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LitTle Help Please
Can someone post the site rules? I can't find them.
1.Use common sense and be considerate and respectful toward all users. Diversity of opinion is encouraged here at BGR, however insulting or flaming another member because he or she doesn’t agree with you will not be tolerated. (This applies to everyone on the board, including staff members) Disagreeing with an idea or opinion of one is perfectly acceptable and is not the same as attacking that individual. An example of this would be calling someone a disrespectful name because you don’t agree with them. - Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.

2.You agree and understand that is not responsible for any material or content posted by our users. Our staff will strive to remove any inappropriate material from the public view as quickly as possible. Any questionable content posted will be moved and stored in a private area, not accessible by public users. This content along with your Username, Email Address, IP Address and your Internet Service Provider, (used to identify you if a criminal case or lawsuit are stored indefinitely). BlueGrassRivals reserves the right to use any illegal content you post against you. BlueGrassRivals reserves the right to forfeit anything you post to the appropriate authorities. We are only a distributor of content supplied by users of the chats and forums. In short, users are liable for any content, material, or any other information posted on this forum. (Remember, you are not anonymous behind your computer screen. Anything you do on a computer is easily traced.)

3.You agree not to post off-topic. We require that you keep your comments consistent with the subject of the thread. Deliberate disruption such as frivolous commentary will not be tolerated. Your post will be removed and you will receive a warning from a staff member. Your second warning will result in your account being suspended.

4.You may not post any content or links to content that is offensive, obscene, racist, abusive, or anything else that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.

5.You may not post any content or links to competitor sites within the state without written consent from Websites, excluded from this rule are,,, and Your post will be removed and you will receive a warning from a staff member. Your second warning will result in your account being suspended.

6.Please be respectful of the site and the staff of the site. If you have a complaint about the way the site is being ran, then please contact an Administrator and inform them of the problem, and it will be discussed among the staff. We here at Bluegrassrivals work very hard to make this site enjoyable for all, and we will not tolerate the site being downgraded in a non constructive manner in any way. Breaking of this rule would include: calling the board names such as lame, stupid, bad, etc., telling moderators/administrators that they aren’t doing their jobs right or questioning their status as a staff member and include any general bashing of the way the site is being ran.

7. Multiple accounts are easily detectable are will not be tolerated for any reason. If you are seen with a second account you will be warned, and perhaps temporarily suspended. Failure to follow this rule again will result in a permanent ban from the site.

8. Posting false or incorrect information will not be tolerated. If you are unaware of something such as a score or any information regarding a certain topic, then do not post it until sure. False threads and posts will be deleted and you will be warned.

9. Post padding will not be tolerated. Topics are there for your view pleasure but you are not required to post something in every one that you open. If you have no real opinion or knowledge on a subject, please move on to another one. Posting one word sentences like "cool" or things such as "I don't know" will be removed from the thread and will be deducted from your post count and points

10. Creating member names to mock or make fun of other member or real people is not allowed, nor are names that could be viewed as vulgar or offensive. You will be asked to change your name or your account will be suspended.

11. Threats or vulgar language sent to staff or other members in private messages will not be allowed at anytime by anyone, this only creates hard feeling and will result in a suspension with possible ban.

12. We ask that you, the user, attempt to use correct spelling, grammar, and capitalization when posting in the public forum. Posts that cannot be easily read will be removed by the Staff. Numerous unreadable posts can be grounds for an infraction or suspension from BGR.

13. Any attempt to reveal or hint at a person's identity in an open forum is grounds for immediate suspension. All users on this board have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose.

Failure to consent to these rules will result in an immediate suspension.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Can someone post the site rules? I can't find them.

I have two accounts, I created another while I was on vacation and couldn't remember my password, I wasn't trying to hide and be someone else, was never asked if I had 2 accounts, never said I didn't have 2 accounts. Just simply kept posting on both of them.
Thank you CE.
I thought that was against the rules?
Rules said it was easily detectable, guess not.
I'd look at number seven since you confessed.
Just sayin', the rules should apply to all.


Morehead State Eagle!
Wow. #7 "not be tolerated for ANY reason."
FYI, the multiple account has been permanently suspended.

As for your all's little rant about the moved thread in the shoutbox, I did not move it (someone else did) but I will remind you of this rule:

4.You may not post any content or links to content that is offensive, obscene, racist, abusive, or anything else that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.

