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Landon Slone
I agree with you baller. Some people may say well he had 21 so he was hoggin the ball. Well the kid probably only missed 5-8 shots all night and most of those were in the 4th. He is a clutch player and hits the big shots at the right time. If P-burg could have gotten him, and kept Bentley, there wouldn't be anyone that could come close to P-burg in this region. But s*** happens I guess.
yeah, bcf4l they may say he is a ball hog and takes a lot of shots but when u take 25 shots and only miss 5 and keep hitting the shots needed hell shoot the lights out....
He does shoot a lot, But, what amazes me is his poise for a freshman. He also has some pretty good hang time, can change his shot in mid air, can handle the ball, is very tough, ............................I could go on and on :lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't wait til we see him in 3 years. Can't wait til we see Paintsville in 3 years. Remember, Van Hoose, Grimm, and Bundy are no slouches.
Pburg would be tough with Bently and Slone, but last I remember bcf4l you were dogging Slone after the game a few weeks ago. Slone is tough and I look forward to watching these Tigers play for the next several years to come.
Yes Jkwon you are right. He tends to shoot a bit much even when he is struggling. I think when you are struggling, you need to give the ball up more than he did against P-burg. He is a young player and he will learn to do that with time. Other than that he is a great player.
There's a lot of players that P-burg should have. Slone, Bentley, and Lafferty.

About Slone, he was amazing last night.
This kid is amazing as of now he is my POY i think he is better than what bentley ever thought of being at this age
he is an excellent ball player but he is jus a step ahead of jacob bryant, daniel harmon( 8th grader plays alot like landon actually) and mark bartley
"kyfootballfan" Wrote:he is an excellent ball player but he is jus a step ahead of jacob bryant, daniel harmon( 8th grader plays alot like landon actually) and mark bartley

If they are just a step behing Landon (which would make them batter than Bentley, Friend, and Tackett) then why don't they get to play any? :roll:
"blackcatfan4life" Wrote:I agree with you baller. Some people may say well he had 21 so he was hoggin the ball. Well the kid probably only missed 5-8 shots all night and most of those were in the 4th. He is a clutch player and hits the big shots at the right time. If P-burg could have gotten him, and kept Bentley, there wouldn't be anyone that could come close to P-burg in this region. But s*** happens I guess.

Glad to see you changed your mind about Landon bcf4l :wink:
Landon is simply incredible...the kid loves basketball and i know how much this game meant for lose really hurt but he still has three more years and he will be playing with a lot of ppl his age, so look out for Slone and the Tigers, they will be something special, if Slone can keep this us
Does anyone know how many points he finished the season with?
well bryant does play for valley averge 5-6 points in a very limited roll but i believe had 40 in a cppl of jv games
harmon isnt in high school

bartley goes to er
"kyfootballfan" Wrote:well bryant does play for valley averge 5-6 points in a very limited roll but i believe had 40 in a cppl of jv games
harmon isnt in high school

bartley goes to er

Landon would have averaged 40 a game in JV, Paintsville wouldn't have even lost a JV had these freshmen been playing.
I wonder how mayn Slone would have averaged in freshman ball, if paintsville had a freshman 50 a game or seomthing lol
Landon is an incredible player and he's a freshman. IMO better then the majority of the upperclassman in the region. He may take a ton of shots, but rarely ever misses. If I was a ball player and I'm sure a ton of people could agree - if my team gave me the ball that many times a game, and the coach and players let me shoot without having a problem with it... I WOULD SHOOT IT!! He's led they're team to MANY victories and without him IMO the tigers wouldn't have played in the regional tournament last night. He's got 3yrs. left and he and Paintsville will be a major threat in the 15th for the next 3 years.
this, he has great potential to go D1 after like to see this kid play for UK someday. he played amazingly last night...51 against the best tema in the region right now...good game kid..better luck next season
If he can grow maybe 3 inches he will be major D1 material.
"kyfootballfan" Wrote:he is an excellent ball player but he is jus a step ahead of jacob bryant, daniel harmon( 8th grader plays alot like landon actually) and mark bartley
The players that you mention are very fine players...but do you actually believe that any of these players could score 51 pts. against Valley? :roll:

If Slone is just a step ahead of them it is one helluva GIANT step.IMO Smile
Yes i agree Landon had a great performance last night. Imagine how good he will be his senior!!!!!!!!!
Slone is a HUGE step ahead of the others that were mentioned his age, hell he is a step above some sophmores and juniors
the only thing he lacks right now is experience and that is what this year has given him...Slone to me is definately D1 material, i look to see him playing in the sweet 16 a couple times before he graduates and to be signed by a mjor college (hopefully UK)
"blackcatfan4life" Wrote:Yes Jkwon you are right. He tends to shoot a bit much even when he is struggling. I think when you are struggling, you need to give the ball up more than he did against P-burg. He is a young player and he will learn to do that with time. Other than that he is a great player.

Glad to see your opinion of the kid has changed.
IMO the best player in the region
slone is deffinetly top 5 in the region as a freshman thats out 15th when hes a senior
that was an incredible performance last nite, to do that as a freshman is unreal. Congrats to the boy, keep it up.
Yea, to be a freshman that is unreal.
Ya know, I'm sure these guys you mentioned are real good and all, but I'm pretty sure they don't compare to Landon, he is unreal... and yes Landon is a better player than Kristofer looking at their freshmen years... Bentley wasn't a threat to drive the ball until a few games into his junior season... Slone will take it to you and penetrate all night long.
I had heard the hype about him for about a week before I could see him play. I kept thinking, there is no way a freshman could do the things people are saying. Well, I was wrong. I have now had privilege to see Slone as well as the privilege to see this Paintsville team dominated by freshmen, at least 17 times this year.

This team is very fun to watch. They all play hard and leave everything on floor each night.

It has amazed me all year watching Slone. He has shown me something different each night. Some kind of stutter, move, dribble, or something defensive.

I'm going to enjoy watching the Tigers for the next 3 years. Better call Lex Vegas and get Motel rooms for the next 3 years in March.
"sportwhiz" Wrote:I had heard the hype about him for about a week before I could see him play. I kept thinking, there is no way a freshman could do the things people are saying. Well, I was wrong. I have now had privilege to see Slone as well as the privilege to see this Paintsville team dominated by freshmen, at least 17 times this year.

This team is very fun to watch. They all play hard and leave everything on floor each night.

It has amazed me all year watching Slone. He has shown me something different each night. Some kind of stutter, move, dribble, or something defensive.

I'm going to enjoy watching the Tigers for the next 3 years. Better call Lex Vegas and get Motel rooms for the next 3 years in March.

I agree whiz, I believe he uses the pump fake down low better than anyone. Get's the defender up in the air and moves his body around him or draws the foul. Very intelligent for a Frosh.
Yes he is so outstanding, i look for him to go straight to the NBA and be an instant success. LEBRON who?? :roll: :roll:

Well 51 in a game is a very excellent performance, but they still LOST so it doesnt really mean jack, i mean last time i heard it was a team game and the big W is what matters.

I expect some turmoil in paintsville in the next few years. Every one of those guys will be fighting over the ball. Id be surprised to see them win 1 region if that, but i guess as long as slone gets his 30 its alright.

Anyone heard of Ervin 1,2 Stepp he averaged 40 + a game but look what his team did, nothing. He ended up going to alice lloyd, scoring is not what these college coaches want to see. Its who can make their team better and win games.

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