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Favorite Breed of Dog
What's your's? Everyone has their own personal favorite. Share your thoughts!:biggrin:
Boston Terrier Bulldog. My favorite dog was a Boston Terrier. I had her all 13 years of her life. She passed away from cancer almost two years ago :'( And it was tough. So those breeds will always have a spot in my heart. In second place would be a pug. I have had 7 in my lifetime.
I have a Cocker Spaniel
Don't really like dogs but if i had one it would be a Bull Mastiff
Jack Russell or Miniature Pincher.
I had a beagle hound for 15yrs. and he died last far the best dog I've ever had. I'm waiting to get another one in a few brother on the other hand got an English Bulldog and I'm a fan of those also.
Labs & Golden Retriever's
German Shepard.
Jack Russells
English Bulldog!
I would love to have one.
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:Boston Terrier Bulldog. My favorite dog was a Boston Terrier. I had her all 13 years of her life. She passed away from cancer almost two years ago :'( And it was tough. So those breeds will always have a spot in my heart. In second place would be a pug. I have had 7 in my lifetime.

king360 Wrote:Don't really like dogs but if i had one it would be a Bull Mastiff

Central_Cheer_Chick, I have a Boston, her name is Sicily (16 lbs) and I love her. She has so much attitude and is just a bundle of joy to have. Also, I have an English Mastiff named Xander (150 lbs). You could say that Sicily keeps him young because she plays with him like she is as big as him. I never thought I could love a dog so much, but they are like part of the family.
Black and White Boston Terrier's.
I would have to say my favorite breed is a Boxer even though I own 2 Pekingese that I love to death.
jack russell
German Shepherd for me
Boxer-we have one thats five months old right now, but several years ago I had three that I used to breed

Jack Russells-we currently have 4 with a litter due anyday
English Bulldogs, American Bulldogs, German Sheppard's, and Labs
English Pointers and English Setters
Chocolate Labs are my favorite.
Giant Mastiff, English Bulldog, and then of course my Husky.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Gotta be the Beagle
Jack Russell Terrier
Basset Hounds are my personal favorite.
A close second would be a chocolate lab.
Golden Retrievers.
I Like A Red doberman pinscher i use to have one until someone killed it was beautiful it was a female and she was about 4ft tall sittin down
Small dog - Pug

Large dog - St. Bernard
Alaskan Huskies
I LOVE my miniature collie (thats seriously obese, not to mention deaf)..Ive had this one for 10 years..I had one previously for 15 years and he died on Valentines Day '99, so the next month I found this one..they look just about the same except my first one had 4 white paws and a perfect white collar..but Ill always love and keep a miniature collie..
I love all dogs..PERIOD!, lol...VICK CAN BURN!

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