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Dems Need Help For Midterms
Well it's election season, and so it's officially and unashamedly back to what works for the Democrat Party. As is now on full display in the Kavanaugh hearings, Dems are busy telling people not to believe their own lying eyes. So for the next two months, no lie will be too absurd, nor any truth too sacred for them to trample. Thus distortion, misdirection, taking undue credit for the work of others, all while blaming Republicans for the Democrat mistakes of the past 8 years, is in season once again. Stopping there for the moment, sets aside all the unfulfilled promises.

But thank the Lord for video tape!! Because such will be the daily fare from among the charges of racism, and politically correct though asinine drivel which consumed the Obama Presidency. How could President Trump ever hope to do anything as important as gender neutral public bathrooms and showers, right? Or who could forget about our armed services being ordered to use their precious allocations of tax dollars during the insanity of sequestration, on sex change operations for confused troops? But in the manner which characterized the last administration, every possible lie that can be spoken about Republicans and their record, will be spoken. And it will require all hands on deck to keep all the contradicting sound bites before the eyes of the voting public if we want to understand the straight of it. So who would the Dems reasonably entrust to direct the midterm campaign and fulfill their dreams to take back the people's House? Why Barack Obama of course, the guy who said his climate control measures were a 'powerful rebuke' to terrorists around the globe. Confusednicker:

Building a veritable matrix of propaganda worked against John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012. Dems are convinced it will work again in 2018. What else have they really got other than character smears and false accusations? Consequently in MR Obama's recent speech, we've seen the rollout of the new propaganda campaign intended once again to turn reality on it's head. I mean, it ain't like he held back anything in his caustic comments against Republicans. His administration was the one which fomented all the riots and town burnings, but if you listened to him all that was instead blamed on Republicans. And then he had the nerve to defiantly ask "what has happened to the Republican Party?" The shroud of deceit is falling again. But the Dems cannot deny all the incredible successes, so they'll just step up and take the credit for themselves and blame Republicans yet again. Problem solved!!

Conversely, Republicans intentions are and rightly so, to run on the incredible economic surge occurring since election evening 2016. But in strictly following the play book, we just heard Obama state that America owes the present economic surge to him. Not President Trump who is just a "symptom" and not the cause. Absolutely nobody with good sense would buy into this latest trip to fantasy land, but you can bet his smug, mocking, and impudent tone will be nonetheless undiminished.

Of course, Obama is the same guy who told us living with ISIS was now a way of life that we must from that point on, embrace. That would be the same ISIS MR Trump just eradicated in the span of a mere 9 months.

Obama is the same guy who said that a 10 plus point unemployment rate, and the 1.5 percent per annum economic growth, were the "new norms." And of course that was George W's fault, not his. He also said among the new normals, were the hundreds of thousands of lost industrial jobs, that he claimed were lost forever. Renegotiating NAFTA or confronting North Korea would have been just too unthinkable for the Mom jean sporting, 21st Century thinking Obama. The all knowing Obama even declared that President Trump would need some sort of "magic wand," to create the new jobs he promised and asked, 'where are all these new jobs going to come from?'

And of course, President Trump and the American people he actually does serve, have enjoyed many many more achievements since. But Obama, in direct contradiction to his own mocking words, is now claiming credit for the vastly improving US financial fortunes anyway. So what's it going to be, is 1.5 % the new normal as we were told? Or was this all part of his master plan? :please:

People might forget fast in the political arena, but the feelings of national shame in the face of dishonesty in high places hasn't had time to pass us by quite yet. Trump Tower WAS wiretapped BTW.
Dem's will say anything to get their way. To them, no lie is too profoundly absurd, nor too great a breach of ethics to put out there. To wit Senator Diane Feinstein (D) CA, ranking member on the Committee of the Judiciary, has magically come up with a letter from an anonymous source charging Judge Kavanaugh with sexual misconduct. From back in high school no less. The anonymous letter writer will not press the matter, nor will she come forward. Diane gave it to the FBI anyway. Not because she is too lily white to employ a Chinese agent in her government office for say, 20 years of so. But because her sensitivities are just so delicate where they may apply to sexual misconduct that she just had to turn the matter over to the FBI. :please:

People who make charges of impropriety against candidates or nominees without cause, no matter whom they may be, should be charged with slander and/or obstructing a political campaign or nomination.

