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08-13-2017, 11:09 PM
The presidentâs failure to specifically speak out against white supremacists and other far right extremists, who had descended on Charlottesville for a âUnite the Rightâ rally to protest the planned removal of a Confederate statue in this relatively moderate university town, drew criticism from within his own party.
08-14-2017, 01:06 AM
It seems to me that you think that violence on the left is acceptable. The original violence in Charlottesville was caused by leftists. Many responsible conservative and southern heritage groups are not neo-nazis and have nothing to do with such critters. However, the decision to remove a statue of General Lee from a Charlottesville park, a decision prompted by liberals and leftists led to this unnecessary confrontation. I am a proud descendant of Confederate soldiers and officers. I fly the Confederate battle flag and I revere the heroes of the South. I despise nothing more than anti-Confederate politicians of either party. One of the things that early on that ended any regard I had for Ted Cruz were his statements on the Confederate flag. I would never support- and there are a great many people like me- any candidate who would advocate taking down the Confederate flag or moving a Confederate memorial. Virginia has been infested by the scum and filth of liberalism, a fate that Kentucky has so far avoided. It is to be regretted that the mayor of Lexington feels it necessary to remove the Breckenridge and Morgan statues, but this is understandable given that he is a queer liberal democrat. Lexington and Louisville have become liberal cancers on the face of Kentucky.
08-14-2017, 01:16 AM
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:It seems to me that you think that violence on the left is acceptable. The original violence in Charlottesville was caused by leftists. Many responsible conservative and southern heritage groups are not neo-nazis and have nothing to do with such critters. However, the decision to remove a statue of General Lee from a Charlottesville park, a decision prompted by liberals and leftists led to this unnecessary confrontation. I am a proud descendant of Confederate soldiers and officers. I fly the Confederate battle flag and I revere the heroes of the South. I despise nothing more than anti-Confederate politicians of either party. One of the things that early on that ended any regard I had for Ted Cruz were his statements on the Confederate flag. I would never support- and there are a great many people like me- any candidate who would advocate taking down the Confederate flag or moving a Confederate memorial. Virginia has been infested by the scum and filth of liberalism, a fate that Kentucky has so far avoided. It is to be regretted that the mayor of Lexington feels it necessary to remove the Breckenridge and Morgan statues, but this is understandable given that he is a queer liberal democrat. Lexington and Louisville have become liberal cancers on the face of Kentucky.
08-14-2017, 01:19 AM
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:The president’s failure to specifically speak out against white supremacists and other far right extremists, who had descended on Charlottesville for a “Unite the Right” rally to protest the planned removal of a Confederate statue in this relatively moderate university town, drew criticism from within his own party.
From what I understand the White House will be denouncing sexual pervert offenders sometime this week.
08-14-2017, 02:23 AM
All these groups came to Pikeville a few months ago and I went to check it out. It was a real eye-opener to say the least. Downtown was blocked off, state police in full riot gear w/body armor, 100s of law enforcement county, city, state, even Homeland Security. I can tell you 99% of the trouble was caused by leftist counter-protesters. They carried sticks and clubs and other weapons and were looking for a fight. I don't know what the original rally people's (pro-white) message was because the counter-protesters used megaphones and other noise making devices to shout them down. The leftists are the ones inciting riots. But the idiot politicians and talking heads on TV are too dishonest/ignorant to call it what it really is - suppression of freedom of speech. And people like vector and NCF eat it up and get dumber by the day.
If you people don't realize white people and Christians are being slowly but surely marginalized by the insane left in this county you are not paying attention.
If you people don't realize white people and Christians are being slowly but surely marginalized by the insane left in this county you are not paying attention.
