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Perry Central 86 Powell Co. 83
i made a mistake score was PCC 89 Powell 86
Congrats Central
Sounds like it was a great game. Good job to go on the road and play a tough and hot team close. Congats PCC. any stats?
i am not even gonna start saying that the refs blew the game for powell, but if you watched it, you know they did. i dont care who you are. you dont need to be screwed this bad. come on guys. you are professionals, called numerous amounts of games. but when you blow the whistle just long enough for perry central to get thier defense set, during a time when powell was making their run. but you know what, im not going to complain any more. powell should have played better, congrats on your cheap win perry.
yeah i agree stroked....refs was ok till it started getting intense at the end of the game...powell started making a run and perrys coach would complain so they started blowing the game for powell......there clockkeeper also ripped powell at the end of the game....both teams played hard
Congrats PCC.
it wasnt really the refs that blew the game .. the clock keeper messed this one up .. powell shot a layup and the clock shouldve stopped at 9 secs or somewhere around there .. but when the ball went threw the net the clock kept running on down to about 4.6 secs .. powell fouled before the ball was thrown in so the clock never moved from 4.6 .. so after whoever knocked down 2 free throws gave perry the 3 point lead and it was powells ball with down 3 to go full court against the press and get off a shot .. in 4.6 secs you can get a shot off but i beleive that with 9 secs left then you couldve got a better look .. noone screwed the game .. powell was not guaranteed to hit a 3 pointer if they had time for a shot .. im just saying that powell didnt even get a chance to get a look bcauz of the mistake of the clock runner .. the refs called both ways .. they called fair for both ends .. questionable calls on both ends for 3 1/2 quarters of basketball .. they are just human so give them a break .. they had a call that was very noticeable .. a perry central player held a powell player from getting a lose ball by the jersey .. which led to a scuffle between romans and amis .. so no one before they do get down on the refs .. they come out and make it possible to have organized basketball so lets give them a break for they are only human .. good job goes out to both teams .. excellent hustle and heart and desire in this game .. loved the hustle .. and tyler bailey scored in the mid -40s .. good shooting tyler .. he rarely missed
How many incidents does this make for Romans. when you say scuffle, please explain if there were punches or just shoving and barking
bailey shot great tonight..
Romans just pushed Amis down but Amis got in his face first
yeah romans didnt start this of pcc's players grabbed kinser and pulled him down so he could not get the reb...then amis got in romans face after romans got the jump ball call
Bailey had 40 for the Dores great shooting by him and Congrats Dores!
well you know what, dennis only missed like 2 3's all night he made like 4 or 5, he wa powell's hot shooter, if powell had the double the time, then they could have found him and he could have made the 3. but as you all give the refs credit on being human like everytime they screw someone, if you all can live with frown men makin young men's life a living hell after a game, then so be it. i dont think its right. the fear of playing at perry where everyone in the state knows whats going to happen, i did see it coming, i told a couple of players what i said was gonna happen and it did. but powell will rebound, they have magoffin tuesday, and letcher central for senior night next friday, then comes estill, i am actually happy that powell lost because now they can want it even more, and without the pressure of a win and a winnning streak to keep alive. this could have been the wake up screw job powell needed.
i agree
Congrats PCC
Congrats to Perry
I heard Bailey lit up Powell for 40. When was the last time someone in the 14th got 40.
I said PCC by 2....Anyways Congrats Perry!
what was roman's numbers?
I heard 19 points unsure on rebounds
stroked Wrote:i am not even gonna start saying that the refs blew the game for powell, but if you watched it, you know they did. i dont care who you are. you dont need to be screwed this bad. come on guys. you are professionals, called numerous amounts of games. but when you blow the whistle just long enough for perry central to get thier defense set, during a time when powell was making their run. but you know what, im not going to complain any more. powell should have played better, congrats on your cheap win perry.
Hey stroked, I understand your frustration and I have to give it up to the Powell County team and their excellent young coach for improving to the point that they are as good as anyone in the 14th region IMO, but would you please try to show a little more class in defeat than this. I didnt see the game, but I have seen many games this year that were dramatically effected by the officiating and if everyone responded to it in this manner it would be truly disturbing and overall bad for the game. In summary, Powell has as good a chance as anyone in the 14th region to go to Rupp Arena, so just try to enjoy it and show a litte class along the way.
Congrats to PCC and good effort in Powells part.
Powell was obviously the better all-around team. In the first half Perry shot something like 15 or 16 more free throws than Powell and I don't recall a missed one. Powell shot 4 free throws in the first half, you do the math. This left Powell down 1 at the half, go figure. :Clap:It was'nt the refs fault at all in this one, it just could've been called better with three refs instead or two. I can't believe for a big game like this that there were only 2 refs present, maybe this was the plan of the PCC coaching staff though. Watch out for the Pirates! They are very dangerous. You have to remember nobody in the state of kentucky is guaranteed a win at PCC, so a loss by 3 is a win anywhere else IMO. I think Powell is a 15 point better team than PCC on any given night, but not when PCC hits like they did, probably one of there best, if not THE best shooting nights for Perry, Congrats on the win Perry. I'm sure you will meet Powell again in Whitesburg.
yeah bailey shot the lights out of the ball maybe like 87% or somethign near that....its hard to beat a team with a player shooting that well...powell prabally was the better overall team in this one they just got down at the end of the game but never stopped fighting
watever, trust me powell isnt in the same league as perry.... i would say playin within 3 points of perry was a really goodnight for powell
powell did not play their "A" game against perry and i guess they arent as good as hazard either saying that they beat them and all right? Quit Putting Powell Co Down....just because theyre starting to prove their self dont put them down
thedarkside Wrote:watever, trust me powell isnt in the same league as perry.... i would say playin within 3 points of perry was a really goodnight for powell

Yea darkside it was a really good night for powell to play within 3 points of Perry with the way the two man ref game was going.
Congrats to PCC
Was the calling bad in this one bigcuntry?

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