But despite the mountains of existing evidence, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Orr (and many others whose names have surfaced in the news repeatedly), have all gotten passes to date. Dems might as well use a letter written by The Man in the Moon to start an investigation. Meanwhile, where the good Senator Feinstein would happily tag in the FBI over a letter from somebody who refuses (supposedly) to be identified, 65 women who are willing to be identified have risen in support of SC nominee Kavanaugh. Define irony, Dem supporters accuse Trump supporters of being dumb.
What with the supposed imminent coming of the blue wave this fall, one would think the Dems would be prone to pull those liberal horns in. But in the way they’ve gone after Brett Kavanaugh, and with their continuing ruthless and baseless attacks against the President, it’s obvious that overwhelming contempt has driven the frothing Dems over the edge.

Thus Senator Diane Feinstein’s 11th hour gamble is very likely to blow up in Democrat faces, and the blue wave may well turn out to be a red tide.
Any attack on a sexual predator or a man who mocked a disabled reporter is warranted. Full stop.
4_real Wrote:Any attack on a sexual predator or a man who mocked a disabled reporter is warranted. Full stop.

Lol. Try rereading what you wrote and see if you really think it makes any sense.

With regard to Judge Kavanaugh, IMHO.... There is no way he did a thing to professor Ford. The whole thing is another totally made up Democrat shenanigan. A complete lie hatched within the septic innards of the DNC meant to defraud a great man AND the people of the United States, of a superbly qualified Supreme Court justice.

If Republicans can hold both houses this fall we will finally see the full extent of governmental corruption. The swamp are terrified because they all recognize that their stonewalling and subversions of the past two years will not stand past the midterms, putting them all in peril. For that reason and the ones I am about to mention, voting in the midterms this fall represents the most critically important vote in the history of this nation. Most Democrats have already tried Kavanaugh in liberal kangaroo court, and have gone on national TV to pronounce him guilty of attempted rape. Thus to return Democrats to power, would guarantee the return of Americans being ruled by the politically correct insanity of the Obama era. Not to mention the fact that we can kiss national security and the 10 Trillion dollar economic recovery goodbye.

President Trump hasn't done one thing to hurt this land, the results of his presidency are only unqualified success. Kavanaugh meanwhile, is VERY likely an entirely innocent man. I mean seriously. How many teenaged boys, especially from back in the relatively calm 70's, would have been capable of trying to rape a classmate at a very public party? I don't buy it for a second.
So, let me see if I have this right. The people of the United States along with the U.S. Senate will now wait until Thursday, for Prof Ford to get her hair done and possibly catch up on her favorite TV shows.

Meanwhile no one other than Dems have even seen the alleged letter in question. All of this in the face of virtual blood oaths by said Dems to block the President's nominee from times of record prior to the release of his name. Prof Ford should have been held to last Friday's deadline.
The deadline was extended to Friday night, then Saturday morning, then Saturday night and finally Thursday. Four of the eye witnesses that Prof Ford said were there have already made public statements to the contrary.
^^ It's so absurd it would be hilarious if the fate the Supreme Court did not hang in the balance. No corroborating witness, and you can bet Feinstein never dreamed Republicans would get busy immediately investigating Prof Ford's named witnesses. At least Grassley got his ducks in a row on that matter.

BTW, I watched the game last night. That has to be the best sig ever. :hilarious:
There is still time for the momentum to swing, but at this moment, Democrats are winning the battle for control of Congress. Given the state of the economy, Republicans should be cruising to tightening their grip on both houses of Congress, but that is not what is happening.

I fault the weak political leadership of the Republican Party. Trump, Ryan, McConnell, and the entire GOP leadership team in Congress should be hammering home their economic record. Instead, we get off message tweets from Trump and repeated back pedaling on the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings from leadership in Congress.

Ultimately, Kananaugh's fate rests in the hands of twin dim-witted RINOs Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. McConnell and the GOP should have lowered the boom on those two years ago and this country would not be in this mess. Ditto for turncoat John McCain. Those three have been a cancer in the GOP that should have been dealt with a long time ago, even if it had resulted in short term political losses.

Sadly, there is no party discipline in today's Republican Party - from either the White House or Congress. Instead of publicly humiliating Jeff Sessions with criticism that should be communicated behind closed doors, Trump should be demanding Rosenstein's recusal from overseeing the Mueller investigation. Better yet, Session should demand Rosenstein's resignation. Too many issues that distract from a solid record of accomplishment have been allowed to persist deep into the Congressional campaign season.

Republicans are giving Democrats all the help that they need to take control of the House and maybe even the Senate - one unforced error after another has turned what should have been a GOP wave into coin toss.
If you didn't get groped and/or grope someone in high school I don't believe you ever went to high school. Also, of all the problems I have had in life, and like everyone else there have been quite a few, the high school grope thing never even got on the radar even back then, much less years later.