08-14-2017, 04:34 AM
jetpilot Wrote:All these groups came to Pikeville a few months ago and I went to check it out. It was a real eye-opener to say the least. Downtown was blocked off, state police in full riot gear w/body armor, 100s of law enforcement county, city, state, even Homeland Security. I can tell you 99% of the trouble was caused by leftist counter-protesters. They carried sticks and clubs and other weapons and were looking for a fight. I don't know what the original rally people's (pro-white) message was because the counter-protesters used megaphones and other noise making devices to shout them down. The leftists are the ones inciting riots. But the idiot politicians and talking heads on TV are too dishonest/ignorant to call it what it really is - suppression of freedom of speech. And people like vector and NCF eat it up and get dumber by the day.Well, I don't think that is possible..You cant get any dumber....
If you people don't realize white people and Christians are being slowly but surely marginalized by the insane left in this county you are not paying attention.
Then of course you have to throw gitback into the basket of morons as well.
08-14-2017, 04:49 AM
The 1st Amendment is precious. As Americans, we ought to cherish it. A man with a megaphone is not as dangerous as a crowd that does not respect free speech. Of course, free speech does not protect rhetoric that ecourages violent acts. However, some goof spouting about white supremacy and America being for white people? The 1st Amendment protects his speech.
The Confederate flag has no place on a public building in the United States of America. Despite subterfuge to the contrary, minus slavery, no Civil War. Minus slavery, no secession. The "southern way of life" was built upon captive labor. The "southern way of life" was built upon the lie of white supremacy. The "southern way of life" was built upon a bastardized Christianity. So, go on out in your yard, sink you a pole, run a Confederate flag up and fly 'er. That's your right. However, that flag symbolizes a secession, an institution, and a way of life built around an absolute abomination. Period.
The 1st Amendment is precious. As Americans, we ought to cherish it. A man with a megaphone is not as dangerous as a crowd that does not respect free speech. Of course, free speech does not protect rhetoric that ecourages violent acts. However, some goof spouting about white supremacy and America being for white people? The 1st Amendment protects his speech.
The Confederate flag has no place on a public building in the United States of America. Despite subterfuge to the contrary, minus slavery, no Civil War. Minus slavery, no secession. The "southern way of life" was built upon captive labor. The "southern way of life" was built upon the lie of white supremacy. The "southern way of life" was built upon a bastardized Christianity. So, go on out in your yard, sink you a pole, run a Confederate flag up and fly 'er. That's your right. However, that flag symbolizes a secession, an institution, and a way of life built around an absolute abomination. Period.
08-14-2017, 05:06 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆
The 1st Amendment is precious. As Americans, we ought to cherish it. A man with a megaphone is not as dangerous as a crowd that does not respect free speech. Of course, free speech does not protect rhetoric that ecourages violent acts. However, some goof spouting about white supremacy and America being for white people? The 1st Amendment protects his speech.
The Confederate flag has no place on a public building in the United States of America. Despite subterfuge to the contrary, minus slavery, no Civil War. Minus slavery, no secession. The "southern way of life" was built upon captive labor. The "southern way of life" was built upon the lie of white supremacy. The "southern way of life" was built upon a bastardized Christianity. So, go on out in your yard, sink you a pole, run a Confederate flag up and fly 'er. That's your right. However, that flag symbolizes a secession, an institution, and a way of life built around an absolute abomination. Period.
Leftist crap trying to justify leftist violence. Maybe the counter-protesters' rhetoric encouraged the violent act of the guy running his car over them if you want to play by those rules.
08-14-2017, 05:28 AM
jetpilot Wrote:Leftist crap trying to justify leftist violence. Maybe the counter-protesters' rhetoric encouraged the violent act of the guy running his car over them if you want to play by those rules.
Of course, I was referring to the SCOTUS "fire in a crowded theatre" principle, which applies no matter what one's particular political ideology. As I said in previous posts, the 1st Amendment is precious. The white supremacists have the right to march, to state their views, give their view of the world. As Americans, we don't have to respect nor agree with the speech, but we ought not seek to impede the speech itself.
08-14-2017, 05:42 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, I was referring to the SCOTUS "fire in a crowded theatre" principle, which applies no matter what one's particular political ideology. As I said in previous posts, the 1st Amendment is precious. The white supremacists have the right to march, to state their views, give their view of the world. As Americans, we don't have to respect nor agree with the speech, but we ought not seek to impede the speech itself.
