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Controversial Debate, "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choi
As we all know, abortion is the most controversial subject out there. For many people, it is either one extreme or the other. There is no such thing as middle ground on this. With that being said, let's try to carry on this debate in a civilized manner regardless whether you are "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choice". Let's hear what's all of you have to say about this, state your position and elaborate why!!!

I'll start first. My vote goes for the "Pro-Life" Killing a baby or fetus is murder. The baby has no say so in whether or not they should live. I mean, just think if someone you loved or even yourself, didnt have a opportunity to experience life because their mother was too sorry to pack you around for 9 months, or to sorry to raise a child.. I'm sure glad my mom gave me an opportunity to live. Alot little cuddly babies are being killed for no reason. If women dont want a child they should be on birth control. If they are not able to raise a child, they should give it to someone who will. A women should not have any right to kill a baby. Especillay when it could of been prevented by her in the first place.. eg..Birth Control, Keeping thier pants on.. Our government will give someone life in prision for killing an adult. But supports killing babies.. i will never understand this mixed up world..

Alright, I'm off my soap box.......Let's hear your opinion!!!!
You nailed QQ.
200,000 people were killed by the wave. There has been a tremendous outpour of help around the world by millions and millions of people. Billions of dollars are being sent to help these victims out.

Every 38 hours, 200,000 babies world wide are aborted. When was the last time you saw millions and millions of people donating millions and millions of dollars to stop this? And it happens more often. Please explain the logic behind this
i agree torQQue
I have a little poem

If your gonna be a whore
Atleast let the baby be born

Cute Kid QQ
I'm with ya QQ
me too
I feel like the devil going against everyone here...Plaese don't kill me everyone....first of all i would like t say that you have a very cute kid QQ...Here it goes.........sheeewwwww.

I am Pro-Choice...The reason is that there are many more "sticky" situations than what you just pointed out QQ.....I for one would never have an abortion if me and my girffriend prematurely got pregnant. Other situations however, I might have to give consideration to..

1) The mother is raped ....... I don't think i could carry a child like that ..... However, in this situation, the MOTHER should be the one to decide, not the gov't

2) The mother has cancer and is with child, the only way to cure the cancer is to take a drug that will eventually abort the fetus (a very, very unfortunate side-affect) however, if the mother don't take the drug, she will die before the child is born, thus killing both mother and child.......This situation is one where the mother has to choose.....Do you save one life, or risk loosing both???? very hard decision.. one which i would not wish upon my worst enemies.

3) If we are a country that shanges to pro-life...there will be tons of "back alley clinics"... clinics that are unsanitary places where mothers before rowe-v-wade turned to for abortions, many of these mothers, actually 73% of these mothers died...most of which that probably encountered the same situations as stated above.

Those are the reasons that keep my decision swayed towards pro-choice...and like you said QQ, it is toooo messy to find any common ground, which is why the government, IMO, has kept their diecision with row-v-wade.

One more thing before i get off of my thing that I will always be against is partial birth abortion...That is sick and that is disgusting....Luckily states are starting to creat bills and laws that prohibits such acts (states like kentucky, with their fetal homicide bill passed just last summer i believe.) If you are going to abort a fetus you should have decided before the end of the first trimester.

Like i said....I would never, ever consider an abortion other than if i were put in one of the situations listed abov
ah whatever
I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it
This is a very, very tender situation... I am pro-life but I do understand why some are pro-choice.
everyone has their own opinions
that is true Hurley
i know that is why i said it lol

In the event of a rape, it tends to be a sticky situation....
I think in any situation when dealing with abortion everything tends to become sticky. It IS VERY tender.

Posted Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:24 pm:

I think in any situation when dealing with abortion everything tends to become sticky. It IS VERY tender.
panthermania thing that I will always be against is partial birth abortion...That is sick and that is disgusting...
What if a partial birth abortion would save the mother from death, panthermania?

I am pro-life. I don't think any of us have the wisdom to make choices better than God!!!
I am pro life, however like panthermania said, there are some times when ya have to think about it.. In a life or death situation, it should be pro choice, but for a girl to go out and get pregnant, and think that she is too young or whatever, then she shouldn't have a choice. Actually any unmarried girl that's pregnant, unless it is life or death, shouldn't have a choice.

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