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Anyone getting pumped for District Tournament time?
I know I am!
Do you look forward to this time of the year?
What your thoughts about your district, or maybe other districts?


Morehead State Eagle!
Any District in the State is fun to me!! Just love tournament time and the atmosphere it brings to the gyms. Everyone is so in to it with school pep rallys and how everyone in the community gets behind their team! As a player the crowds are always bigger and it pumps you up a little more than a regular season game!! It's just great time of year, and good luck to every team!! It's do or die time!! Go Dawgs!!
Everybody loves tourney time.
District leads to Region. Region leads to State! Yes, this is the best time of the year!
i cant wait! our pep section gets louder than **** and its just the greatest. trust me, wherever we go, we will still have the homecourt advantage. our fans are dedicated. and, if the games during the day, what kid dosent want to get out of school to cheer on their team? lol

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