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Prayers for my aunt please..
My aunt was in the hospital and was being treated for pneumonia. Well they discovered today it wasn't pneumonia and she had multiple blood clots in her lungs. She has been to transferred to UK hospital.. You all pray for her and my family because this is a very dangerous situation. She is only 29 years old and has 2 young boys.. Please pray.. Thank you
You got it man. :thumpsup:
She will be in my prayers QQ! Hope everything goes ok and give us some updates.
Man hate to hear that. Blood clots in the lungs are scary. My father made it thru them in 50% of his lungs. Look for the silver lining and prayers from my family to yours.
I am very sorry to hear this QQ but I will pass it on to the rest of my loved ones and have them pray along with me. Please keep us updated.

Sorry to hear this. She will be in my prayers!
I wish her the best.
QQ you know man she will be in mine and if you need anything at all just call.
We were going to go down to UK tonight but the snow is picked up and I don't want to get the boys out on the road tonight.. Thanks for the prayers guys..
Good idea QQ. I heard that the roads/snow has been awful in the Lexington area all day. Just be really careful when you all do travel.

May God walk with you and your family during this trying time. I will be praying for your Aunt and her young sons!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
Yeah I just talked to my Dad, he was in the Huntington Mall and said that 64 might be shut down, so QQ if you do have to travel tonight, please be carful and you will also be in my Prayers!
We will be praying here in Louisa for her.
She will be in my prayers
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

she will also be in my prayers!
Hope everything works out QQ. 29 is very young.
It is Wyatt and two kids to boot. This really breaks my heart. I am still praying that things turn out in her favor and VERY soon.

Will do. Hope everything turns out ok for you man.
Praying.... and PLEASE update us... as soon you get the chance.... God be with you and your family!!
Today our Church had prayer call! I asked for your Aunt to be added to the prayer list. I was so moved by God today and I pray that it had something to do with your Aunt and her needs. I asked that her two young sons be in everyone prayers as well! God will touch this family. I feel that in my heart. I have been dealing with so much in my life as of lately and God told me today that I must forgive others and move forward in his way. This was a very powerful service and may the blessings enter your Aunt’s body and heal her lungs! I have tears in my eyes as I type this. God will work all things out!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
I will be thinking of you and your family and praying that everything works out for the best.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Got my prayers too
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I will for sure remember her, and remember Isaiah 49:1 tells us that nothing is too big for him...May God bless you
Will DEF. Do so TorQQue! Hope all goes well!

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