Agreed. So why is the story about white supremacy/racism and not suppression of free speech? Because it dishonestly promotes the dishonest liberal narrative/agenda.
08-14-2017, 08:39 AM
Lets be honest here....
So long as the fake Nazis and radical liberals keep killing each other, its a win win for all of us.
So long as the fake Nazis and radical liberals keep killing each other, its a win win for all of us.
08-14-2017, 05:12 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆
The 1st Amendment is precious. As Americans, we ought to cherish it. A man with a megaphone is not as dangerous as a crowd that does not respect free speech. Of course, free speech does not protect rhetoric that ecourages violent acts. However, some goof spouting about white supremacy and America being for white people? The 1st Amendment protects his speech.
The Confederate flag has no place on a public building in the United States of America. Despite subterfuge to the contrary, minus slavery, no Civil War. Minus slavery, no secession. The "southern way of life" was built upon captive labor. The "southern way of life" was built upon the lie of white supremacy. The "southern way of life" was built upon a bastardized Christianity. So, go on out in your yard, sink you a pole, run a Confederate flag up and fly 'er. That's your right. However, that flag symbolizes a secession, an institution, and a way of life built around an absolute abomination. Period.
The first amendment is precious, as long as it supports your point of view? I regard historical monuments as a an expression of free speech.
08-14-2017, 05:15 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Lets be honest here....
So long as the fake Nazis and radical liberals keep killing each other, its a win win for all of us.
Have you ever met a liberal that was not radical? The right has it fringe groups like the neo nazis and the KKK, but groups like BLM and antifa are main stream. Remember, Obama supported BLM during the Ferguson riots.
08-14-2017, 05:42 PM
Pick6 Wrote:The first amendment is precious, as long as it supports your point of view? I regard historical monuments as a an expression of free speech.
What is a flag? It is a symbol. What is speech? It is substance.
The Confederate flag is not banned from speech, from explanation, from historical context. As a symbol, it is not erased. Your equation of a flag with speech, in terms of display on buildings associated with federal and state government (I did not refer to private buildings) does not hold in my opinion. By your reasoning, it seems to me, if the state of Alabama were to elect a Nazi sympathizer as governor, and he wanted to fly a swastika next to the state flag above the capitol, the 1st Amendment would stretch to cover that. I would dissent from that proposition.
08-14-2017, 06:31 PM
States have a right to secede. I very much doubt that the Constitution would have been ratified had most of the states thought that they were giving up their rights to an all powerful federal government. My ancestors owned slaves- I make no apology for it. They owned them legally.It may not have been an efficient economic system- but was both legal and moral in their eyes. As far as I am concerned the Confederate flag was the flag of my country and my ancestors country during the War of Northern Aggression. It should be flown proudly over the public buildings of any of the seceding states.
08-14-2017, 08:46 PM
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:States have a right to secede. I very much doubt that the Constitution would have been ratified had most of the states thought that they were giving up their rights to an all powerful federal government. My ancestors owned slaves- I make no apology for it. They owned them legally.It may not have been an efficient economic system- but was both legal and moral in their eyes. As far as I am concerned the Confederate flag was the flag of my country and my ancestors country during the War of Northern Aggression. It should be flown proudly over the public buildings of any of the seceding states.
"I doubt the Constitution would have been ratified if folks like my ancestors would have known that human beings would not be allowed to be as cattle bought and sold at auction."
Thus, a Civil War.
"Hey, it was legal and moral in their eyes."
So with Buchenwald and Auschwitz.
08-14-2017, 09:13 PM
Somehow, I remember when BLM was chanting "Death to Police" in Ferguson three years ago, Social Justice Warriors were not prodding President Obama to denounce the Ferguson riots, in fact, the SJW crowd rejoiced when Obama endorsed the BLM riots! I guess promoting white shame is not considered racism!
