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My puppy
Well she wasn't a puppy, she was around 10 years old. But she was the best, most loyal, most sweet dog you'll ever see. She was hit by a car or four wheeler, we're not sure of which. It has absolutely broken my heart and I can't imagine her not being there when I wake up in the morning. I shouldn't have any tears left, but they just keep coming. Pleaaase remember me and my family in your prayers because we have truly lost a member of our family. Sad

Here's Molly... the best dog on the whole planet.. thats what I told her all the time.
I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine what you are going through. I wouldn't know how to act if something happened to one of my girls.
I'm sorry for your loss... I know how hard it is to lose a dog that you love so much.
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

She was a beautiful dog! I pray that you and your family feel better. My dog passed away of cancer a few months ago and I honestly felt like I lost my sister. She was almost 14 years old.

Just remember all the cute little times you've had together. I know that no other dog will replace her, but a new puppy kind of helped me cope (then again we already had 6 dogs, but Sydney had been there the longest and was my fave).

Best wishes*
I know how it is to lose a dog that means the absolute world to you, its a tough pill to swallow. But you and your family are in my prayers.

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