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Does offense really sell tickets but defense win games
Top scoring teams for 2014:
Ballard 83 ppg
Hopkinsville 82 ppg
Wayne Co 80 ppg
Jackson Co 76 ppg
Taylor Co 75 ppg
Scott County 74 ppg
Fleming Co 73 ppg
Madison Central 72 ppg
Boyd County 72 ppg
Holmes 70 ppg

Least points allowed for 2014:
Bishop Brossart 46 ppg
Cooper 50 ppg
Bardstown Bethlehem 53 ppg
Whitesville Trinity 54 ppg
Highlands 54 ppg
Fulton City 57 ppg
Fulton County 57 ppg

The truth is some of the highest scoring teams play the best defense. Low scores are more about pace of play than great defense.
I agree
It's all about defense and how well you can play it, which varies on a game to game basis. I've seen teams play great defense while allowing 70+ points and I've seen teams play lazy defense and score in the 50's. Tempo is a big factor and how you play with it. Defense is the key to winning games and championships and that can mean for a full 32 minute game or for the final 2 minutes of a game. However you wanna look at it defense puts up W's!
Pace has everything to do with it. If a team is holding the ball a lot, which a lot of teams in the 13th region do a lot, doesn't mean they are playing great defense.
Clay county should be on that top scoring list. They are in the top 10 on khsaa. I think they are averaging around 75 pts per game. But I agree its more about pace than playing good D.
^ You're correct. Clay County should be on that list. They actually average 73 points per game. 2268 pts/31 games. Good call.
First, to answer the question directly, winning sells tickets!

I agree that scoring totals are not reflective of quality of defense. Pitino's teams are always known for great D yet are typically high scoring teams. Their intense D forces an up-tempo game which means both teams will likely score more (unless you are Rutgers).
But you left out the team that allows the least ppg in Louisville Trinity?
I'm just saying teams that allow higher PPG can be better defensively than those that allow less PPG. And that points allowed, as an isolated stat, tells you very little about how good a team is defensively.
citykat Wrote:But you left out the team that allows the least ppg in Louisville Trinity?

Left out that knott is only giving up 50.2 points a game

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