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Southwestern 32 Madison Southern 26
Final from Southwestern. any word on Harris injury
oh wow French is doing well in Southwestern!!
what happened to harris?
Congratulations to my good friend Coach French! Doing great things at SW! Hope Harris is okay but Madison Southern is what we all thought without him. SW dominated this game even with Harris in the game. Southern defense is awful. God speed to Harris on a speedy recovery.
Hope Harris is ready to go Friday.
Hopefully their coaches were just being cautious with Harris. He was injured while trying to drag a Warrior tackler around the ankle of his injured knee. God speed in his recovery, he is every thing they said he was.
The turnaround for them has been amazing. They've beaten two really good teams in back to back weeks. This also shows how good of a win it was for corbin as well as belfry.

It definitely spotlights that October 24th game with Pulaski. That could end up being a great game?
I expected this good, team coupled with A good coach.
Great job tonight Warriors!!!

Praying for Harris!!
What's the deal with Doan?
family issues. Dad got arrested. went back to somerset
SW 2 losses to one loss teams. Those teams losses have come to undefeated teams

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