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Grayson Allen
Mr. Allen has been, deservedly, suspended for an indefinite period of time.

Dirty playing, intentional trips and gloating to other players after he would get away with his antics, has landed him in the hot seat with Coach Mike (however you spell his last name).

I say, it's about time.
The suspension was deserved. I don't know why this guy feels the need to trip players. It's like he had a bad habit in third grade and never let it die.

That being said... I love watching Grayson Allen play basketball.

The passion he shows on the court is something that can't be taught.
Next on 30 for 30 "Why We Hate Grayson Allen"
The punk shouldn't be allowed to play.
He ,ll be back for the tourney..
So he played last night against GT, that suspension didn't last very long lol...ACC should have stepped in...
Duke loses one game without him, and presto chango.......he has learned his lesson!!!


One of these days, he'll trip the wrong person, and end up carrying an ass whoopin'.

Hope I see that game.
OldJacket Wrote:So he played last night against GT, that suspension didn't last very long lol...ACC should have stepped in...
JayCC Bilas and DookieVee would have never allowed that. It that was Monk or Bam, Cal would have never heard the end of it. If it were a WVU player, Huggy never would have heard the end of it.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:JayCC Bilas and DookieVee would have never allowed that. It that was Monk or Bam, Cal would have never heard the end of it. If it were a WVU player, Huggy never would have heard the end of it.
Huggy would have handled him, but would have liked to see Frank Martin deal with Grayson...
Looks like one of Arkansas players suffers from GAS!!!

(Grayson Allen Syndrome)

It would be worth getting a suspension for throwing down with this guy if he pulled one of his bone-head moves.

And as a coach, I would be like Dalton from Roadhouse... "Be nice until it's time to not be nice."
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