We will not allow you to post a link to a chat room that contains anything that violates the rule above. We cannot moderate that chat room, therefore we cannot allow it to be associated with BGR. You all have every right to keep using the chat room, and by all means, go ahead, but we cannot allow you to post a link to a chat room that some may find offensive.
But how can you prove that the chatroom is offensive is my ? You have no proof..Unless you come in and witness it for yourself!
PC_You_Know Wrote:I have two accounts, I created another while I was on vacation and couldn't remember my password, I wasn't trying to hide and be someone else, was never asked if I had 2 accounts, never said I didn't have 2 accounts. Just simply kept posting on both of them.
If you didn't try to hide it, then on the Seth Curry to Duke thread, why did you say you were not a Valley fan on the Manis account? You are aren't you? So that is trying to hide it. You jumped on Ring Em Up on both accounts in that thread, that is hiding it. So, I am not buying that story.
What about the threads containing Myspace or Facebook links?? Those are the same thing..You dont moderate those..
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:But how can you prove that the chatroom is offensive is my ? You have no proof..Unless you come in and witness it for yourself!
And there are links all over BGR with links to myspace, youtube, etc... If the rule is to be enforced they can't pick and choose when to enforce it.
Good Point TH32...We are ALL INNOCENT! We haven't done a thing wrong tonight, and are being walked on from people who can and leaving us with a drop in the bucket..I will go ahead and tell you, and I PROMISE that almost EVERYONE ON HERE besides maybe 5-10 out of 5000, the site will not be the same when you start banning us and kicking us off. WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING and have been treated unfair because of our reputation..Just because we are the BGR MOB!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:But how can you prove that the chatroom is offensive is my ? You have no proof..Unless you come in and witness it for yourself!

All it took was viewing the chat rooms and taking screen shots to "prove" the chat room was offensive.

That is my proof.
Please show us those "screen shots" PI..
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Please show us those "screen shots" PI..

To do so would be a violation of the rules, now wouldn't it?
I bet someone has offensive stuff on their Myspace.
Can you take a screen shot of that?


Morehead State Eagle!
Can you C.E...Can you? That is the question that goes unnoticed for some reason?
ComfortEagle Wrote:To do so would be a violation of the rules, now wouldn't it?
I like what you did there with the yawning face. Nice touch. Because it's such not a big deal, that you stalked our chat and took screen shots,. K. Just checking.
There is a very big difference between social networking profiles and live, unmoderated chat rooms. One that, keep in mind, was specifically created in order to avoid the rules of BGR.

Your **** crazy, if you think we would allow the promotion of something like that.

That's like saying, "We don't like that BGR has these rules, so we're going to make our own sports forums so we can say and do whatever we want." And then trying to promote that new forum on BGR. Not gonna happen, get over it.
I can bouch for that hurley. I know my myspace is offensive
Well we liked to think of it as a General Discussion chat room.


Morehead State Eagle!
How did you become a Mod? Please inform us..?
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Can you C.E...Can you? That is the question that goes unnoticed for some reason?

Anyone "can" do it. Now if anyone out there feels that a MySpace or Facebook link is offensive, please refer the link and the thread to me or another staff member and we will remove it.

K, thanks.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:How did you become a Mod? Please inform us..?

How does that even matter? Are you questioning my ability to moderate this site? If so, I would like you to again read the rules.

But since you asked, I was one of the first to join BGR. I have been here longer than 98% of the members on this site. I have met QQ, he knows me, he felt I was capable and deserving of the position.
ComfortEagle Wrote:There is a very big difference between social networking profiles and live, unmoderated chat rooms. One that, keep in mind, was specifically created in order to avoid the rules of BGR.

Your **** crazy, if you think we would allow the promotion of something like that.

That's like saying, "We don't like that BGR has these rules, so we're going to make our own sports forums so we can say and do whatever we want." And then trying to promote that new forum on BGR. Not gonna happen, get over it.
No forum...just a place to hangout and chat in realtime with members that want to, and not have to feel like we are being babysat.
CE, I want to point out that you cencored a word in your post. Well I tried that once and got an infraction for it. Thats offensive and disrespectful to me. Just because Im not a mod dosnt mean I shouldnt be treated fairly.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:No forum...just a place to hangout and chat in realtime with members that want to, and not have to feel like we are being babysat.

And no one is babysitting you. Keep chatting there, chat all you want, but don't expect BGR to allow the promotion of that chat room on our servers.

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