This is a nutty political hack and her crazy picture they keep showing on TV is much more likely to cause me to have nightmares than any groping I have experienced.
jetpilot Wrote:If you didn't get groped and/or grope someone in high school I don't believe you ever went to high school. Also, of all the problems I have had in life, and like everyone else there have been quite a few, the high school grope thing never even got on the radar even back then, much less years later.

This is a nutty political hack and her crazy picture they keep showing on TV is much more likely to cause me to have nightmares than any groping I have experienced.
It is a shame that this country has reached the point that an unsupported 30+ year old allegation by a Democratic activist whose mother lost a court case over which a Supreme Court nominee presided may derail the career of an extremely well qualified judge with a spotless record.

I don't know whether Republicans have caved on her demand that Kavanaugh responds to her allegation before she testifies to the Senate, but if so, that would be a very spineless concession.

Quote:Dershowitz: 'Disturbing' to Say Kavanaugh Accuser Should Be Believed Without Due Process

Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, took issue with the fact that many lawmakers, pundits and celebrities have apparently assumed that Ford's allegation is 100 percent accurate.

"Are women born with a special gene for telling the truth and men with a special gene for lying?" Dershowtiz asked. "I don't believe her. I don't believe him. I have an open mind. I want to hear both sides of the story and make a determination."

"That's what the American system of justice is all about."

In another interview, Dershowitz blasted Ford for demanding that Kavanaugh testify about her allegations before she does. He said that Ford should testify first and failure to do so would be denying Kavanaugh due process.

IMO, Dershowitz has represented Trump's positions better than any lawyer who has been on his payroll. He is very liberal, but I can't imagine Alan Dershowitz ever betraying a client's confidence the way that Michael Cohen has, or taping his private meetings with the POTUS or any other client without their knowledge.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is a shame that this country has reached the point that an unsupported 30+ year old allegation by a Democratic activist whose mother lost a court case over which a Supreme Court nominee presided may derail the career of an extremely well qualified judge with a spotless record.

I don't know whether Republicans have caved on her demand that Kavanaugh responds to her allegation before she testifies to the Senate, but if so, that would be a very spineless concession.

In another interview, Dershowitz blasted Ford for demanding that Kavanaugh testify about her allegations before she does. He said that Ford should testify first and failure to do so would be denying Kavanaugh due process.

IMO, Dershowitz has represented Trump's positions better than any lawyer who has been on his payroll. He is very liberal, but I can't imagine Alan Dershowitz ever betraying a client's confidence the way that Michael Cohen has, or taping his private meetings with the POTUS or any other client without their knowledge.

Yes. One of the few remaining liberals who believes in the Constitution.
jetpilot Wrote:If you didn't get groped and/or grope someone in high school I don't believe you ever went to high school. Also, of all the problems I have had in life, and like everyone else there have been quite a few, the high school grope thing never even got on the radar even back then, much less years later.

This is a nutty political hack and her crazy picture they keep showing on TV is much more likely to cause me to have nightmares than any groping I have experienced.

If I understand it correctly, they were Freshman at a party where everyone was drunk. He attempted to grope her. Hmmmmm…..I think I may have been sexually assaulted! Right before I slapped the hell out of a drunk man!

Another accuser has come forward. She admits that she was totally wasted on the night in question and has HUGE gaps in her memory. Yet the NYT saw fit to publish her story. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Also what happened to punishment of those refusing to turn over evidence? (Dipsy Dianne)

Kavanaugh is a white, male conservative. Otherwise, this story would be nothing more than gossip fodder.
I said last week the slimy Dems would search high and low until they dug up someone else willing to play he said/she said. There is nothing these people won't do. Republicans have 2 options: confirm Cavanaugh or let Dems win by default, with no evidence. I say confirm. I personally believe Cavanaugh on the SCOTUS is more valuable than all the worthless Republicans in the Senate combined.
jetpilot Wrote:I said last week the slimy Dems would search high and low until they dug up someone else willing to play he said/she said. There is nothing these people won't do. Republicans have 2 options: confirm Cavanaugh or let Dems win by default, with no evidence. I say confirm. I personally believe Cavanaugh on the SCOTUS is more valuable than all the worthless Republicans in the Senate combined.

