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The dangers of REAL ID. (mark of the beast?) Support no REAL ID in Kentucky.
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Quote:The Real ID - A National ID or Mark of the Beast?

Since early 2006, Irvin Baxter has been raising awareness of the Real ID Act which requires all U.S. citizens to receive a Real ID card by May, 2008. He speculates that it could lead to the Mark of the Beast in America. Could it, and should we refuse it?

Quote:[INDENT] There is a prophecy in the Bible that foretells a time when every person will be required to have a mark or a number, without which he or she will not be able to participate in the economy. The prophecy is 2,000 years old, but it has been impossible for it to come to pass until now. With the invention of the computer and the Internet, this prophecy of buying and selling, using a number, can now be implemented at any time. Has the time for the fulfillment of this prophecy arrived?
[/INDENT] Irvin fears that the Real ID act can possibly be the mechanism that turns into the Mark of the Beast for America, or "the legislation that will be used to enforce the Mark of the Beast in America if we do not get it reversed." Although he only asks people to pledge they will not vote for politicians who are not for the repeal of Real ID, he raises the question about whether he himself will feel comfortable with receiving card without which "you cannot buy or sell" in America, hinting that it could be dangerously close to the mark of the beast. He hopes somehow the Real ID Act can be repealed and thereby possibly make America one of the few nations that fight and reject the Antichrist's Mark of the Beast. He even says, "it's up to you to stop the Mark of the Beast" or refers to Real ID as the "Mark of the Beast Act."

Discusses more about the relation to the mark of the beast.

Quote: Without REALID you will not be able to:

Drive your car (already a privilege)
Board a plane, train, or bus (also a privilege)
Enter any federal building (a privlilege)
Open a bank account (yup... not a right.... a privilege)
Hold a job (ok, a right, but you need id now to get a job...)

States that have enacted legislation rejecting REAL ID



New Hampshire
North Dakota
South Carolina


I have heard religious people suggest this is the first step towards the mark of the beast. Are the religious people right, or are they just overreacting?
I'm pretty sure that we have a choice in whether we upgrade to the Real ID or the regular ones...
How is this different from a Social Security Card?
ComfortEagle Wrote:How is this different from a Social Security Card?

For me, the database is the problem. All my personal information (everything) about me will be stored in this centralized mega-database that eventually every company will have access/report to.

I think as individuals we have a fundamental right to privacy. We should have the choice of what we want to expose and who sees our most confidential information. Personally, I don't want my bank account info, credit card numbers, social security number stored on this database.

It really concerns me that in the future I might have to present a ID card (or even worse have an RFID chip implanted in me) in order to make purchases or access certain services. Because for this to happen the database will have to be online at all times and accessible by companies. If its online, hackers will eventually compromise and wreck havoc. There is no such thing as a impenetrable network. Hackers always stay a step of ahead of networking security efforts and they will ruin the lives of many by stealing their identities.

BTW, this is just not a ID system. It will be a way of tracking people. Taking away even more of our freedoms. (2008) says "[SIZE=2]REAL ID is not about identity but rather government authorization of activity. Individual rights and powers are being taken away. The government will authorize whether you can travel, have a bank account, get a job, or have access to Federal Courts and facilities. What were once inalienable rights are now privileges requiring government permission. "

Here are my major concerns straight from the

Quote:[SIZE=2]• Creation of a Megadatabase.
Databases that were once separate requiring individual warrants and permissions for access will now be linked. It is the creation of an open-ended database. A file with all your private information will be created and over time linked/expanded to include: copy of your birth certificate, social security number and account details, driver's record, home address, phone numbers, email addresses, parents and sibling information, associates information, medical records, educational records, political affiliations, travel data, arrest and conviction records, gun registration data, credit history, biometric information (particularly facial characteristics), fingerprints, and we expect will eventually include a copy of one's DNA.

Quote:[SIZE=2]• One stop shopping for Criminals and Terrorists.
All this information will be available to any DMV worker, anywhere in the country. The data on your license or ID card will be able to be called-up by any federal or state agency, anywhere.
Quote:[SIZE=2]• Privacy breeches will continue to be commonplace. Stolen identities will continue to be a common everyday occurrence despite implementation of REALID to any degree.
• Gross misuse of information for political agendas will become common. These cases will certainly be far less publicized. Tax audits and permit queries of political enemies is a typical tactic resulting in fees, penalties, and arrests. "Your papers are not in order!"
• False arrests over accuracy issues will occur. More likely then not there will be deaths during these arrests.
• Accuracy issues will continue to plague the program. Maintaining the accuracy of the information is an impossible task which the promoters of these programs are simply unwilling to admit.
• Private companies that deal with the information will get immunity from civil suits and even criminal activity. There will be cases of workers and management abusing the information.
• Private companies seeking commercial advantages will buy access to the information and will also misuse it.

Quote:[SIZE=2]• A Threat to Freedom.
"Your Papers, Please" is a phrase from the Soviet Union or a banana republic not a phrase we expect to hear in a free country. ID checkpoints will become commonplace - they will be disguised as seat belt checkpoints, ICE enforcement, or any of an assortment of safety checkpoints.
The USA keeps on amazing me at how we are slowly corrupting everything our forefathers wrote to make us free. Everything out ancestors have fought for is being stripped from us. THe government is just out for CONTROL OF THE CITIZENS. We are living in a country that is not truly free. The government will continue to invade our privacy and violate our rights by passing new laws that make old rights invalid untill they themselves basically have intel in all of our automobiles, houses, **** maybe even our skin. (Much like the soldiers sitting in the pilgrims houses before the Revolutionary War.) America is slipping farther and farther into the hole of un justness as every year passes. I dont think I would want to bring a child into today's society.

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