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Gay Jesus play angers church leaders
"Corpus Christi" is a play set to open Feb. 7 as part of Sydney's Gay and lesbian mardi gras festival. The play depicts jesus and his disciples as being gay. Jesus is seduced by judas and performs a gay marriage for two appostoles.

The play has been performed in the US and the writer recieved death threats from several sources including a islamic group.

What is everyones thoughts on this?

Does it mock jesus?
I don't know what to say about this but i think it is horrible but if they want to do it no one can stop them.
Yes it mocks Jesus and the people producing the play should be punished.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I feel it is a mockery toward jesus also. But I dont really think anything could be done to stop the play.

The director of the play says he feels it isnt a mockery at all, and thinks it brings debate into the Christian religion. I feel that is absurd.
Yes, it mocks Jesus, but there is also freedom of speech and nothing will be done about it. If you don't like it, don't see it.

If enough people don't see it...they'll pull the show.

Here is one of the saddest things from the article"

"Despite critical acclaim, the play provoked protests and bomb threats when it was performed in the United States."

It still amazes me at the number of people who feel that "blowin' somethin' up" will solve the problem.
I am a Christian, and the very ideas espoused by this play disgust me. However, I believe in personal freedoms, and if the people that made this play want to go ahead with it, that's their business.

The only thing I can do is refuse to support it by not going to see the play. Hopefully, everyone else will do the same and it will lose lots of money.

The only thing that would bother me is if this garbage was being funded with government grants. I absolutely do not want one penny of my tax dollars going to support this trash, and I don't think plays like this should receive any federal funding. However, if they want to use private money to put on the play, then that's their business.

Yeah I seen this on I believe it was yesterday, and seriously, I was speechless. To think that people have the audacity to go through with something this horrible, concerns me even more that this is the direction our world is heading into. And yes people, this is our hard earned tax dollars at work. Im sure some on this site will get on here and say "leave them alone, they're just practicing their freedom of speech (or religion if you can base this on it)" nonsense, and for those that do, for those that agree with this garbage (this play), then allow me to be the first to call you an idiot. Our world is out of control.
I absolutely feel the same way..
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:I feel it is a mockery toward jesus also. But I dont really think anything could be done to stop the play.

The director of the play says he feels it isnt a mockery at all, and thinks it brings debate into the Christian religion. I feel that is absurd.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Yeah I seen this on I believe it was yesterday, and seriously, I was speechless. To think that people have the audacity to go through with something this horrible, concerns me even more that this is the direction our world is heading into. And yes people, this is our hard earned tax dollars at work. Im sure some on this site will get on here and say "leave them alone, they're just practicing their freedom of speech (or religion if you can base this on it)" nonsense, and for those that do, for those that agree with this garbage (this play), then allow me to be the first to call you an idiot. Our world is out of control.

"...allow me to be the first to call you an idiot..."

"But if thou say to thy brother, 'you fool.'" ?
I really hate the idea to this. But what can you do?
This world is getting sick! I take that back, this world is getting sicker!
BFritz Wrote:Yes it mocks Jesus and the people producing the play should be punished.

Don't worry.....they will be!.............................................................................................................................................

:devilflam :devilflam
thecavemaster Wrote:"...allow me to be the first to call you an idiot..."

"But if thou say to thy brother, 'you fool.'" ?
BFritz Wrote:Yes it mocks Jesus and the people producing the play should be punished.

OH they will. It's called Blasphemy. :devilflam
These people are absolutely pathetic. I think they do it because its such a controversy, and the more people talk about it, the more money it will make and attention it will get.
OffTheHook Wrote:OH they will. It's called Blasphemy. :devilflam
So, if I understand your statement...and the cute little cartoon that follows, it makes you happy to think about the people involved in this play burning in that great mythic place called "****." Exactly how is that consistent with the mercy and compassion of your so-called Jesus, his grief at the loss of even one little one? Just maybe, the spirit so-called "Christians" demonstrate is a greater blasphemy to Jesus than some silly play.
It's a play. Why are people getting so mad about it? You're not in it. No one is forcing you to go watch it. Leave other people only. Goodness Gracious.
Of course it mocks Jesus, but if they want to do it then let them. Freedom of Speech, I don't have to watch it if I don't want to. Those people are ridiculous and I hate to see something like this but it IS there matter how much I disagree with it.
thecavemaster Wrote:So, if I understand your statement...and the cute little cartoon that follows, it makes you happy to think about the people involved in this play burning in that great mythic place called "****." Exactly how is that consistent with the mercy and compassion of your so-called Jesus, his grief at the loss of even one little one? Just maybe, the spirit so-called "Christians" demonstrate is a greater blasphemy to Jesus than some silly play.
Ok we get it you dont like Christions or anything we stand for. Let me put this in your terms
then. Say you had this "friend". This person was the best friend you ever had. They understood you more than anyone ever could. They helped you and was always there for you when you were down. When you needed saving they made the ultimate sacrifice for you because they loved you that that much. Tell me wouldnt you get upset if someone was out publicly spreading vicous lies about that person after all theyd done for you? Its like my dad used to say Christians arent perfect people but the one they follow is. I dont wish burning in an eternal fire on anyone. Because I know that at one time it couldve been me down there with the way I used to live my life. But as the Bible says "Satan is like a roving lion going to and fro on the earth seeking whom he may devour."
It is only a play. Leave it at that.
thecavemaster Wrote:So, if I understand your statement...and the cute little cartoon that follows, it makes you happy to think about the people involved in this play burning in that great mythic place called "****." Exactly how is that consistent with the mercy and compassion of your so-called Jesus, his grief at the loss of even one little one? Just maybe, the spirit so-called "Christians" demonstrate is a greater blasphemy to Jesus than some silly play.
That is real smart.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Ok we get it you dont like Christions or anything we stand for. Let me put this in your terms
then. Say you had this "friend". This person was the best friend you ever had. They understood you more than anyone ever could. They helped you and was always there for you when you were down. When you needed saving they made the ultimate sacrifice for you because they loved you that that much. Tell me wouldnt you get upset if someone was out publicly spreading vicous lies about that person after all theyd done for you? Its like my dad used to say Christians arent perfect people but the one they follow is. I dont wish burning in an eternal fire on anyone. Because I know that at one time it couldve been me down there with the way I used to live my life. But as the Bible says "Satan is like a roving lion going to and fro on the earth seeking whom he may devour."

