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Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors
II., 4

"The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

At the Philadelphia Convention, Benjamin Franklin noted that, historically, the removal of "obnoxious" chief executives had been accomplished by assassination. Franklin suggested that a proceduralized mechanism for removal- impeachment- would be preferable.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:II., 4

"The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

At the Philadelphia Convention, Benjamin Franklin noted that, historically, the removal of "obnoxious" chief executives had been accomplished by assassination. Franklin suggested that a proceduralized mechanism for removal- impeachment- would be preferable.

You mean to tell me that you are just now interested in bringing charges against Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and Barack Obama?

My god boy, where you been?
Bob Seger Wrote:You mean to tell me that you are just now interested in bringing charges against Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and Barack Obama?

My god boy, where you been?

Didn't the G.O.P. have a majority in the House? Where were they?

However, I did not post this as an "impeach Trump" thread. Benjamin Franklin's take ("obnoxious" was, of course, a shot at the tweeting Don) is interesting, plus what constitutes "High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Didn't the G.O.P. have a majority in the House? Where were they?

However, I did not post this as an "impeach Trump" thread. Benjamin Franklin's take ("obnoxious" was, of course, a shot at the tweeting Don) is interesting, plus what constitutes "High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Oh come on now, that was entirely your intent.
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh come on now, that was entirely your intent.

It wasn't. I will accept the finding of the Special Counsel and, on a personal level, am holding off on much talk about impeachment.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It wasn't. I will accept the finding of the Special Counsel and, on a personal level, am holding off on much talk about impeachment.

Right, it's just that you're on record here in this forum categorically stating the President is guilty of obstruction of justice. Of course it came out of your metaphorical mouth, but we all know it was just another one of your many "Quoth the Parrot" moments.
TheRealThing Wrote:Right, it's just that you're on record here in this forum categorically stating the President is guilty of obstruction of justice. Of course it came out of your metaphorical mouth, but we all know it was just another one of your many "Quoth the Parrot" moments.

I will accept the finding of the Special Counsel. Personally, I think it is obstruction of justice.

With every post, you show yourself. And, it's still episodic illiteracy.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I will accept the finding of the Special Counsel. Personally, I think it is obstruction of justice.

With every post, you show yourself. And, it's still episodic illiteracy.

2018 = Democrats = :flush: = :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:2018 = Democrats = :flush: = :biglmao:

We'll see. But now, and correct me if I'm mistaken, you and I will be at Pine Mountain Grill on a Wednesday in early November 2023, and for me to buy, Trump has to go two terms and the G.O.P. candidate follwing him win twice.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see. But now, and correct me if I'm mistaken, you and I will be at Pine Mountain Grill on a Wednesday in early November 2023, and for me to buy, Trump has to go two terms and the G.O.P. candidate follwing him win twice.

I have corrected you lo these hundreds of times and you always ignore the corrections. That's ok, everybody else notes them including your underling side kick, Gitback. But you're so drunk on the koolaid you refuse to accept delivery every time Mr reality comes aknockin.

But allow me to set the record straight as you cannot even keep track of what you said regarding the contract YOU set forth and I accepted on April 4, 2017 and as duly copied below.

TheRealThing Wrote:Wrong, the redefined principles of the rabidly liberal protect no one. They only impose on others the wishes of those who disagree with our long established moral norms. But like I said with Gorsuch being confirmed this week, and with 8 years of Trump at the helm, likely to be followed by Mike Pence, liberals have a lot of whining to look forward to. And even given the liberal propensity to conjure up their own reality, for your ilk, I see tough times ahead. :biggrin:

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I will be at Pine Mountain Grill on the Wednesday following election day 2024. If Mike Pence is President, order the T-bone or filet, or both, send the bill over to the Sombrero. My treat.

The above ^^ is the conversation between us when you made your statement. (I bolded my "Like I said" phrase just for kicks since you like it so much you've started using it yourself) :biggrin:

You show me anything there which suggests even remotely that I agreed to buy you anything if Mike Pence is not elected President in 2024. though he will be.
TheRealThing Wrote:I have corrected you lo these hundreds of times and you always ignore the corrections. That's ok, everybody else notes them including your underling side kick, Gitback. But you're so drunk on the koolaid you refuse to accept delivery every time Mr reality comes aknockin.

