and remember Cris when he came to town with that pseudo-Opie persona.)
He's no David Verser, but.......:eyeroll:
Sorry, if I offended any of you last night just trying to have a little fun. I'm sure both parents are well educated and I'll leave it at that. However, I was just taking a jab at the perception that his dad leaves during his many TV appearances. I think your quote above pretty well sums it up.:Thumbs:
Bottom-line, this kid is extremly talented, both in and out of the classroom. This young man has an outstanding future ahead of him. Too often we want to see these kids as the next coming of Walter Payton. I'm sure the Collinsworth's want him to be the next coming of....well, Austin!

Good luck in your decision AC, cause God knows you will have a lot of choices.
nky Wrote:Then why aren't the Ivy league schools the top programs in the country? Must be alot of crazy people out there. The Question should be why would you play at an Ivy League school vs. a big conference school?

Education would be more of a priority vs. football. Although the Ivy leagues play good football it is not major div. 1 football. Another reason for this is the requirements to get into a Ivy league school are much more demanding than playing Div 1 football. Harvard for example only accepts 2 players every year with scores under 30 ACT.
Caleb Watkins of Corbin, has also been contacted by Harvard to play football. It is hard to turn down the possibility of playing football and getting a great education no matter how blue you bleed.
he has a snowballs chance in **** IMO.....good luck wherever he says alot about someone that can go to the ivy league schools and play....congradulations to him
I also heard the Harvard thing on the radio... My team has got a bye week, and I was wanting to see the Highlands vs Ryle game... Is Collinsworth not playing? I guess I'm way behind.. please excuse me. But what happened?
hope he ends up at uk
CatDawg Wrote:Sorry, if I offended any of you last night just trying to have a little fun. I'm sure both parents are well educated and I'll leave it at that. However, I was just taking a jab at the perception that his dad leaves during his many TV appearances. I think your quote above pretty well sums it up.:Thumbs:

Nah, I know what you mean. Cris played that whole party-hearty bumpkin thing up when he arrived in Cincinnati back in 1981, but I think he realized it was pretty limiting. I don't think there's anyone in his line of work that can touch him at the moment, all due to hard work and preparation.
exFootballer Wrote:I also heard the Harvard thing on the radio... My team has got a bye week, and I was wanting to see the Highlands vs Ryle game... Is Collinsworth not playing? I guess I'm way behind.. please excuse me. But what happened?

He hurt his hand a couple of weeks back (broken? surgery?) and may have been ill of late on top of it. He didn't play against Scott and might be out for the Ryle game from what I hear. I don't pretend to have any inside info, so take this all with a grain of salt.
I really hope he can play against Ryle. exFootballer and I both are visiting that game Friday.
I agree with Stardust. This kid has loads of talent and he does/will have many options as to where he wants to continue his football career. I don't know anything about the situation, but I do know how good Collinsworth is.

Best of luck to Austin.
he is not sec runningback good maybe not even an sec player good

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