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John McCain
Is anyone really gonna vote for this flip flopping former "Straight Talker"?:mad:
No one is going to vote for him...because he's CRAZY!

.................or because he is a republican and we have one that is destroing our country one day at a time in office right now.
#1ukfan, I love you right now. I was seriously going to post something about AND he's a Republican after someone posted after me but what a wonderful thing. I don't have to follow up at all, someone did it for me. Yay. Go Democrats.

#1ukfan Wrote:.................or because he is a republican and we have one that is destroing our country one day at a time in office right now.

I totally agree.
thetribe Wrote:#1ukfan, I love you right now. I was seriously going to post something about AND he's a Republican after someone posted after me but what a wonderful thing. I don't have to follow up at all, someone did it for me. Yay. Go Democrats.

I'm a Democrat, but I'm afraid the Dems might be fooling themselves if they think Hillary or Obama can win the general election. IMO.....the logical choice would be a man thats not in the race at this time....Al Gore. He won the popular vote in 2000, was the first to come out against the war, he's brought global warming to the forefront and if you add up the experience of Hillary, Obama and Edwards, that number combined is still 10 years behind the experience Gore has.
Gee what can I say... Tax and Spend?
thetribe Wrote:#1ukfan, I love you right now. I was seriously going to post something about AND he's a Republican after someone posted after me but what a wonderful thing. I don't have to follow up at all, someone did it for me. Yay. Go Democrats.

:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
I won't mind Gore, Kerry, Obama, or Clinton to have the office. In that order actually, without even meaning to. I just want to see a Democrat in there. We need some change in America.

THUNDERCHILD Wrote:Gee what can I say... Tax and Spend?

Speaking of much have we spent in Iraq?
#1ukfan Wrote:.................or because he is a republican and we have one that is destroing our country one day at a time in office right now.

How bout we vote for a candidate that has his own views that reflect what the American people want rather than what the republicans or democrats want.

I could care less what party affiliation a candidate has, I want to know what their stance on issues are not what their party tells them it is.

Show me a high ranking democrat or republican and I will show you someone who has lied, made backroom deals, sold out the common man, and his or her ability to be honest fair and actually CARE, so that could get where they are.
Doc Holliday Wrote:How bout we vote for a candidate that has his own views that reflect what the American people want rather than what the republicans or democrats want.

I could care less what party affiliation a candidate has, I want to know what their stance on issues are not what their party tells them it is.

Show me a high ranking democrat or republican and I will show you someone who has lied, made backroom deals, sold out the common man, and his or her ability to be honest fair and actually CARE, so that could get where they are.

Your right about this Doc!:mad:

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