You have the 3 "pretend to be republicans" in Collins, Murkowski, and the Flakey one just dying to play John McCain and throw the whole party under the rug, just to get their 5 minutes in the spotlight.
jetpilot Wrote:If you didn't get groped and/or grope someone in high school I don't believe you ever went to high school. Also, of all the problems I have had in life, and like everyone else there have been quite a few, the high school grope thing never even got on the radar even back then, much less years later.

This is a nutty political hack and her crazy picture they keep showing on TV is much more likely to cause me to have nightmares than any groping I have experienced.

Or wanted to be.
What really makes me physically sick is that these outlandish claims dilute the real victims of sexual abuse.
^^ I agree Ballmom. And frankly along those lines, the left have seen to it that the ridiculous has overtaken those things which are real across the board in this country. But only because the Republicans have willingly laid down for them.

The President's, was the lone voice of reason addressing political correctness during the campaign. And IMHO, such personal bravery in not fearing to speak out on things that are right is one of the main reasons he was elected. And except for a rather few brave souls such as Rep's Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows, and Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, many Republicans have failed miserably in supporting the people's choice for President. In further substantiation of character worthy to lead this nation, other than Benjamin Netanyahu, I can not think of another person in history who's had the gumption to stand in the well of the UN as the President did yesterday and lay out the unvarnished truth. Remember Obama's UN performance in further pushing the video propaganda line? And that, a full two weeks after US Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed as the result of the United States' shamefully backing down to terrorists in Benghazi. Well, the state department backed down. Those brave US soldiers sure didn't.

But despite the fact that keeping the Congress in the hands of Republican majority is critical, (the actual odds of losing same are far less than the rabid media are saying BTW), as has been pointed out by Seger and Jet, voters still have some BIG problems to deal with in facing down the RINO's. Eight of them are threatening to vote against Kavanaugh; They are Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Bob Corker, R-Tenn.; Mike Enzi, R-Wyo.; Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; James Lankford, R-Okla.; Jerry Moran, R-Kan.; Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; and Ben Sasse, R-Neb. In failing to properly vet such candidates in recent decades, we voters have allowed our nation to be decimated by our enemies and listlessly naïve politicians. I believe many voters have wrongly assumed that only quality people manage to survive the elective process for high office. To wit, there is not one Democrat that I would trust as far as I could throw him/her. And this President has contributed in no small degreed to 'out' the ample stable of RINO's who enjoyed the cover of lurking in the shadows until late. Paul Ryan for example.

I agree with Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. Republicans, especially Senator Grassley, had better not let the Democrats steal this nomination from the people. There will be h**l to pay! And the worst of it all is how patently dishonest the whole thing is on it's face. Chipmunks are less naïve than some Republicans.
Heaven help us. Only after the official Judiciary Committee investigation of Brett Kavanaugh had ended, (gaveled out by Majority Leader Chuck Grassley) and we were on our way to scheduling the committee vote did America learn about the so-called anonymous letter charging Kavanaugh with sexual misconduct from Prof Ford. An act of desperation according to most Republicans on the committee, whereby Dems were attempting a hail Mary ploy to end, or at least stall the Kavanaugh nomination until after the midterms. So what did the Republican leadership do? They ceded two full weeks to the Dems, which of course resulted in the soap opera we've witnessed on TV during that period.

Now it would be different if anybody with a glimmer, bought into the idea that Dems really believed what they were pushing in the first place. But then in snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory, Senator Jeff Flake cuts a side deal with the Dems. Not of one of whom IMHO, have acted with the first shred of honor in all of this. And worse, on the heels of what was surely a career defining moment for Senator Lindsey Graham yesterday, today he comes out and unravels that historic and notable work for the people by supporting the wavering Jeff Flake.

So here's where we are now. Democrats who have abandoned the legislative process in favor of the end run, which has been to adjudicate the conservative majority into submission through the courts in recent years; have now pushed the weak chinned Republican into the following. It seems now we will do as the Dems have insisted, and give yet another week away, while effectively transferring the power vested in their hands by the US Constitution, to the FBI. That would be yet another FBI investigation of epic import BTW. Wonderful news.

Let's see, two week ends and five week days would add up to another nine day delay. What are the odds that more women will make even more charges of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh during that period?
This morning was day 1 of the "week" granted to frothing Democrats. And bright and early this morning 'USA Today' had already delivered the first salvo against Judge Kavanaugh.

USA Today got slammed on social media after publishing an “evil” article saying Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should stay away from coaching girls’ basketball because of sexual assault allegations.

“The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around,” reads the article by a staff sportswriter.

