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Shelby Valley 55 Leslie County 46
Closer and lower scoring than I expected.
Much closer than what i expected!
Very ugly and physical game. Both teams shot really badly. Leslie killed Valley on the boards--Valley was outrebounded by 18. The free throw woes contined for Valley, hitting only 13-28.

Also, Hatfield went down with an ankle injury. Not sure how serious it is though. Hopefully not too bad with district coming up.

Leslie plays very hard and aggressive.
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:Very ugly and physical game. Both teams shot really badly. Leslie killed Valley on the boards--Valley was outrebounded by 18. The free throw woes contined for Valley, hitting only 13-28.

Also, Hatfield went down with an ankle injury. Not sure how serious it is though. Hopefully not too bad with district coming up.

Leslie plays very hard and aggressive.

Sounds like a pretty awful night of ball. Being outrebounded that bad and only hitting 46% of their free throws is bad enough, but an injury as well? Let us know if you here how serious it is.
Big loss if it is serious! Anyways congrats Valley!
alfus21 Wrote:Sounds like a pretty awful night of ball. Being outrebounded that bad and only hitting 46% of their free throws is bad enough, but an injury as well? Let us know if you here how serious it is.

I heard two reports. One that it was bad and another that he will only be out a few days. Guess we'll know in a day or two. They can ill afford any more injuries. Kyle Goodson is out probably for the season unless they make to state, Jeremy Jackson just got back tonight from an ankle sprain, Jake is just healing from his ankle injury, and now Ashley. I don't think it would be a good time to play Russian Roulette or walk under a ladder if you are anyone from Valley, with the luck they are having.
Ashley twisted his knee, I heard his uncle say that they were taking him to the doctor. It looked pretty bad, bad enough for a grown mad to beat on the floor and yell. So take it as you please, this game would have been a lot more lop sided had Hatfield been in the pain all night.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Ashley twisted his knee, I heard his uncle say that they were taking him to the doctor. It looked pretty bad, bad enough for a grown mad to beat on the floor and yell. So take it as you please, this game would have been a lot more lop sided had Hatfield been in the pain all night.
Could you re-type this? Sounds like you know what you are talking about just a lot of misspelled words? Who beat on the floor? Did he keep playing with the bad knee??
grown man* been in the game*

And that was only two misspelled words, you need to learn the difference between "a lot" and "a couple"
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:grown man* been in the game*

And that was only two misspelled words, you need to learn the difference between "a lot" and "a couple"
I wasn't being smart, just trying to figure out what you meant. You still didn't tell us what was going on? Who was the grown man pounding on the floor and did Hatfield keep playing after the injury?
Ashley Hatfield, I stated Ashley at the beginning of the post, he left the game, did not come back, his uncle said they were taking him to the doctor, it was a twisted knee.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Ashley Hatfield, I stated Ashley at the beginning of the post, he left the game, did not come back, his uncle said they were taking him to the doctor, it was a twisted knee.

I am still confused. Can you please start over and type a liiiitttllle slower please.
No way! Hatfield out that is terrible!
My sis works ER tonight 7-7, I'll call her and see if he came in and try to get a

Congrats Valley on the win!
thepharmacist Wrote:I am still confused. Can you please start over and type a liiiitttllle slower please.
So let me get this straight, Hatfield twisted his knee and Booher started beating on the floor. Man, I would have liked to have seen that!!
whatever...the whole thing is about Ashley, I never mentioned the Boo Boo man's name.
bball fan Wrote:So let me get this straight, Hatfield twisted his knee and Booher started beating on the floor. Man, I would have liked to have seen that!!

So let me get this straight Booher is his uncle???
I was told by the people who tended to him that it was his ankle. He had ice on his ankle on the bench.
shelby valley is going to win state mark it down!:letsparty
thepharmacist Wrote:So let me get this straight Booher is his uncle???

sure, why not.
Who was the grown man pounding the floor?
Ashley Hatfield, all 6'5 of him. I'm sorry but I'm not going to refer to a 6'5, soon to be 16 year old, as a boy.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Ashley Hatfield, all 6'5 of him. I'm sorry but I'm not going to refer to a 6'5, soon to be 16 year old, as a boy.

I tihnk thats what got everyone confused
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Ashley Hatfield, all 6'5 of him. I'm sorry but I'm not going to refer to a 6'5, soon to be 16 year old, as a boy.

Thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea what you were talking about. I thought somebody in the stands came down and starting pounding on the floor and yelling being all upset.
LoL, is there anything else that someone doesn't know?
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Ashley Hatfield, all 6'5 of him. I'm sorry but I'm not going to refer to a 6'5, soon to be 16 year old, as a boy.

The KID is 15 years old, can not leagally get in an R rated movie, can not drive, can't buy a pack of smokes or a can of dip, can't buy booze, can't vote, still lives at home???? Doesn't sound like a man to Anyway, congrats to Valley and hopefully the injury wasn't too serious. Would like for all teams to be at their best when the tournaments start up.
Congrats SV
IRISH4 Wrote:The KID is 15 years old, can not leagally get in an R rated movie, can not drive, can't buy a pack of smokes or a can of dip, can't buy booze, can't vote, still lives at home???? Doesn't sound like a man to

That was real cute IrishRolleyes I bet you can't get into an "R" rated movie, or any of the following after reading some of the non-sense you've posted on here. You've got to be young and dumb. Get well soon Ashley.
I am confused here. Who's on First??? What??
BIGBLACK Wrote:That was real cute IrishRolleyes I bet you can't get into an "R" rated movie, or any of the following after reading some of the non-sense you've posted on here. You've got to be young and dumb. Get well soon Ashley.

HAHAHAHA......that's pretty good. Let me tell you something "boy" I was just stating simple facts, let the KID grow up before you start calling him a man....until he even sniffs 18 he's still a child. Young and dumb? Well it's obvious you're the dumbass, but I did wish him well and hope everything turns out for the best...want an equal playing field come March so we don't have to listen to any excuses.

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