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NBA, NCAA to team up to improve youth basketball
Here is the huge announcement from the NCAA and the NBA.

A groundbreaking five-year, $50 million deal between the NBA and NCAA not only includes ambitious goals for overhauling youth basketball, but also marks a new level in the relationship between two powerful organizations that, until a couple of years ago, had never sat down together.

The as-yet-unnamed joint venture between the NBA and NCAA, which will be formally announced today at the Final Four in San Antonio, will develop programs to help assure that boys and girls get consistent, high-quality basketball training and education. The first visible sign of the new business will likely be a website launched for the 2008-09 season that will provide information and social networking for young players, teams, leagues and event organizers. Before that happens, though, the NCAA and the NBA will have to hire a chief executive and a staff, and figure out where to establish a headquarters. That may be influenced, NCAA President Myles Brand said, by which technology company they partner with on their Web presence.

Terms of the deal call for each side to commit up to $15 million in cash and another $20 million in joint marketing investment

Read the rest of the article here.

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