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Eric Back a Bulldog now?
I heard this today? Anyone know any details?

Fr point guard from PCC...
Back did quit the team, he might be going to Hazard but as far of right now hes still at PC.
So what is the deal with him? Where is he going?
It doesnt look good on a kid when he transfers halfway thru his freshman year...
The rich get richer, Hazard gets another quality player. Don't know if he will be available this year or not. Just depends on how the transfer is handled
back needs to stay at perry central were he can get everything he wants.
Tailback44 Wrote:back needs to stay at perry central were he can get everything he wants.

Such as ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
he switched today.
saw him walking down the hall.
idk if PCC released him yet....
WOW!!! This will make Hazard even better than they already are. Id say he will fit in real good there.
It would suprise me if he played for Hazard this year because of the transfer work, even where he did transfer the a school in the same county because of the KHSAA and they're laws.
If ruled eligible is he gonna get any playing time over Josh Whitaker?
H e would not be eligible this year.
HOF14th Wrote:If ruled eligible is he gonna get any playing time over Josh Whitaker?

Lord no, i dont they are many point guards that are nearly as good as Josh Whitaker, I think he may be one of the best point guards to come threw the 14th and think he will make a good player in the years to come.

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