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Australian Travel Team
Here's a little information on the team that we have seen playing our HS's in Kentucky....

This is the third United States trip since 2002 for Trinity, a boys school of 1,200. Head coach Ben Morrissey thinks the trip affords the students an education in basketball and culture, even while they enjoy “summer” break.

“America is the home of basketball,” Morrissey wrote in an e-mail, “and the culture experience both our boys and the families they stay with is valuable for their development as basketball players and young men.”

Traveling players range in age from 14-17 years old and include three holdovers from the 2005 travel team: Nik Miljkovic, Kenny Carroll and Chris Christodoulides. Morrissey said the cost of the trip is about $6,000 Australian (roughly $4,000 American) and is paid for by parents and fundraising efforts — like most American travel teams.

Trinity flew into Indianapolis from Sydney on Nov. 29 and has already played games in Kentucky and Indiana and against other schools in Georgia. The itinerary to date has also included a visit to the Louisville Slugger manufacturing plant.
Thanks for the info. :thumpsup:
alfus21 Wrote:Thanks for the info. :thumpsup:


It's a pretty neat experience for all the young men. I would assume that the families have the chance to travel with these young men. I don't think I have heard of anything like this for teams in the states going elsewhere, but the chance to use sport for cultural gain would be incredible.
wow that is quiet a would be pretty kool to do something like that
Stardust Wrote:YW

It's a pretty neat experience for all the young men. I would assume that the families have the chance to travel with these young men. I don't think I have heard of anything like this for teams in the states going elsewhere, but the chance to use sport for cultural gain would be incredible.

There are programs in the US that do this, I get them in the mail a couple times a year inviting my son to participate, but just like in Austrailia, you have to pay, and pay a lot.

Good experience for the atheletes but expensive for the parents. The top players in Austrailia are not on these teams, just the one's that can afford to pay the participation and travel fees.

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