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Paranormal Activity (the movie)
Just watched this movie in Lexington.

I can without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best movie of it's genre I've ever seen.

It is flat out disturbing, and not in a gruesome, violent, kind of way, but the stuff that happens and the way it's shot is just really, really creepy.
whats it about??? ive never seen the preview of it
I think you can watch the trailer at

It will give you a basic idea.
Just started downloading this, I cant wait from all the hype.
csabo17 Wrote:Just started downloading this, I cant wait from all the hype.

What site do you use?
Kentucky MLB Micah Johnson said he couldn't sleep last night because of this movie.

I'll be in Lexington this weekend, so I'll have to try and get everyone I'm going with to watch it.
My 20 year-old daughter watched this over the weekend and had trouble going to sleep. She has said that it was the spookiest movie she has ever watched.
Normally piratebay,but it seems to be down lately. Mini Nova has this movie and i've not looked at it yet but the comments say its dvd quality because of the movie actually being released in 2007 to a film festival. They did mention that the theater version may have a different ending now though.
BTW EZTV is a great site to get tv shows from with no commercials at the end of the day. 30 min shows take about 22 min to watch and hour shows take 44. Saves me lots of time throughout the week.
Stardust Wrote:My 20 year-old daughter watched this over the weekend and had trouble going to sleep. She has said that it was the spookiest movie she has ever watched.

Ok now you guys have me not wanting to watch it, I know im not watching it alone now. haha How old am I?
Cant wait to see it
Watch it online (great quality):
I just watched it alone in my room in the dark and didn't find it very scary at all. There where a few parts where the unexpected happened, but nothing shocking. I do not like the ending at all. Maybe my expectations where to great, but I was really disappointed.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I just watched it alone in my room in the dark and didn't find it very scary at all. There where a few parts where the unexpected happened, but nothing shocking. I do not like the ending at all. Maybe my expectations where to great, but I was really disappointed.

I will say this, if you were listening to it on computer speakers, I think you may have missed out on some of the sound effects. There are some subtle visual things that may be hard to see on a computer as well.

I would recommend seeing it in the theater if possible. I think it's opening in more theaters today (Friday).

This movie also does not rely on things jumping out at you, or "shock factor." It builds to a very creepy ending. If you like shows like Ghost Hunters or any kind of similar show, then I think you'll like this movie. I think the freakiest thing about the movie is the way it's shot. It almost tricks you into thinking the movie is real, and puts you in the position of "what if this started to happen in my house."

I can understand that it will not be some people's cup of tea, but personally, I liked it.
From what I've read there are two different endings to this movie. One that was originally released at the film festival in 07, and the new one thar Spielburg suggested released in theathers.
This movie has made it to Pikeville! Wooooooo. Starts tonight.
csabo17 Wrote:From what I've read there are two different endings to this movie. One that was originally released at the film festival in 07, and the new one thar Spielburg suggested released in theathers.

There are actually 3.

To read the spoilers, click and drag your mouse below in the blank area, you will see the text when highlighting.

The ending I saw in theaters is the one where she throws Micah into the camera and then kneels over his dead body before coming at the camera with a demonic looking face. There are no credits, so the screen just cuts to black and says "Micah's body was found by police two days later. Katie was never seen again."

The alternate endings are as follows:

Alternate #1 (I've seen this one) - Katie kills Micah in the kitchen with a knife. She thens goes upstairs and sits in the room, rocking back and forth for a couple days. Her friend shows up at the house and sees Micah dead in the kitchen. The police show up 30 minutes later and search the house. They find Katie in the bedroom. She stands up and asks "Where's Micah?" while walking towards the cops. She still has the knife in her hand and she's still walking towards the police officers. She is told to put the knife down and to stop, but she doesn't. They cops shoot her and she falls to the ground. End credits come up saying "Dedicated to the memory of Micah and Katie."

Alternate #2 - Katie kills Micah in the kitchen and then goes upstairs and slits her throat in front of the camera.

I've seen one of the alternate endings on Youtube, but I assume they'll all be available on the DVD.[/COLOR]
Im going to be watching the original first, without spoilers which ones the best?
csabo17 Wrote:Im going to be watching the original first, without spoilers which ones the best?

Well, the "original" ending is actually one of the alternates. You can see the "original" ending from the movie when it was released independently in 2007 on YouTube.

The ending you'll see in theaters right now, is one that was recommended by Steven Spielberg and was added to the movie for this nationwide release.

IMO, the ending of this 2009 version is the better, but the 2007 ending ends the story without questions.

My recommendation: watch the version in theaters first, then go on YouTube and watch the 2007 ending.
****, im going to be watching the 07 version first. No good qualities are out yet for the 09.
I saw it at the theater last night and it was pretty good. Not really scary, but definitely eerie and gets into your head.It was funny seeing it in a Metro Atlanta movie theater that was packed because the reaction of some of the patrons was priceless. It sure beats the heck out of all these gorefest movies that people call "Scary Movies" anymore.
hope we get it in middlesboro probably wont though
I liked it....I thought it was going to be alot different than it was though. Had me freaked out last night for sure.
I have not slept right at all this week. I have to sleep with the tv on, kid you not.
This thread is to funny.
This movie scared my wife, but I thought it was pretty predictable..I felt like was I watching today's version of The Blair Witch. Didn't really find it scary.
Does the picture move around as bad as blair witch and cloverfield?
**** no!
CatDawg Wrote:Does the picture move around as bad as blair witch and cloverfield?

No, it's nowhere near that bad, and most of the movie, the camera is on a tripod, which keeps it stable.

The only time it's ever shaky is if one of the characters takes it off the tripod to go investigate something.

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