And for the coming week, we can bet there will much more putridity to come. So congratulations Mr Flake, and thank you for demonstrating for us why moderate Republicans (RINO's) such as yourself, could never deliver any form of governance to the people. You couldn't even manage to cast a single vote without somehow finding a way to kiss-up to Democrats. All you are IMHO, is steamroller fodder for the Democrats who will have their way of die trying. And what new evidence was revealed during the hearing which has set your weak chin to quivering with awe here? Let us review: Prof Ford doesn't even know in what town this was supposed to have happened, much less how she got to the alleged party or how she got back home. Supposedly, this whole affair is based in dealing with some kind of psychological gobbledygook known as 'repressed memory' and as such is highly suspect to say the least. Further, these repressed memories were brought back to light under hypnosis. :please: No wonder she can't find anybody else who knows what she's talking about. But of 'HER' four named witnesses, under penalty of felony now mind you, all have said they don't know what in the heck she's talking about. Three of them go so far as to totally refute Ford's completely ambiguous claims to the point that they deny being together at any party with the good Prof at all, and none were ever at a party that Brett Kavanaugh attended, "with or without Prof Ford."

Therefore, not only can Prof Ford not demonstrate that Brett Kavanaugh was ever at a party at which she was present, Prof Ford can't even demonstrate that she was there either. Nobody can put either of them at any kind of party together, just as Kavanaugh has stated. Flake is an example of a man who campaigned on conservative principles but does not himself possess those principles. Therefore he has not the force of character nor the integrity to represent the Arizonan's who elected him to office in that manner. He'd be a far better fit for the lemming-like ranks of the Democrats, who are told what to do on everything by cryin Chuck. The midterms are upon us and good riddance. ABTW, whatever nastiness comes to pass over the coming week may be laid directly at your feet.
What is a 15 year old girl doing at a high school party drinking??? I'm NOT blaming the victim, but some common sense ought to brought into this. Not one question about her sobriety was even asked.

To be quite candid, I found her testimony to be credible. Aggravating but credible. I also think there is a much darker side to this. She kept that babyish tone in her voice the entire time and would look over her glasses, smiling almost flirtatiously at Sen Grassley.

What if, she really was sexually attacked? I believe she was. AND I believe she is totally nuts. Instead of really caring for this woman and getting her help, I think she was used by the Dem party. It's sick and very extreme, but I am totally convinced that this was a plan by the Dems and that stupid Flake, to sabotage his hearing.

I feel sorry for her. I hope she finds her peace.

I also am totally convinced that Kavanaugh is innocent. His diary was shocked full of stupid stuff. Everything from f--- to farts. Exactly what you would think you'd find in such a diary.

I hope he and his family find their peace.

Oh, and lastly, Mitch McConnell makes me want to hurl.
Granny Bear Wrote:What is a 15 year old girl doing at a high school party drinking??? I'm NOT blaming the victim, but some common sense ought to brought into this. Not one question about her sobriety was even asked.

To be quite candid, I found her testimony to be credible. Aggravating but credible. I also think there is a much darker side to this. She kept that babyish tone in her voice the entire time and would look over her glasses, smiling almost flirtatiously at Sen Grassley.

What if, she really was sexually attacked? I believe she was. AND I believe she is totally nuts. Instead of really caring for this woman and getting her help, I think she was used by the Dem party. It's sick and very extreme, but I am totally convinced that this was a plan by the Dems and that stupid Flake, to sabotage his hearing.

I feel sorry for her. I hope she finds her peace.

I also am totally convinced that Kavanaugh is innocent. His diary was shocked full of stupid stuff. Everything from f--- to farts. Exactly what you would think you'd find in such a diary.

I hope he and his family find their peace.

Oh, and lastly, Mitch McConnell makes me want to hurl.

Right up to the part where everyone she said was at the party refuted it outright and/or had no knowledge of it. Which was right after the part where she didn't know when or where the party was or how she got home after. She's bat sh!t crazy and whatever issues she has have nothing to do with Cavanaugh. I hope she gets the help she desperately needs as soon as the Democrats are done with her.
She was at party I think, just not the one Kavanaugh attended. And you are right, when this is over and she's no longer needed, she will be discarded. BUT, there's a bright side. She now has 5 GoFundMe pages and her collective total is approaching $900K
Granny Bear Wrote:What is a 15 year old girl doing at a high school party drinking??? I'm NOT blaming the victim, but some common sense ought to brought into this. Not one question about her sobriety was even asked.

To be quite candid, I found her testimony to be credible. Aggravating but credible. I also think there is a much darker side to this. She kept that babyish tone in her voice the entire time and would look over her glasses, smiling almost flirtatiously at Sen Grassley.

