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Time spent in football practice
What is an appropriate amount of time needed to coach high school football? Pikeville seems to spend more time than any other school I have heard of. The coach might improve his results if he did NOT take it upon himself to try to run everyone of his players lives.

I think if the players go in and practice hard for about 2 hours without out lagging around and being lazy then a 2 hour practice would be a reasonable time.
Tomcat Wrote:What is an appropriate amount of time needed to coach high school football? Pikeville seems to spend more time than any other school I have heard of. The coach might improve his results if he did NOT take it upon himself to try to run everyone of his players lives.

Can you give some examples?
I think most coaches are knowledgeable enough to not overwork their players and spent the appropriate amount of time in the weightroom, film room, and field.

This is how I would manage time:
Saturday - OFF
Sunday - OFF
Monday - Watch film of last week (45 minutes)
.............Stretch (15 minutes)
.............Watch film of weekly opponent (45 minutes)
.............Field Practice Offense team and individual (45 minutes)
.............Field Practice Defense team and individual (45 minutes)
.............Conditioning (20 minutes max)
Tuesday - Watch film (1 hour)
...............Stretch (15 minutes)
...............Field Practice Offense Individual (30 minutes)
...............Field Practice Offense team (45 minutes)
...............Field Practice Defense team (30 minutes)
...............Conditioning (20 minutes max)
Wednesday - Watch film (1 hour)
...................Stretch (15 minutes)
...................Field Practice Defense Individual (30 minutes)
...................Field Practice Defense Team (45 minutes)
...................Field Practice Offense Team (30 minutes)
...................Conditioning (10 minutes)
Thursday - Watch film (1 hour)
................Stretch (15 mintues)
................Team Walkthrough Offense (30 minutes)
................Team Walkthrough Defense (30 minutes)
................Team Special Teams (30 minutes)
................Setting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string O, D, and Special Teams (30 minutes)
Friday - Watch film (1 hour)
............Relax with Teammates (20 minutes)
............Get to Stadium (90 minutes prior to kickoff)
............Special Teams and QB/WR warmup (30 minutes)
............Team Stretch (15 minutes)
............Individual Warmups Offense (5 minutes)
............Team Warmups Offense (10 minutes)
............Individual Warmups Defense (5 minutes)
............Team Warmups Defense (10 minutes)
............Rest prior to Kickoff (15 minutes)
Tomcat68 you going to be a coach someday.
I think 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day.
I'd love to be. It's one of my goals
Batpuff Wrote:Tomcat68 you going to be a coach someday.
I think 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day.

The young man has got his head on straight. I got a feeling he would make a good one:rock:
I think that the way a coach manages his practices on tuesday and wednesday are vital to sucess on friday night.....monday should be conditioning and team offense tuesday individual O and First D no conditioning wednesday should be individual D and first O thursday for special teams.
Tomcat, in order to be a good coach you are gonna have to do ALOT more than just what happens with your players at practice. Good coaches breakdown films of opponents, grade films of their own teams, and set up the field for practice (bags, cone drills, hoop drills--agility drills).
i think practices should last around 2 hours
Tomcat68 Wrote:I think most coaches are knowledgeable enough to not overwork their players and spent the appropriate amount of time in the weightroom, film room, and field.

This is how I would manage time:
Saturday - OFF
Sunday - OFF
Monday - Watch film of last week (45 minutes)
.............Stretch (15 minutes)
.............Watch film of weekly opponent (45 minutes)
.............Field Practice Offense team and individual (45 minutes)
.............Field Practice Defense team and individual (45 minutes)
.............Conditioning (20 minutes max)
Tuesday - Watch film (1 hour)
...............Stretch (15 minutes)
...............Field Practice Offense Individual (30 minutes)
...............Field Practice Offense team (45 minutes)
...............Field Practice Defense team (30 minutes)
...............Conditioning (20 minutes max)
Wednesday - Watch film (1 hour)
...................Stretch (15 minutes)
...................Field Practice Defense Individual (30 minutes)
...................Field Practice Defense Team (45 minutes)
...................Field Practice Offense Team (30 minutes)
...................Conditioning (10 minutes)
Thursday - Watch film (1 hour)
................Stretch (15 mintues)
................Team Walkthrough Offense (30 minutes)
................Team Walkthrough Defense (30 minutes)
................Team Special Teams (30 minutes)
................Setting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string O, D, and Special Teams (30 minutes)
Friday - Watch film (1 hour)
............Relax with Teammates (20 minutes)
............Get to Stadium (90 minutes prior to kickoff)
............Special Teams and QB/WR warmup (30 minutes)
............Team Stretch (15 minutes)
............Individual Warmups Offense (5 minutes)
............Team Warmups Offense (10 minutes)
............Individual Warmups Defense (5 minutes)
............Team Warmups Defense (10 minutes)
............Rest prior to Kickoff (15 minutes)

Nice post Tomcat68! I'm sure you'll be a coach one day and a darn good one!
Coach Jackson knows what he's doing, if you dont wanna play you dont have to, none of the players are forced to play here, we play because we wanna, we put our trust in him and we'll do whatever he asks of us
as coach always says.... "If it were easy, everyone would do it"
i wood have to say 2 hrs of practice is enough thats not counting the film time and strecthing just 2 hrs of hard practice no loafing

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