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South Laurel 46 Middlesboro 6
Hard to watch. Probably last chance for a win.
Congrats to South
Closer than I thought it would be.
I gave a 30% chance to win this one. I figured we would lose but this was sad. Guess that prediction that the offense would get rolling was a little off huh. Defense horrible as usual. But you are correct on one thing jacket pride this was the last chance for a W. the chances go from 30% to 0% now.
Really good win😂
Why do these 2 even play each other
Middlesboro isn't good and should be playing someone not as good and south should be playing someone better
Flat out, this team is not good at all without Jackson and Williams on the field.
Not much better with them. Jackson is a fun player to watch no doubt. Williams has a lot of potential but that's all it's really ever been is potential. But bottom line is we're just not very good period. I sit in the stands and watch our linebackers just sit back and make first contact 5 yards downfield. I see a defenseive backfield that looks lost, absolutely no discipline on that side of the ball.
I'm so sad to see the state of the football program. Maybe the change at the top will have an effect but as far as I can tell he never played a down.
First game I've gotten to watch in person since the opener versus Bell. We look like we've regressed defensively.
bigscreen Wrote:I'm so sad to see the state of the football program. Maybe the change at the top will have an effect but as far as I can tell he never played a down.

Really, you are smarter than that. It will have an effect, we will have a new coach next year. Complete new staff. Still may take a couple years to turn this around. The state of this program has never been worse, ever. Thanks to Martin and his hire and direct involvement in the early day to day coaching duties. In short, his interference with discipline issues.
South Laurel continues to dominate 1A and 2A schools.
South is getting better, just a few years ago these same schools were beating them.
Where o Where is Trashtalker and MHSParent? Tri-State have you seen for yourself yet?

I forgot they are still heartbroken over Hero Martin leaving.
Look as I have said before I don't have a problem with Martin because I have never dealt with him in any way. You are right about something tho gitback I am amazed how we not only don't improve but it honestly seems like we get worse. There is no excuse for a defense to be this bad for this long of a period. I'm not football genius by any means but it doesn't look like we have even made any adjustments on that side of the ball.
I'm a Middlesboro fan guys. I 'support' the team. Hate to see them lose the way they did last night. Middlesboro has the most injured players I've seen in a long while, thought this was a tough match on the road.

Go Jackets til the day I die!
Not a bandwagon guy. Continue to support your team. Easy to jump ship when things are tough.
Madness Wrote:Where o Where is Trashtalker and MHSParent? Tri-State have you seen for yourself yet?

I forgot they are still heartbroken over Hero Martin leaving.

They have come to the conclusion that everyone was correct that this will not and has not worked and we are not going to win even the games we are supposed to win.

You forgot Ric Flair, "WOOOOO"
Look tri-state I'm a Middlesboro fan too. It's where I went to school it's where I played and it's where I live but I'm done with buying into the excuses it's something every year. And jacket-pride you made a pretty good point about the defense. we lost a quality coach because Massengill always wanted to change the offense. I know that's not the reason people say he left but I've heard from enough people to know why they really left. Again it's just another excuse and another person for him to blame other than himself. As far as I know he's the one that calls the defense correct?
Why so many injuries Tri-State? First every team has injuries, but when this many happen it is mainly weights and conditioning. This team is not very strong at all. I will give you we have had more than normal and haven't played a real physical team yet. By the time we get through the next 3 this could get ugly. I hope we stay away from anymore injuries, hate for kids to get hurt.

Many have talked about weight room they boxed in above gym, needs to be used more in off season and in-season..
Way to go Cardinals !
Bad scheduling, Massengill set these kids up for failure! Clay 4a South Laurel 5a!! Massengill gets 100% blame on this with the district you play in no way should you set yourself up against teams like that!!! Massengill your awful your staff was all great players not coaches... A coach I had a Middlesboro once told us not all good players becomes good coaches!! He was right. Last coach here to care about kids!
Truthhurts Wrote:Bad scheduling, Massengill set these kids up for failure! Clay 4a South Laurel 5a!! Massengill gets 100% blame on this with the district you play in no way should you set yourself up against teams like that!!! Massengill your awful your staff was all great players not coaches... A coach I had a Middlesboro once told us not all good players becomes good coaches!! He was right. Last coach here to care about kids!

is the coach on the hot seat?
i can tell you this I don't think our assistants is the problem. I've actually heard good things from players about the coaches you're talking about. None of them are school employees which makes the volunteer coaches. I'm sure a lot of schools would like to have volunteer coaches that were former players and as good as they were helping out. The fact is none of those guys are calling plays or instilling team discipline. As far as the schedule goes, it's already been said before but I don't care if you put 12 A in front of clay counties name they are not a good team and a team we should beat. And if you think we should get blown out by this south Laurel team then you weren't watching the same game as me. Massengill is was and will continue to be the issue here, no volunteer assistants not a janitor and not the schedule.
Congrats to the Cardinals!
SL hard to team To figure out are they Good ? good win
Bennybones Wrote:i can tell you this I don't think our assistants is the problem. I've actually heard good things from players about the coaches you're talking about. None of them are school employees which makes the volunteer coaches. I'm sure a lot of schools would like to have volunteer coaches that were former players and as good as they were helping out. The fact is none of those guys are calling plays or instilling team discipline. As far as the schedule goes, it's already been said before but I don't care if you put 12 A in front of clay counties name they are not a good team and a team we should beat. And if you think we should get blown out by this south Laurel team then you weren't watching the same game as me. Massengill is was and will continue to be the issue here, no volunteer assistants not a janitor and not the schedule.

Agree with the majority of this statement, however, they’re not volunteer coaches, they’re paid employees of the school.
To my knowledge there are no former players that are paid assistants on staff. Jesse Allen is the only former player on staff that is employed by the school. Regardless as I said before these assistants are at the bottom of the blame chain. It's difficult to hire quality coaches especially to get them to come to middlesboro. So again I say we're probably lucky to have them even if all they did was carry water.
Hunter Adams gets paid to coach Blake Bowling gets paid to coach... Don't fool yourself the new Super will wiggle a way for Hunter to get hired and let him finish his teaching degree while he works for Middlesboro. Let's not be silly folks, Zach's dad is the only one working for free.
Truthhurts Wrote:Hunter Adams gets paid to coach Blake Bowling gets paid to coach... Don't fool yourself the new Super will wiggle a way for Hunter to get hired and let him finish his teaching degree while he works for Middlesboro. Let's not be silly folks, Zach's dad is the only one working for free.

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