What if, she really was sexually attacked? I believe she was. AND I believe she is totally nuts. Instead of really caring for this woman and getting her help, I think she was used by the Dem party. It's sick and very extreme, but I am totally convinced that this was a plan by the Dems and that stupid Flake, to sabotage his hearing.

I feel sorry for her. I hope she finds her peace.

I also am totally convinced that Kavanaugh is innocent. His diary was shocked full of stupid stuff. Everything from f--- to farts. Exactly what you would think you'd find in such a diary.

I hope he and his family find their peace.

Oh, and lastly, Mitch McConnell makes me want to hurl.

Agreed, and here's the thing. We've seen the olive branch extended by over emotional Republicans with a combo of savior and martyr complex for decades, and it absolutely never works. John McCain cited the divide between Republicans and Democrats when he shot down the repeal of ObamaCare, (for which we have since continued to pay dearly for I might add) In doing so he completely overlooked the fact that Democrats ran ObamaCare down the throats of those who would actually be paying for same, and Dems frankly mocked them for it openly. And McConnell thinks that because he has protected the Senate filibuster rule, the Dems will continue to honor the rule once they are returned to power. I'd be shocked if they did.

So now here we are and believe me there are many more examples of such kowtowing on the part of Republicans to cite. But in just hitting the high spots, after every possible show of malice that the Dems could muster on the Kavanaugh matter, we've got Lisa Murkykowski, Susan Collins AND last but not least Jeff Flakey, insisting on doing the same old/same old with this Supreme Court nomination. And though the President is criticized (often rightly so) for speaking off the cuff, he's right on what he said about the real truth behind what the Dems have done here. Not to mention how right Lindsey Graham was. Dems are trying to claw their way through to the midterms in denying Kavanaugh his seat. By then they think they'll once again have control of the Congress and they can go back to recent days when La-La Land lunacy was the driving force of government.

Most people have had their fill of liberals passing laws and writing regulations such as ObamaCare and free everything, so that illegal aliens and the rest of the listless people can spend carefree lives bellying up the entitlement bar. But the day Dems do regain control, that's exactly what people with jobs can expect.
Granny Bear Wrote:She was at party I think, just not the one Kavanaugh attended. And you are right, when this is over and she's no longer needed, she will be discarded. BUT, there's a bright side. She now has 5 GoFundMe pages and her collective total is approaching $900K

Yeah, she's so sheepish she gets all confused and flustered about complex things like gofundme accounts. Wonder how much trouble she'll have figuring out how to spend it all.
Granny Bear Wrote:She was at party I think, just not the one Kavanaugh attended. And you are right, when this is over and she's no longer needed, she will be discarded. BUT, there's a bright side. She now has 5 GoFundMe pages and her collective total is approaching $900K

She should be able to afford the best shrinks in the country.
BTW she says she is 100% sure it is Kavanaugh. That's really the only thing she seems to be sure about. Too convenient. I'm sorry, call me insensitive, but attempted groping through clothes does not equal sexual assault anyway. This whole thing including the way it has been handled stinks to he!! and back and now Jeff Snowflake being bullied by those mean women in the elevator has put me near the edge.:insane:
Ok I'll make a joke and some will get mad but hey that will make 2 of us...
Since Kavanaugh was a minor teen when this alleged attempted groping through 2 layers of clothes of another minor teen happened, what would the penalty be for that offense...go to your room and no supper?:ChairHit:

Yes I may be losing it...:insane:
^^ It gets worse. Within the premise of Prof Ford's charge was that not just one, but two 17 year old high school football players, had one 15 year old girl at their mercy. Trapped upstairs in a house with the intent as Prof Ford told it, to rape and possibly kill her. By accident or otherwise. She was nonetheless able to prevail against them in the physical sense and run someplace, although she does not recall where that may have been. :pondering:
Day 1 of the "week" granted to frothing Dems.

Just heard on Fox News that some of the Demoncrats are already pushing to expand the supplemental FBI probe opened on Judge Kavanaugh. Shocker!
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ It gets worse. Within the premise of Prof Ford's charge was that not just one, but two 17 year old high school football players, had one 15 year old girl at their mercy. Trapped upstairs in a house with the intent as Prof Ford told it, to rape and possibly kill her. By accident or otherwise. She was nonetheless able to prevail against them in the physical sense and run someplace, although she does not recall where that may have been. :pondering:

And didn't warn her best friend or try to help her escape.

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