But allow me to set the record straight as you cannot even keep track of what you said regarding the contract YOU set forth and I accepted on April 4, 2017 and as duly copied below.

The above ^^ is the conversation between us when you made your statement. (I bolded my "Like I said" phrase just for kicks since you like it so much you've started using it yourself) :biggrin:

You show me anything there which suggests even remotely that I agreed to buy you anything if Mike Pence is not elected President in 2024. though he will be.

That's a shame. How about an ice cold Coca-Cola? Like I said, we'll see. There's still time: we don't have to look at it like a wager: how about a sort of peace pipe, except a donated meal?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:That's a shame. How about an ice cold Coca-Cola? Like I said, we'll see. There's still time: we don't have to look at it like a wager: how about a sort of peace pipe, except a donated meal?

We might have had a wager if you'd asked for one. You made an offer which I accepted and from which you are now welching. You couldn't tell the truth if you were standing on Mount Sinai.
TheRealThing Wrote:We might have had a wager if you'd asked for one. You made an offer which I accepted and from which you are now welching. You couldn't tell the truth if you were standing on Mount Sinai.

You are mistaken. If Trump is a two-termer, and perchance his successor, if a Republican, wins in November 2023, I'm all in. That was the deal, correct? I am not even requiring it be Pence.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You are mistaken. If Trump is a two-termer, and perchance his successor, if a Republican, wins in November 2023, I'm all in. That was the deal, correct? I am not even requiring it be Pence.

I'm out, maybe somebody else can explain it to you.
TheRealThing Wrote:We might have had a wager if you'd asked for one. You made an offer which I accepted and from which you are now welching. You couldn't tell the truth if you were standing on Mount Sinai.

You mean you are just now finding out that he is a pathological liar?

You couldn't take a ball bat and beat the truth out of him.
Bob Seger Wrote:You mean you are just now finding out that he is a pathological liar?

You couldn't take a ball bat and beat the truth out of him.

:thatsfunn :hilarious:
We'll see. The braggard is most often, Scripturally speaking, brought low. So, we'll see. You, Bob, crowed of things that are as if they weren't. We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see. The braggard is most often, Scripturally speaking, brought low. So, we'll see. You, Bob, crowed of things that are as if they weren't. We'll see.

James Comey- "No, President Trump has never been under investigation"

Yeah, looks like Bob and TRT "crowed of things that are as if they weren't".
Bob Seger Wrote:James Comey- "No, President Trump has never been under investigation"

Yeah, looks like Bob and TRT "crowed of things that are as if they weren't".

"Presently"... i.e. It was not a blanket assurance; it was a "get off the subject" shirk. We'll see, Bob, we'll see. No worries, your crowing braggadocio notwithstanding.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Presently"... i.e. It was not a blanket assurance; it was a "get off the subject" shirk. We'll see, Bob, we'll see. No worries, your crowing braggadocio notwithstanding.

Republicans finally have a snoot full of the ridiculousness. They will rise to DJT's defense and this lying insurrection will be put down.
TheRealThing Wrote:Republicans finally have a snoot full of the ridiculousness. They will rise to DJT's defense and this lying insurrection will be put down.

We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see.

Well, when we do see you'll have to get somebody to explain it to you. :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, when we do see you'll have to get somebody to explain it to you. :biglmao:

One would think that a tail-grasping, own dung-eating elephant would, ultimately, get full as full can be. Surprise of surprises, not so much.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:One would think that a tail-grasping, own dung-eating elephant would, ultimately, get full as full can be. Surprise of surprises, not so much.

But yet whose every attribute you try to copy. But they say intelligence skips a generation so therein lies your lack.
TheRealThing Wrote:But yet whose every attribute you try to copy. But they say intelligence skips a generation so therein lies your lack.

Booth 24
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Booth 24

The psych ward has booths?

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