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ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: Posting Prediction and Final Score Threads UPDATED!!!
To all the members of BGR.

It seems that everyone has forgotten how to create a prediction and/or final score thread in each of the forums. We've (the Mods and Admins) have had to go back and edit each misspelled/miss-worded each thread title and just thought it would be easier to close a incorrect thread.

So as of now, any incorrect prediction or final score thread, will have a reply with this link to this thread in it and it will be closed and we will continue to do so until threads are made correctly. We're not singling out one person, we're just tired of having to go back and correct each incorrect thread so that it will get attention instead of confusion.

To make it easier, if a team has a long name such as; Kentucky Country Day, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Covington Catholic, St. Xavier you can abbreviate those; KCD, Dunbar, Cov Cath or St. X.

Also as for Trinity schools, please list the town that the school is in, Trinity (Lou) or Trinity (Whitesville)

ALWAYS list the date in the thread title.

Mason County at Lexington Catholic 2/15/19
Paul Laurence Dunbar @ Sayre 1/30/19
Lexington Catholic vs Glasgow February 5, 2020
Christiansburg, VA or (VA) at Mason County 1/2/21

Estill County - Powell County
Paul Laurence Dunbar verses Berea
KCD - St. X Predictions

Perry County Central 63 Hazard 61
Dunbar 88 Scott County 84

Bowling Green 65 Mason County 91
Final or Final Score

Again, if we come across any incorrect threads, they will have a reply with the link to this thread in the body and will be closed and we will not re-make a new thread for that particular game.
I've had to go back and edit a bunch of threads were the title was incorrect. I haven't closed any but if this continues to be a habit, then threads will start getting closed again.

So please, refer to this thread when posting a prediction/final score thread,

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