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Ekc grid o-rama 2016 link to pics and thoughts
First I wanted to say thanks to the staff at West Cater for the rosters and the invite to the press box.

Those of you I met, I wanted to say y'all are good people.

Good luck to all of the teams this season.

My rankings of the teams(means nothing, so do not freak out)

1-Raceland- #1, was the best player I watched this weekend.
Overall the team looked very sound, for it being so early. Line play was very good,in my eyes. All of the backs ran well and they all seem to bring it every time they touched the ball. QB was solid

2-Russell- Nice QB, with some really good hard running backs. Defense was tough and looked like they were having fun.

3-Fleming County- Most are going to jump on the passing game being potent,but to me there smaller D-Line seem to dominate the play against a very, very lard line. QB, still has a little Brett Farve in him ,but looked more poised this time.

Gets tricky from here because MOST of the following team are very close.

4-Green Up County- My reasoning for this is, there defense was stout and the offense shot themselves in the foot multiple times with STUPID penalties. Once they clean this up and tweak the offense, so that their studs can get the ball in the open field, they could/should be dangerous.

5-Nichols- My reasoning for this even with their poor showing is this. They(I were told was missing their 2 best backs) This does not change the fact their huge offensive line was pretty much dominated by a smaller defensive line. With a little passing game, to go with the two missing backs and they should have a solid year.Only 2-7 passing, I can't see this leading to success, unless those two backs are big time studs and the Off line plays 100% better than they did this weekend.

6-East Carter- They were two huge plays from having a shutout. On offense they put up close to 208 yards, but a lack of a passing game will hurt them in regular season games.(3-9 passing) on two plays they gave up 116 yards. They gave up a total of 178, so the defense minus those two plays was dominating like.

7-West Carter- Defensively they gave up 141 yards(yes, Green Up did kill themselves at times with stupid penalties) but each time the defense would stand
tall and never allow anything big. Offensively , is where the problems seem to be.(69 total yards) I.M.O. some sort of a med range passing game will have to be found to set up, what could be a good running game. I do not think the bubble screens or short sideline passes, will help open the running game up at all.

(8-9 AND 10 IS TIGHT I.M.O.)

8-Lewis- Like I said the next three teas I.M.O. are close. Lewis has a solid player in #22. He can run and catch and seems to get stronger as the game goes on. Not being mean but a lot of what he did he did on his own.

9-Bath- I give them this slot over Rowen County because they at least tried to show both a run and passing game, though I can not see 95% screen passes and 5%(just a rough guess here) downfield game causing many teams a lot of problems. The running game mostly consisted of up the middle runs and QB draws.
The defense will have to find away to at least slow a running game down. I really thought they would be able to build on last season even though the numbers looked a little down.

10-Rowen- New staff and new systems might have led to the poor showing they had, but bad tackling can not be credited to that. The offense had something like 19 yards. They attempted 2 passes, completed zero. I.M.O. they do not have the line for a power running game. I do believe the line gave 100% but against a solid squad like Russell they had little chance trying to over power them.

If the first links do not work please try these.
The photobucket links work but you need to take ekc part1 album off of private. Part 2 worked like a charm.
Both links work now on photobucket.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:First I wanted to say thanks to the staff at West Cater for the rosters and the invite to the press box.

Those of you I met, I wanted to say y'all are good people.

Good luck to all of the teams this season.

My rankings of the teams(means nothing, so do not freak out)

1-Raceland- #1, was the best player I watched this weekend.
Overall the team looked very sound, for it being so early. Line play was very good,in my eyes. All of the backs ran well and they all seem to bring it every time they touched the ball. QB was solid

2-Russell- Nice QB, with some really good hard running backs. Defense was tough and looked like they were having fun.

3-Fleming County- Most are going to jump on the passing game being potent,but to me there smaller D-Line seem to dominate the play against a very, very lard line. QB, still has a little Brett Farve in him ,but looked more poised this time.

Gets tricky from here because MOST of the following team are very close.

4-Green Up County- My reasoning for this is, there defense was stout and the offense shot themselves in the foot multiple times with STUPID penalties. Once they clean this up and tweak the offense, so that their studs can get the ball in the open field, they could/should be dangerous.

5-Nichols- My reasoning for this even with their poor showing is this. They(I were told was missing their 2 best backs) This does not change the fact their huge offensive line was pretty much dominated by a smaller defensive line. With a little passing game, to go with the two missing backs and they should have a solid year.Only 2-7 passing, I can't see this leading to success, unless those two backs are big time studs and the Off line plays 100% better than they did this weekend.

6-East Carter- They were two huge plays from having a shutout. On offense they put up close to 208 yards, but a lack of a passing game will hurt them in regular season games.(3-9 passing) on two plays they gave up 116 yards. They gave up a total of 178, so the defense minus those two plays was dominating like.

7-West Carter- Defensively they gave up 141 yards(yes, Green Up did kill themselves at times with stupid penalties) but each time the defense would stand
tall and never allow anything big. Offensively , is where the problems seem to be.(69 total yards) I.M.O. some sort of a med range passing game will have to be found to set up, what could be a good running game. I do not think the bubble screens or short sideline passes, will help open the running game up at all.

(8-9 AND 10 IS TIGHT I.M.O.)

8-Lewis- Like I said the next three teas I.M.O. are close. Lewis has a solid player in #22. He can run and catch and seems to get stronger as the game goes on. Not being mean but a lot of what he did he did on his own.

9-Bath- I give them this slot over Rowen County because they at least tried to show both a run and passing game, though I can not see 95% screen passes and 5%(just a rough guess here) downfield game causing many teams a lot of problems. The running game mostly consisted of up the middle runs and QB draws.
The defense will have to find away to at least slow a running game down. I really thought they would be able to build on last season even though the numbers looked a little down.

10-Rowen- New staff and new systems might have led to the poor showing they had, but bad tackling can not be credited to that. The offense had something like 19 yards. They attempted 2 passes, completed zero. I.M.O. they do not have the line for a power running game. I do believe the line gave 100% but against a solid squad like Russell they had little chance trying to over power them.


The next time you're at a Raceland game go to the press box and if they have a seat available it's yours. I know a couple people and I'm pretty sure they'll take care of you if any way possible. I would have done that for you Saturday if it would have crossed my mind. PM me a few days ahead and I'll have someone looking for you.
Thank you. Also can A mode make it ROWAN?

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