Somewhere, in my religious memory, I remember a story something like what you suggested: a group of a Teacher's followers had their message rejected in a little town. They asked the Teacher if they should send fire down to destroy it. "...y'all don't know what kind of spirit you are of...didn't come to destroy human lives...came to save them." If the Teacher can take the contempt and ridicule and remain merciful, what should the followers do?
You would only do something like this to get attention.
thecavemaster Wrote:Somewhere, in my religious memory, I remember a story something like what you suggested: a group of a Teacher's followers had their message rejected in a little town. They asked the Teacher if they should send fire down to destroy it. "...y'all don't know what kind of spirit you are of...didn't come to destroy human lives...came to save them." If the Teacher can take the contempt and ridicule and remain merciful, what should the followers do?
Ok whats your point? Do you have one or do you want to post more rhetorical questions?
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Ok whats your point? Do you have one or do you want to post more rhetorical questions?

Read the post again, slowly... the point is that, if the myth is to be believed, that "jesus" can handle some unflattering things thrown his way without needing to "get you in a headlock" those who do it. Lighten up, Francis.
CarD_Krazi_5 Wrote:It is only a play. Leave it at that.
It mocks the Savior of our world, the LORD HIMSELF........ there's some things you just don't toy with, and this is the granddaddy of them all.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:It mocks the Savior of our world, the LORD HIMSELF........ there's some things you just don't toy with, and this is the granddaddy of them all.

You don't tug on Superman's cape, or spit into the wind, or pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger... or apparently create a play that is the least bit provocative about the supposed historical figure of Jesus. Of course, a gay Mohammed would bring about a jihad...wonder if the creators of this play have big enough ones for that.
thecavemaster Wrote:You don't tug on Superman's cape, or spit into the wind, or pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger... or apparently create a play that is the least bit provocative about the supposed historical figure of Jesus. Of course, a gay Mohammed would bring about a jihad...wonder if the creators of this play have big enough ones for that.

Jesus is also a big part of the Islamic religion. They actually have the gospel accounts the Koran.

Another thing though, you speak of the mercy and compassion of Jesus, but I don't believe you've actually ever read the Bible for yourself. If so, then you would know that mercy and compassion are only 2 of his traits. He also portrays wrath and vengeance, and He has every right to do so. If God created us, which the Bible says He did, then what right do we have to tell Him what He can or cannot do. Also, did you know that Jesus himself spoke more about **** than He did heaven. He spoke more about a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth than He did about his mercy and compassion. He came to guide us out of the dark and warned us about the direction we were heading.

If Jesus did that, then don't you think His followers should do the same. While, I admit that in many cases, christians want to pull judgement and tell people they are going to ****, but it's because we are all fallible, sinful humans - the only difference being that some are saved from **** because of their faith, while others are not because of their rejection. But it is done as a warning and can be done in a compassionate way if we are humble. It is not any human's right - whether believer or non-believer to sentence another to eternal punishment, but it is our duty to repectfully warn the ones who do not know.
BaseballMan Wrote:Jesus is also a big part of the Islamic religion. They actually have the gospel accounts the Koran.

Another thing though, you speak of the mercy and compassion of Jesus, but I don't believe you've actually ever read the Bible for yourself. If so, then you would know that mercy and compassion are only 2 of his traits. He also portrays wrath and vengeance, and He has every right to do so. If God created us, which the Bible says He did, then what right do we have to tell Him what He can or cannot do. Also, did you know that Jesus himself spoke more about **** than He did heaven. He spoke more about a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth than He did about his mercy and compassion. He came to guide us out of the dark and warned us about the direction we were heading.

If Jesus did that, then don't you think His followers should do the same. While, I admit that in many cases, christians want to pull judgement and tell people they are going to ****, but it's because we are all fallible, sinful humans - the only difference being that some are saved from **** because of their faith, while others are not because of their rejection. But it is done as a warning and can be done in a compassionate way if we are humble. It is not any human's right - whether believer or non-believer to sentence another to eternal punishment, but it is our duty to repectfully warn the ones who do not know.

When someone disagrees with a Bible thumper, they most always say, "I doubt you've read the bible." You obviously fancy yourself some sort of apologist for the Judaeo-Christian faith. However, it was not arguments that persuaded Peter was it? I thought it was faith revealed, not debated into the realm of belief.

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