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Bell County 2017
Same coach? Same assistants? whats next year look like?
Here is another question: How many pages does this thread get to?
Next year has to be better than this year. What could go wrong did
The only thing that will be better is I am sure they watered down the schedule to get more wins. This staff can't coach so it is still going to be on the bottom.
Surely they can get something together i hate seeing so many former great ball clubs down they need to be back on the rise.
waughdaddy59 Wrote:Surely they can get something together i hate seeing so many former great ball clubs down they need to be back on the rise.

They won't do it with this coaching staff.
WhAt is the schedule for next year
diceman Wrote:WhAt is the schedule for next year

I haven't heard but you can bet it is watered down.
I'm sure that with the staff in place, they will have an off season weight lifting program, spring ball and the coaches will have a better handle on the kids and where they need to be playing.

Seems like some of you guys would try and be more positive about the program, maybe the kids would more positive about the program. Unless you have an agenda which is becoming very clear that you do and it is undermine the coaches and program.

Just sayin'
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:I'm sure that with the staff in place, they will have an off season weight lifting program, spring ball and the coaches will have a better handle on the kids and where they need to be playing.

Seems like some of you guys would try and be more positive about the program, maybe the kids would more positive about the program. Unless you have an agenda which is becoming very clear that you do and it is undermine the coaches and program.

Just sayin'
Let's see what they can do and be positive for the kids.
Bobcat4years Wrote:Amen....
Let's see what they can do and be positive for the kids.

I agree! I don't know how things will play out and I'm definitely not sold on this staff. I think the head coach would be ok but we need assistants to help. But I agree we need to go into the offseason with a positive attitude and see what happens.
redrocket Wrote:I agree! I don't know how things will play out and I'm definitely not sold on this staff. I think the head coach would be ok but we need assistants to help. But I agree we need to go into the offseason with a positive attitude and see what happens.

Hard to be positive after watching them do nothing but drawing a paycheck.
Bobcats 9108 Wrote:Hard to be positive after watching them do nothing but drawing a paycheck.

Sounds to me like you are butt hurt; 1. Baby boy didn't get playing time 2. Chip on your shoulder since you are REALLY not a bobcat anymore. Shunned, left at the alter.....let it out. Confession is good for the soul. Have a drink of Diet Pepsi and things will be better
I would like to see Bell get back to the glory days!
Dudley Hilton has expressed interest. This is fact, not fiction. I can't see this administration going for it, will be interesting. It could get some administration released of duties if there is a chance for his return.
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:Sounds to me like you are butt hurt; 1. Baby boy didn't get playing time 2. Chip on your shoulder since you are REALLY not a bobcat anymore. Shunned, left at the alter.....let it out. Confession is good for the soul. Have a drink of Diet Pepsi and things will be better

Is that quiet called for? What is your involvement in the program? Why are you even sticking your nose into it?

I watched them play Mercer. They obviously had talent but little to no coaching happening at all. Hard to be supportive of people that will not work after having 3 decades of success?

Good luck to Bell but I agree that is not the coaches to turn them around?
WhyLie Wrote:Dudley Hilton has expressed interest. This is fact, not fiction. I can't see this administration going for it, will be interesting. It could get some administration released of duties if there is a chance for his return.

It seems to me that Dudley has a pretty nice set-up at Taylor. Favorable district, getting all new facilities, and getting a pretty nice amount of money.

I'm not saying that you're wrong or that you're making anything up. I just don't know how much interest exactly he would have, unless it is purely to go back to Log Mountain and further his legacy.
TheHotSnakes Wrote:It seems to me that Dudley has a pretty nice set-up at Taylor. Favorable district, getting all new facilities, and getting a pretty nice amount of money.

I'm not saying that you're wrong or that you're making anything up. I just don't know how much interest exactly he would have, unless it is purely to go back to Log Mountain and further his legacy.

All of this, plus being back in the area where he grew up and family roots. You know this, but for others that don't....Dudley grew up in nearby Washington County, which is all of 20-30 minute ride from Campbellsville depending on how many tractors are on the road(s).
I would not have thought it either if he himself had not told it. Now , if you know Dudley , loves for people to talk about him, so may just be that. He told several people he was. I heard it as well," from the horses mouth", so to speak.
WhyLie Wrote:I would not have thought it either if he himself had not told it. Now , if you know Dudley , loves for people to talk about him, so may just be that. He told several people he was. I heard it as well," from the horses mouth", so to speak.

I think that's probably entirely 100% correct.

But, will Bell be able to match the money he's getting from Taylor? If they can match, then I'd say Dudley is gone back to his mountain throne. I know for a fact that he hasn't been entirely pleased with the way things have gone down between he and other coaches in the area/other teams in the area. I don't think they have the bow-down respect for him that he thinks he deserves. Not saying he get's that while at Bell, but I'd say it's quite a bit different.
WhyLie Wrote:Dudley Hilton has expressed interest. This is fact, not fiction. I can't see this administration going for it, will be interesting. It could get some administration released of duties if there is a chance for his return.

I have heard this recently as well from a source who would know.
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:All of this, plus being back in the area where he grew up and family roots. You know this, but for others that don't....Dudley grew up in nearby Washington County, which is all of 20-30 minute ride from Campbellsville depending on how many tractors are on the road(s).

Ive heard rumors as well. Ill be honest i don't worry as much about who the head coach is as i do can that head coach get quality help. Dudley comes back who does he go get?
If Dudley returns....would this not be Act III? At Bell left for Bourbon......returned....left for UPike........Am I missing any other twists and turns in this?

Dudley is a great coach.....but.....I seriously cannot see him coming back to Bell at this juncture.
I'm hearing he has inquired on a couple open jobs around the state.
Bell county is in Big trouble.
Not if Hilton returns, this community will support and I hear that one of his assistants will be coming with him if he comes. One of the old Bell staff that left. Things as of now are looking up , if this is true.
All depends on who that staff is. I dont know of anyone who he has at taylor and unless he can bring back Frazier or Hoskins i dont see anyone from the old staff being much of a help. I think dudley could bring some coaches in from other places. Talent down no matter what this isnt going to be the old Bell County but he would maximize what we do have. Again IF this is true.
Dudley told me he staying at taylor county as football coach
I wouldnt be surprised if Dudley left Taylor....He likes to have his name thrown around for sure for possible openings and would entertain offers. But I wouldn't bet on it. He is close to his brother and friends. He has it made, no pressure, they don't expect him to be a contender year in year out. Plus the fact his kids are moved away and won't be at any of the possible job locations. If he went anywhere I think it would be closer to his wife's hometown of Breathitt Co.. Just my opinion, for what it's worth. I see very very little chance of him leaving the gig he has now, unless he jus wakes up one day and wants to quit being a head coach all together. He is getting up there in years.
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