08-14-2017, 09:25 PM
Pick6 Wrote:Somehow, I remember when BLM was chanting "Death to Police" in Ferguson three years ago, Social Justice Warriors were not prodding President Obama to denounce the Ferguson riots, in fact, the SJW crowd rejoiced when Obama endorsed the BLM riots! I guess promoting white shame is not considered racism!
I would like to point out that President Obama did NOT endorse rioting: what he did was this: (1) call for peaceful protest; and, (2) call for a spotlight to be shone on police departments with high rates of excessive force complaints. Embracing peaceful protest and calling for a task force does not equal cheerleading rioting. If you will note, however, this poster did not criticize President Trump's Charlottsville remarks.
08-14-2017, 09:33 PM
Comparing Auschwitz etc. to the Confederacy is ridiculous. A Southern slave owner who killed his slaves would be killing a source of his wealth- some masters were undoubtedly harsh- but few were stupid. If Virginia (including Kentucky) had become independent- as Patrick Henry and many others advocated- we would probably be better off than we are today.
08-14-2017, 09:35 PM
08-14-2017, 10:37 PM
It's truly amazing how some of you can defend Nazi, KKK, and White Supremacy groups marching in our country. Most of you bash and criminalize BLM over there marches. Yet somehow you think KKK groups in 2017 is somehow acceptable? It's not. The confederate flag and monuments honoring the travesties that took place during that time that still stands is baffling. ekyswvahsfan you seem proud to be from a line of slave owners. I am proud of being raised as a gentleman who says mam and holds the door open for women. I however don't brag about owning another human being and calling my ancestors smart for doing so. It seems most of you are somehow defending white supremacy? Could you guys explain that? What is the reasoning ? Don't give me the well BLM DID THIS, we must be better then the others. Is freedom of speech acceptable when its calling for the destruction of another races freedom?
08-14-2017, 10:56 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I would like to point out that President Obama did NOT endorse rioting: what he did was this: (1) call for peaceful protest; and, (2) call for a spotlight to be shone on police departments with high rates of excessive force complaints. Embracing peaceful protest and calling for a task force does not equal cheerleading rioting. If you will note, however, this poster did not criticize President Trump's Charlottsville remarks.
Oh no, all he did was invite the leaders of BLM to the White House for tea after they burned down Ferguson, MO, and Baltimore. Followed of course, by several nationally televised statements about how the insensitive pigs are going to have to get their house in order. And then had Eric Holder initiate another Civil Rights investigation against the police departments of the cities where the embers of anarchy and civil war still smoldered. That's all.
08-14-2017, 11:03 PM
letsgetitright Wrote:It's truly amazing how some of you can defend Nazi, KKK, and White Supremacy groups marching in our country. Most of you bash and criminalize BLM over there marches. Yet somehow you think KKK groups in 2017 is somehow acceptable? It's not. The confederate flag and monuments honoring the travesties that took place during that time that still stands is baffling. ekyswvahsfan you seem proud to be from a line of slave owners. I am proud of being raised as a gentleman who says mam and holds the door open for women. I however don't brag about owning another human being and calling my ancestors smart for doing so. It seems most of you are somehow defending white supremacy? Could you guys explain that? What is the reasoning ? Don't give me the well BLM DID THIS, we must be better then the others. Is freedom of speech acceptable when its calling for the destruction of another races freedom?
I may be able to shed a little light. What's amazing to me is when BLM was burning towns to the ground, some more than once, [I]that somehow,[/I] is covered under the 1st Amendment. And you were fine with not prosecuting them for the millions of dollars worth of property damage they wreaked. But now, because it's not a favored minority, you're all aflame to see that these guys get what's coming to them under the law.
Let's get it right and prosecute the whole lot of them. Including BLM members and every last jerk that put a rock through a windshield or a torch to somebody else's property, or walked out of a carry out with a case of vodka and all the cigarettes they could carry. How bout that?
NOTE TO MODS: We got us another retread or dual account.
