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GOP: After big fed spending 'Where are the jobs?'

By Will Lester, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON — Republicans concerned about the Obama administration's big spending on economic stimulus, energy and health care are asking, "Where are the jobs?"
"The president and Democrats in Congress claim this spending binge is necessary to put Americans back to work," House Republican leader John Boehner said Saturday in the Republican radio and Internet address. "They promised unemployment would not rise above 8 percent if their trillion-dollar stimulus was passed.

The administration was wrong, Boehner said. "Unemployment has soared above 9 percent. And now the president admits that unemployment will soon reach double digits.

"After all of this spending, after all of this borrowing from China, the Middle East, our children and our grandchildren, where are the jobs?" he said.

Since President Barack Obama's stimulus plan to trigger job creation was passed, the economy has shed 1.6 million jobs. The administration has focused instead on its estimate that the stimulus has created or saved 150,000 jobs.......
Remember the first 750 billion came under the Bush administration.
TheRealVille Wrote:Remember the first 750 billion came under the Bush administration.

So you're not even going to attempt to address the thread title, which is "Where are the jobs?"

Didn't think so.:flush:
jetpilot Wrote:So you're not even going to attempt to address the thread title, which is "Where are the jobs?"

Didn't think so.:flush:

I did address it, I stated that the first 750B was under Bush. It's not all on Obama, especially since it's only been 5 months since he took over. I will give the "working man's party" a little more time. I gave the "big business party" 8 years to screw us up. I got laid off under Bush and hired under Obama, it looks like it's working to me.
TheRealVille Wrote:I did address it, I stated that the first 750B was under Bush. It's not all on Obama, especially since it's only been 5 months since he took over. I will give the "working man's party" a little more time. I gave the "big business party" 8 years to screw us up. I got laid off under Bush and hired under Obama, it looks like it's working to me.

Let's be careful on casting the blame. The situation that we are in right now is due to the Banking Industry. It was the banking industry that allowed business and individuals that ability to borrow with no means to pay back. This is ultimately led to a market correction due to no money. This led to record Bankruptcy filings and people not paying their bills. This ultimately led to business not receiving payments from delinquent bill payers. and, all of this was a result of the Presidential supported "Banking Reform Act of 1999". This was during who's tenure??? It's was NOT Bush who got us in the mess that we are in right now!
:lmao: Workin man's party:lmao::Clap: Good stuff..
TheRealVille Wrote:I did address it, I stated that the first 750B was under Bush. It's not all on Obama, especially since it's only been 5 months since he took over. I will give the "working man's party" a little more time. I gave the "big business party" 8 years to screw us up. I got laid off under Bush and hired under Obama, it looks like it's working to me.
TidesHoss32 Wrote::lmao: Workin man's party:lmao::Clap: Good stuff..

Do you deny that the Democrats lean more toward protecting worker rights than Republicans? Democrats lean more toward the middle class(biggest class of workers) than Republicans? Democrats are historically more concerned with the middle class than big business. If you have anybody in your family that works for minimum wage, research which party votes to keep it low and which one fights to get it higher.
Are you denying that NAFTA came under the Clinton administration? NAFTA was one of the worst mistakes in the history of ANY administration. It cut the legs out of the American workforce, and NOW we get to suffer because of it. An independent (Ross Perot) correctly estimated that we would hear a "giant sucking sound of American jobs heading south of the border (Chevrolets being made in Mexico, anyone?)".. Bill Clinton said NAFTA would decrease illegal immigration, LMAO!!..Ross Perot said it would increase II....

The Democratic Party- The media's party. For what its worth, my vote went to Ross Perot, and Ill stick to my guns that he would have been one of the best presidents in the 20th century.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you deny that the Democrats lean more toward protecting worker rights than Republicans? Democrats lean more toward the middle class(biggest class of workers) than Republicans? Democrats are historically more concerned with the middle class than big business. If you have anybody in your family that works for minimum wage, research which party votes to keep it low and which one fights to get it higher.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Are you denying that NAFTA came under the Clinton administration? NAFTA was one of the worst mistakes in the history of ANY administration. It cut the legs out of the American workforce, and NOW we get to suffer because of it. An independent (Ross Perot) correctly estimated that we would hear a "giant sucking sound of American jobs heading south of the border (Chevrolets being made in Mexico, anyone?)".. Bill Clinton said NAFTA would decrease illegal immigration, LMAO!!..Ross Perot said it would increase II....

The Democratic Party- The media's party. For what its worth, my vote went to Ross Perot, and Ill stick to my guns that he would have been one of the best presidents in the 20th century.

TidesHoss32 Wrote:Are you denying that NAFTA came under the Clinton administration? NAFTA was one of the worst mistakes in the history of ANY administration. It cut the legs out of the American workforce, and NOW we get to suffer because of it. An independent (Ross Perot) correctly estimated that we would hear a "giant sucking sound of American jobs heading south of the border (Chevrolets being made in Mexico, anyone?)".. Bill Clinton said NAFTA would decrease illegal immigration, LMAO!!..Ross Perot said it would increase II....

The Democratic Party- The media's party. For what its worth, my vote went to Ross Perot, and Ill stick to my guns that he would have been one of the best presidents in the 20th century.
NAFTA was started by GW Bush. It wasn't completely finished before Clinton took over. Clinton signed it but Bush threw it on his desk.

Quote:Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1991 between the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it.

Before the negotiations were finalized, Bill Clinton came into office in the U.S. and Kim Campbell in Canada, and before the agreement became law, Jean Chrétien had taken office in Canada.
Quote:In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term, ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing into law to incoming president Bill Clinton. Prior to sending it to the House of Representatives, Clinton introduced clauses intended to protect American workers and allay the concerns of many House representatives

Quote:House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, by a vote of 234 to 200. Remarkably, the agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and only 102 Democrats.

