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Traffic/Parking fines - Set amount or Percentage of income?
$50 dollars is $50 dollars (duh).
To some people, $50 bucks isn't that much money.
To some people, $50 bucks is a lot of money.

Here's my question..... should Traffic & Parking fines be a set amount for everybody or set based on a percentage of your income?

A $50 dollar parking ticket for somebody that makes upwards of $75,000+, $50 dollars is nothing. Yeah, it may suck to deal with it, but the actual fine doesn't really mean hurt and offers no deterrent.
A $50 dollar parking ticket for somebody that makes minimum wage is big hit to their monthly net income.

Let's say tickets range from 7%-13% of your monthly income, depending on the type of infraction. Have the person provide W-2's from their employer and base the fine on their combined net income. I know people make money from different sources other than their job that they probably wouldn't disclose unless subpoenaed to. Government assistance recipients would have to have some type of percentage as well, instead of having them pay a fine, have the amount removed from a future payment. I know there is loophole after loophole dealing with the issue, but I think the principle idea of making a fine actually mean something to people on every income level is something that is long overdue.
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Pulp Fiction Wrote:$50 dollars is $50 dollars (duh).
To some people, $50 bucks isn't that much money.
To some people, $50 bucks is a lot of money.

Here's my question..... should Traffic & Parking fines be a set amount for everybody or set based on a percentage of your income?

A $50 dollar parking ticket for somebody that makes upwards of $75,000+, $50 dollars is nothing. Yeah, it may suck to deal with it, but the actual fine doesn't really mean hurt and offers no deterrent.
A $50 dollar parking ticket for somebody that makes minimum wage is big hit to their monthly net income.

Let's say tickets range from 7%-13% of your monthly income, depending on the type of infraction. Have the person provide W-2's from their employer and base the fine on their combined net income. I know people make money from different sources other than their job that they probably wouldn't disclose unless subpoenaed to. Government assistance recipients would have to have some type of percentage as well, instead of having them pay a fine, have the amount removed from a future payment. I know there is loophole after loophole dealing with the issue, but I think the principle idea of making a fine actually mean something to people on every income level is something that is long overdue.
One of the socialist Scandanavian countries has such a system. Fortunately, our Constitution provides equal protection under the law for all citizens. I am pretty sure that levying fines of different amounts for different people is unconstitutional - and rightly so.
^^ Right, but man is our Constitution under siege.

No offense to Pulp Fiction, but we're always about the task of righting wrongs it seems. And we almost never succeed. Expand that mindset and you have the ridiculousness which characterizes modern day governance.

Inexplicably, though we can find the motivation to regulate mud puddles on private land, and suppose ourselves able to 'save the planet' from the imaginary threat of thousand foot tall tsunamis, we are ok with rogue regimes going nuclear. That though Scripture states that owing to our incredible intellect, we can do anything we can imagine. But despite his incredible intellect man has, given enough time to acclimate, the ability to ignore just about any real existential threat, while shuddering in fear at the imaginary ones such as global warming, which is anything but proven. In the case of M utually A ssured D estruction for example, we've gotten so accustomed to living under the cloud of nuclear eradication that we've developed a sort of Stockholm Syndrome-esque dependency upon it. We're so used to living in a situation where our own end is one hour away from a single button push, it seems we almost need that. And as that situation has been with us now for decades, witness the left's mindless insistence that we allow, possibly even assist, the nuclear aspirations of sworn enemies such as Iran and North Korea.

And though the pages of history are littered via war and tyranny with the corpses of unnumbered millions of it's victims, Socialism is another cobra the left is dying to cozy up to. (pun intended) What a turnaround from the days when the US had established itself as the world's premier, nonetheless benign military threat to all but her enemies. As that which nationalism and courage achieved, fear and cowardice has ceded right back. Man it seems, despite history and intellect, just cannot truly say he has evolved one whit. In fact, history stands as an indictment to man's inability to improve himself.

It strikes me therefore, that though the personality of the coming world leader may seem impossibly complex and extremely difficult to understand, That may not be the case. Men seem to strive for equality, but in the end when by man's efforts equality is finally realized, and this earth is actually under the control of a one world government over which only one man presides, life will be truly horrifying. I believe that that man could easily look like Hitler or Stalin, it's just that unlike our time, the world was not ready to accept totalitarianism in their time. And further, I believe WW2 was the final dress rehearsal to what is shortly to come.

Well, unlike the day of Hitler and Stalin we aren't at war (yet), but in our day we have leaders seeded in governments across the planet who're working to establish planetary rule under a singular entity. We call them globalists and they're everywhere. These agents of change most notably tread the halls of the US Congress, and have even occupied the Oval Office. The seat of power for globalists as Scripture clearly indicates, is Europe. And the globalists of our government are enamored, even infatuated with the whole movement. Hence the fight against the border wall and forced immigration which is BTW, against the wishes of the majority of America.

One thing is obvious, and another is possible. The obvious; Globalism will in fact lead us to the reality of a one world government. The only thing in question is how long we're really talking about and I say... not long. The possible; Like it or not I believe the singular force on this planet resisting globalism derives from those who still cling to traditional conservative values and the efforts of their elected representatives, in particular one recent convert to those values in the person of DJT. You can believe I will be voting against the intents and devices of the globalist this fall.

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