08-15-2017, 12:22 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:I may be able to shed a little light. What's amazing to me is when BLM was burning towns to the ground, some more than once, [I]that somehow,[/I] is covered under the 1st Amendment. And you were fine with not prosecuting them for the millions of dollars worth of property damage they wreaked. But now, because it's not a favored minority, you're all aflame to see that these guys get what's coming to them under the law.
Let's get it right and prosecute the whole lot of them. Including BLM members and every last jerk that put a rock through a windshield or a torch to somebody else's property, or walked out of a carry out with a case of vodka and all the cigarettes they could carry. How bout that?
NOTE TO MODS: We got us another retread or dual account.
As to non-violent protest contrasted to rioting and looting, I agree.
As to retreads, I don't know on this one, but as to me, you are incorrect, per usual in this matter.
08-15-2017, 12:26 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh no, all he did was invite the leaders of BLM to the White House for tea after they burned down Ferguson, MO, and Baltimore. Followed of course, by several nationally televised statements about how the insensitive pigs are going to have to get their house in order. And then had Eric Holder initiate another Civil Rights investigation against the police departments of the cities where the embers of anarchy and civil war still smoldered. That's all.
The leaders and organizers of BLM did NOT burn, loot, nor riot. MLK Jr. often spoke of the difficulty of maintaining non-violence. In fact, violence often popped up in his staged protests, and amongst his ranks. Yet, say, a Lyndon Johnson meeting with him was not advocation of violence. Similarly, a meeting between the leadership of BLM and President Obama was not as you say. This is a false assertion.
08-15-2017, 12:32 AM
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:Comparing Auschwitz etc. to the Confederacy is ridiculous. A Southern slave owner who killed his slaves would be killing a source of his wealth- some masters were undoubtedly harsh- but few were stupid. If Virginia (including Kentucky) had become independent- as Patrick Henry and many others advocated- we would probably be better off than we are today.
Slavery is and was an abomination. Slavery is and was a discounting of human freedom, human dignity, human worth. The economy of the south was built upon this degradation. If you cannot see the parallels, not exact (that's subterfuge on your part), then that's your choosing dirt heritage over what is true and right.
08-15-2017, 12:33 AM
Pick6 Wrote:Revisionist historian I see.
You would need to believe that. Pamphlets from the Knights of Columbus?
08-15-2017, 12:41 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I doubt the Constitution would have been ratified if folks like my ancestors would have known that human beings would not be allowed to be as cattle bought and sold at auction."
Thus, a Civil War.
"Hey, it was legal and moral in their eyes."
So with Buchenwald and Auschwitz.
Did our founding fathers have a different version of the Bible ?
08-15-2017, 12:42 AM
Mr. Donald we are highly disappointed in you TODAY for your criticism toward your base you must of forgot WHO got you elected KKK,Alt Right and the Nazis now REMBER you just won this thing by a little over 75,000 votes in 3 states we just might not turn out the next election and see how you will do then.
All of us in Eastern Ky believed in you when you said our president was born in Africa we knew there was something wrong with him after you was investigating him.
P.S. What did you find out ?
Never mind we just believe in you.
All of us in Eastern Ky believed in you when you said our president was born in Africa we knew there was something wrong with him after you was investigating him.
P.S. What did you find out ?
Never mind we just believe in you.
08-15-2017, 02:10 AM
vector Wrote:Mr. Donald we are highly disappointed in you TODAY for your criticism toward your base you must of forgot WHO got you elected KKK,Alt Right and the Nazis now REMBER you just won this thing by a little over 75,000 votes in 3 states we just might not turn out the next election and see how you will do then.
All of us in Eastern Ky believed in you when you said our president was born in Africa we knew there was something wrong with him after you was investigating him.
P.S. What did you find out ?
Never mind we just believe in you.
The KKK and these groups came to Pikeville. Nothing happened. Everyone ignored it and Eastern KY showed the country this is not us.
Eastern KY voted for Donald because there way of living was ripped from them by the decline of coal energy. Forced Clean energy regulations and increased regulations on mines. No other reason. Eastern KY wants to work. They want jobs.
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