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What Billy G told Meeks to do...
I think this kind of sums it up as to what kind of idiot coach we have. This was actually in the Miami Herald after the Florida game.

Quote, "We (were) at the free-throw line and Meeks was like, 'My coach just told me not to shoot the ball anymore,' " Shipman told The Miami Herald after the game. "I was like, 'Your coach told you not to shoot anymore?'
posted at 3/8/2009 1:42 PM EDT on Lexington Herald-Leader
zulu Wrote:I think this kind of sums it up as to what kind of idiot coach we have. This was actually in the Miami Herald after the Florida game.

Quote, "We (were) at the free-throw line and Meeks was like, 'My coach just told me not to shoot the ball anymore,' " Shipman told The Miami Herald after the game. "I was like, 'Your coach told you not to shoot anymore?'
posted at 3/8/2009 1:42 PM EDT on Lexington Herald-Leader

So this is what an opposing team's player said? Hmmm, OK, let's all take it as gospel! :please:
This is true. They talked about it on the news earlier and even asked Billy G about it. He said it was because he was forcing shots and wanted to win too bad.
Um, isn't that he is supposed to want?
sports-fan08 Wrote:This is true. They talked about it on the news earlier and even asked Billy G about it. He said it was because he was forcing shots and wanted to win too bad.
Um, isn't that he is supposed to want?

I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as wanting to win too badly. Meeks was forcing things, but I would always give him the green light if it's a good shot attempt.

This story was on as well.
sports-fan08 Wrote:This is true. They talked about it on the news earlier and even asked Billy G about it. He said it was because he was forcing shots and wanted to win too bad.
Um, isn't that he is supposed to want?

True, but Jodie does tend to force shots when he isn't getting his open looks. To many times against Florida, we missed a wide open PP underneath.
Stardust Wrote:True, but Jodie does tend to force shots when he isn't getting his open looks. To many times against Florida, we missed a wide open PP underneath.

That's not the point, no coach should ever tell a player that, even if it was Jarred Carter.
Stardust Wrote:True, but Jodie does tend to force shots when he isn't getting his open looks. To many times against Florida, we missed a wide open PP underneath.

But you never tell a player not to shoot the ball. He could have said, quit forcing shots, or take it only if you have it... Thats one of the 10 coaching commandments. And its stupid especially when hes half of your offense. I'd say Meeks will def go pro after the season... Just goes to show you how stupid Billy Gillispie is..
I guess since this get's so much pub, we will see exactly what BCG told him to do.
Stupid Billy G, hunh? He's the one making $3M, while we are the ones posting in an internet forum. We have it all figured out., Please!
Stardust Wrote:Stupid Billy G, hunh? He's the one making $3M, while we are the ones posting in an internet forum. We have it all figured out., Please!

Yeah, and he'll be the one back coaching at some small school because people figured out he can't match the hype.. :Thumbs:
mrfootball03 Wrote:Yeah, and he'll be the one back coaching at some small school because people figured out he can't match the hype.. :Thumbs:

Yep, the UK fanbase has it all figured out.........
Stardust Wrote:Yep, the UK fanbase has it all figured out.........

lol your hillarious... ignorance is bliss.. Confusedhh:
mrfootball03 Wrote:lol your hillarious... ignorance is bliss.. Confusedhh:

You are dead-eye perfect there, it's exactly what I was thinking
I was a big BCG supporter and took up for him......... I definitely don't like how he is stubborn and what not.... But I don't want him gone yet....... If we get rid of him after only 2 years we will not a get a good big name coach here.... nobody will come here if they get ran out after only 2 years....He will be here for one more year or two before he's gone if he doesn't do something.....
If he didn't want Meeks to shoot, maybe he should have taken him out at a pivotal time again...
TATE_64 Wrote:If we get rid of him after only 2 years we will not a get a good big name coach here.... nobody will come here if they get ran out after only 2 years...

I really don't like him, but that's really the only reason I am 50-50 on the situation. Although, you throw enough money at a coach, they'll leave anywhere.
TATE_64 Wrote:I was a big BCG supporter and took up for him......... I definitely don't like how he is stubborn and what not.... But I don't want him gone yet....... If we get rid of him after only 2 years we will not a get a good big name coach here.... nobody will come here if they get ran out after only 2 years....He will be here for one more year or two before he's gone if he doesn't do something.....
Roy Williams
Come on guys. Wasn'T he doing what he is paid to do coach? Like SD said Meeks tends to force shots(sometimes) and if PP was wide open any good coach would tell a guy don't force shots look inside. If you get your inside game going it will open up the outside then those shots wouldnt or shouldnt be forced. jmo
The way I see it, things are just backwards. I think from what I have seen Meeks should be sitting by the coach and telling him what he should do next. Doesn't it seem that the players have a better view of what to do than BG? Well anyway telling Meeks not to take another shot was certainly not the correct behavior for a professional coach but who's professional right?
I am sorry that it has not worked out at this point and from the next two years viewpoint i cannot see it getting much better just the same players not respecting the same coach and the same old "My Fault" routine. Too bad that Patterson.\,. Meeks and the rest are going to suufer for all this. Mitch you had beeter wake up and get to work and straighten all this out OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE ON THE BLOCK AS WELL.
someone needed to tell him that early in the season..... UK might have a better record then what they have now.... This is college not the pros, they can get by with it in the pro.
Kentucky Sports Radio is now reporting that the question was brought up to Gillispie during the SEC conference call and he denied saying it and that Meeks has the green light to shoot whenever he wants.
BCF4L Wrote:Kentucky Sports Radio is now reporting that the question was brought up to Gillispie during the SEC conference call and he denied saying it and that Meeks has the green light to shoot whenever he wants.

What a surprise.
He's a liar!
If he has the green light, then why did he pull him to the bench in the Georgia game?
Stardust Wrote:True, but Jodie does tend to force shots when he isn't getting his open looks. To many times against Florida, we missed a wide open PP underneath.

Meeks has no choice but to force things and take bad shots because they do not run any offense. I have not seen the first screen set for himall year, he just has to run around crazy until he gets loose from the TWO defenders guarding him and take what ever shot he can get off. It is sad he is such a gret player and we have a clueless coach that all he can do is just sit on the sidelines and grin because he doesnt know what to do. You would think after watching game films and see how other teams set screens against our man to man defense and get wide open shots all game long that a light would come on in head air head and say hey man maybe we should try setting a screen.
Give it up people, guys like Stardust and certain others think they know everything about UK basketball and what should or should'nt be done. The are so in the mix, according to them, maybe they should be the ones coaching. If that ever happened, UK would never win a game. Theres no point in saying anything about gillispie, because stardust thinks he has an answer for everything. Let them find out just like everybody else has that gillispie is a joke.
zulu Wrote:He's a liar!

:lmao: Pretty strong!
Well I bet this really helps his confidence!
he still hasn't even got his style of players in yet! so give him to the end of next and i bet you guys will all have changed your minds. some probably not you'll still be stuck in this years season. i just really think its hard to look like a good coach when you have stupid players. even PP said they do run plays but when people get out there they dont run them.
beasy_bo Wrote:he still hasn't even got his style of players in yet! so give him to the end of next and i bet you guys will all have changed your minds. some probably not you'll still be stuck in this years season. i just really think its hard to look like a good coach when you have stupid players. even PP said they do run plays but when people get out there they dont run them.


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