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Republican Leadership Must Go
The people of the United States voted to take this nation in the direction as was laid out in the Trump campaign. Unfortunately there are two anchors which are holding the Trump ship of state firmly in port.

Establishment Republicans who arrogantly believe they know better than everybody else just because as individuals they are so wonderful, refuse to allow the Trump agenda to go forward. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's time has past. Put into the top jobs of the Senate and the House, they've chosen to shrink back from any meaningful defense of our President. And instead of supporting the President which, is the people's charge, they routinely follow the lead of the lying main stream media in criticizing him in very public and disgraceful fashion. And as for Susan Collins and John McCain, we'd be just as well off to let their pet Airedales vote. At least then we'd have a 50/50 chance their votes would line up with the rest of the conference. But Ryan and McConnell are no better than Pelosi and Schumer. Only thing is I would say Pelosi could take Ryan.

But there is more to it than just supposing themselves to be intellectually superior; They actually think they're better than Trump and the folks that put him in office. Like a bunch of crusty aristocrats born to be titled Dukes or Earls or lords, these guys seem to think voters are just commoners that they can control by throwing some kind of entitlement 'bone' every election, but are to be ignored the rest of the time.

I've had quite enough of them and if the Congress won't do it, I hope some organization of clout leads a movement, or passes a petition or something, to get these two guys out. Not only would I sign a petition, I would make a contribution to that end. Let's cut the head off the snake and get some real leadership in there before it's too late.
"We the people" who elected Donald Trump have massive obstacles.

First, we have Republicans on the payroll(albeit laundered, so they have deniability) George Soros:

Second, you have the SML whose state (ours) would lose millions in ObamaCare subsidies if repealed :

Now, we are finding out that Charlottesville protesters on all sides were bused in TOGETHER, and , Soros funded organizers are paying mentally challenged individuals to incite violence:

Meanwhile, Trump forces Nuclear Power North Korea to back down and virtually nothing is said about it in MSM.
^^ Great post! I didn't know direct links between Soros and Ryan had been established for Ryan and McCain but I'm not at all surprised. It has been obvious that Ryan is in the tank since his Hillary for President-ette campaign. He never had the first bad thing to say about Hillary, while publicly slamming Trump continually on PC grounds and for his violations of the rules of public decorum. You know we live in the day of the soap opera. The idea is dress up every day like a male model and perfect your duplicitous DC doublespeak to the point that every lying word drips with honey, and you can get away with murder. If you ask me they I don't know what they are, Ryan for example hasn't passed a handful of bills in his entire Congressional tenure so he's no legislator, much less Speaker of the House. They might all be actors, though certainly no A lister.

To wit; prior to the 5 week recess and on the day of Senate vote on healthcare, John McCain responded to reports eager to learn if he'd decided how to vote---

“Have you decided how you’ll vote?” a reporter asked McCain, as a crush of journalists surrounded the senator.

“Yes,” he said.

“How?” they responded. McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee who has earned a reputation as a political maverick willing to break with his party, was recently diagnosed with brain cancer but delayed treatment to return to Washington for the debate over repealing the healthcare law.

“Wait for the show,” he replied.

Now, nobody wants to see John ill. But his flippant approach to wreaking havoc on hundreds of millions of Americans is nonetheless undiluted by his personal situation, and was to me unforgiveable. And I'm glad I called him out for this unpardonable sin against the people before Breitbart 'outed' him for taking money from Soros. Anybody who accepts money for favors in DC is unfit to serve (mostly themselves) if you ask me.
^^ - I have written several times as to Kentucky and her relationship to ObamaCare. Beshear has Kentucky so up to her eyebrows in financial commitments, (which stand ready to choke the life out of us once the federal subsidies end) that if McConnell as Senate Leader is successful in his efforts to withstand the President's agenda, and does ultimately oversee our continued suffocating obligations to ObamaCare, I don't see how tax paying Kentuckians who work for a living will survive it. I as an example, pay for medical insurance through my former employer. A situation I can assure will cease abruptly in the very near future if ObamaCare is not repealed. Right now I pay FAR more than my fair share, that all ends if McConnell doesn't get off his backside and move a bill.

I mean, he's 75 years old and fabulously rich. Which doesn't even effect his outlook because he's guaranteed top flight health care by law under the Congressional plan created for all those who've (served?) in Congress. He probably won't even seek reelection in 2020, which means his parting gift (continuing ObamaCare) makes Obama's parting gift (the 200 plus million dollar payment to Palestine as he left office) pale by comparison.

- ALL the protests are manufactured. In fact, I would not be at all surprised to learn that the busing and wages for these professional protestors is in part government funded. Which of course, is like paying the government a handsome sum to punch us in the mouth every month and then deny us medical care for it. We Americans have only one choice in combating the forces which seek to strip away the last vestiges of our independent wealth and our American heritage. And in so doing forcibly reform those of the US into wards of socialism. VOTE OUT DEMOCRATS AND RINOs, and 2018 is a very good place to focus our attention to that end.
Donald Trump received 46% of total votes cast. He won the election. However, 46% does not equal "the American people," nor does the election of any President suspend democratic processes that safeguard the principles of a democracy.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Donald Trump received 46% of total votes cast. He won the election. However, 46% does not equal "the American people," nor does the election of any President suspend democratic processes that safeguard the principles of a democracy.

Maybe not aliens, but it sure as heck represents LEGAL American people.
TheRealThing Wrote:Maybe not aliens, but it sure as heck represents LEGAL American people.

This is a curious non-answer. No matter which party wins the White House or Congress, they always claim "mandate" and suggest "the American people have spoken." A bare majority, or in Trump's case, an electoral victory but popular vote loss, does not constitute a mandate, nor does it or should it mean a genuflect away from democratic principles and checks and balances implemented to safeguard the vital processes of this nation.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:This is a curious non-answer. No matter which party wins the White House or Congress, they always claim "mandate" and suggest "the American people have spoken." A bare majority, or in Trump's case, an electoral victory but popular vote loss, does not constitute a mandate, nor does it or should it mean a genuflect away from democratic principles and checks and balances implemented to safeguard the vital processes of this nation.

Well, there's nothing curious about the revisionist lies you like to put up on here. Jim Crow laws were the hallmark of the Democrats. Then after all the conservative blood was shed to free the slaves, Democrats denied it all and blamed the Republicans for their own misdeeds just like they will all the scandals of the past 8 years and YOU will be right out there backing them up. 304 electoral votes is no near loss, it is a mandate.

California accounts for every last vote of Hillary's margin plus an extra million or so, and California is chock full of illegals whom were encouraged, even paid, to go cast their illegal ballots.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, there's nothing curious about the revisionist lies you like to put up on here. Jim Crow laws were the hallmark of the Democrats. Then after all the conservative blood was shed to free the slaves, Democrats denied it all and blamed the Republicans for their own misdeeds just like they will all the scandals of the past 8 years and YOU will be right out there backing them up. 304 electoral votes is no near loss, it is a mandate.

California accounts for every last vote of Hillary's margin plus an extra million or so, and California is chock full of illegals whom were encouraged, even paid, to go cast their illegal ballots.


Proofs in the pudding Alex Jones. Annnnnnnnd you are fresh out of snack packs.

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