Got anything else?
So if Bush told Clinton to jump, would Clinton respond, How high? I am neither Democrat nor Republican when it comes to NAFTA. I was against it then, and Im proud to tell those way back when, "I told you so". Well, even though Clinton was so anti-Bush and so anti-everything else the mean ol Republicans "threw on his desk", he definitely supported NAFTA (along with his precious wishy-washy Hillary) enough to push and sign it. If Clinton was so much for the "working man", why would he sign it?
TheRealVille Wrote:NAFTA was started by GW Bush. It wasn't completely finished before Clinton took over. Clinton signed it but Bush threw it on his desk.
Stardust Wrote:Let's be careful on casting the blame. The situation that we are in right now is due to the Banking Industry. It was the banking industry that allowed business and individuals that ability to borrow with no means to pay back. This is ultimately led to a market correction due to no money. This led to record Bankruptcy filings and people not paying their bills. This ultimately led to business not receiving payments from delinquent bill payers. and, all of this was a result of the Presidential supported "Banking Reform Act of 1999". This was during who's tenure??? It's was NOT Bush who got us in the mess that we are in right now!

Umm, no comment from anyone on the left? Or Right?

I find it very interesting that the Media does not touch this fact. Yet, those in the Financial Services Industry have understood this this as soon as the crash started.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:So if Bush told Clinton to jump, would Clinton respond, How high?

You must have forgot....Clinton did not inhale...
TidesHoss32 Wrote:So if Bush told Clinton to jump, would Clinton respond, How high? I am neither Democrat nor Republican when it comes to NAFTA. I was against it then, and Im proud to tell those way back when, "I told you so". Well, even though Clinton was so anti-Bush and so anti-everything else the mean ol Republicans "threw on his desk", he definitely supported NAFTA (along with his precious wishy-washy Hillary) enough to push and sign it. If Clinton was so much for the "working man", why would he sign it?
The House passed it, he merely signed it. I too am no lover of NAFTA but be assured it wasn't Clintons' idea as you suggested.
Stardust Wrote:Let's be careful on casting the blame. The situation that we are in right now is due to the Banking Industry. It was the banking industry that allowed business and individuals that ability to borrow with no means to pay back. This is ultimately led to a market correction due to no money. This led to record Bankruptcy filings and people not paying their bills. This ultimately led to business not receiving payments from delinquent bill payers. and, all of this was a result of the Presidential supported "Banking Reform Act of 1999". This was during who's tenure??? It's was NOT Bush who got us in the mess that we are in right now!

Good Post SD, I wanted to add this to your comment. In 2004 the Republicans held a hearing expressing their concerns about Fannie Mae and Feddie Mack and what could happen in the future if changes were not made. The video clip below show Barney Franks, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters among other Democrats denying anything was wrong they even said under the outstanding leadership of Frank Ranies, who I believe was paid millions of dollars just before the Government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.

Old School Wrote:Good Post SD, I wanted to add this to your comment. In 2004 the Republicans held a hearing expressing their concerns about Fannie Mae and Feddie Mack and what could happen in the future if changes were not made. The video clip below show Barney Franks, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters among other Democrats denying anything was wrong they even said under the outstanding leadership of Frank Ranies, who I believe was paid millions of dollars just before the Government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.

I was in DC during much of 2004 (not specific to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack hearings) and there was tremendous consternation about the health and stability of these two entities. My company spoke many times on Capital Hill warning of the demise of the financial system. I won't say that we predicted the economy that we are in, but the GOP and the Financial Services Industry was pre-warning congress for years. Those companies like AIG and Meryl were also preparing for a recession, it just came so fast that not many companies could get the ship turned before the disaster struck many of them.
Stardust Wrote:Let's be careful on casting the blame. The situation that we are in right now is due to the Banking Industry. It was the banking industry that allowed business and individuals that ability to borrow with no means to pay back. This is ultimately led to a market correction due to no money. This led to record Bankruptcy filings and people not paying their bills. This ultimately led to business not receiving payments from delinquent bill payers. and, all of this was a result of the Presidential supported "Banking Reform Act of 1999". This was during who's tenure??? It's was NOT Bush who got us in the mess that we are in right now!

So lose of jobs and the economy has been bad since 1999? And, who had the next 8 years to fix the problems and didn't?
Benchwarmer Wrote:So lose of jobs and the economy has been bad since 1999? And, who had the next 8 years to fix the problems and didn't?

You may want to read post # 15 and watch the video.
Benchwarmer Wrote:So lose of jobs and the economy has been bad since 1999? And, who had the next 8 years to fix the problems and didn't?

NO, the idiotic move by the President in 1999 caused the Banks to FAIL in 2008! Then everyone lost their job!
Stardust Wrote:NO, the idiotic move by the President in 1999 caused the Banks to FAIL in 2008! Then everyone lost their job!

So the banks failed under what idiotic president, Bush.
Benchwarmer Wrote:So the banks failed under what idiotic president, Bush.

Stardust Wrote:Clinton!

Clinton was in office the last 8 years to watch all of the economy go South?
Stardust Wrote:Clinton!

Clinton left office unemployment 3.9%.
Bush leaves office unemployment 7.2%
Who failed again?
Benchwarmer Wrote:Clinton left office unemployment 3.9%.
Bush leaves office unemployment 7.2%
Who failed again?

I assume by your avatar you are from Knott Co.?

I would think that it would be hard to support a guy that has brought the only source of income that your county posesses to it's knees, and has full intentions of completely abolishing your own very lifeblood. Just what do you people down there plan on eating in the future anyways?

Really finding your thinking hard to understand .

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