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CFPB, the Image of the "Liberal State"
Mick Mulvaney is the President's choice to temporarily run the big brother-esque consumer protection bureau, and he certainly knows how to hit the ground running. No whining or hand ringing over hurting the feelings of the entrenched deep state snow flakes within the bureau, it still took a federal judge nonetheless, to secure his appointment. I mean, open defiance of anything the President does has now become the DC standard operating procedure. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Cryin Chuck and Fancy Nancy defied the President's call to an exclusive meeting.

The new bureau (CFPB) is the brainchild of rabid lib and fake Indian, Senator Elizabeth Warren. A brief history would at this point be in order. During the Clinton Administration the banking industry was being accused of something referred to as 'red-lining.' According to the complaint, banks guilty of red-lining routinely denied credit to anyone whose address were in certain neighborhoods or geographical areas. The Clinton Administration then ordered these banks to loan money to anyone, and especially these folk, whether they could demonstrate meaningful employment or not. Which act BTW brought about the housing bubble and subsequent banking crash. And guess who's back to squall about the liberal's loss of control over the consumer protection bureau? Clinton chief architect Barney Frank, squalling like a scalded dog and absolutely undaunted by the horrific losses over which he presided during the housing crisis. In all 7.38 Trillion dollars which BTW, represents the entire accumulated wealth of the once viable US middle class. The middle class was destroyed thanks to the Clinton Administration and people like Barney Frank. No wonder they wear that arrogant smirk 24/7. When will people totally wake up to what's happened?

As to the CFPB, the following really happened; now departed CFPB Director Richard Cordray and assumedly his appointee Leandra English, mounted an attack on the banking industry on the shakiest grounds imaginable. In the CFPB complaint, certain banks were denying credit to people with black 'sounding' names. The bureau then proceeded to compile evidence and statistics they claimed supported their position. Now comes the Big Brother part. The bureau is beholden to or answerable to nobody. They have complete autonomy to frame a case and then exact any punitive measures they deem appropriate. They are therefore watchdog, accuser, judge, jury and executioner. Even the US Congress has no oversight authority. In the case cited above the banks in question were fined for biased lending practices, and part of the money were distributed to activist organizations, if you can believe that. Further, according to Judge Napolitano, they are virtually immune even to judicial recourse. I give you government, Elizabeth Warren style.

Before the brouhaha involving Mick Mulvaney's appointment, had anybody on here even heard of the CFPB? I hadn't. To wit Elizabeth Warren is a leader of the Democratic Party, and may well run for President in 2020. In this we see the true contempt behind the Obama Administration conceived and led 'Occupy Wall Street' movement, and all the One Percenter rhetoric. And speaking of one percent, that is why the Dems were trying to defend their contentions that one percent growth was the new norm, and that is why they are willing to go near nuclear to depose one President Donald J Trump, whose economy thus far featured 3 straight quarters of plus 3 percent growth predicated on regulation roll-back only.

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