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Belfry/East Ridge Incident
Tonight, in the closing seconds of the Belfry/East Ridge game at ER, a loose ball foul occurred on one of East Ridge's players, as he was believed to punch a Belfry player on the way down. The officials called this before the clock expired. A Belfry parent came to attend to his injured son, during which an argument between an ER official and the parent occurred. Afterwards, ER coach McCoy came over and supposedly threatened the parent and a high school student if they didn't leave the gym. The officials called the game over, even though the foul occurred with time still on the clock and a 1 point margin. Neither teams shoot hands and some ER players had to be restrained as the parent and the coach/fans argued. Looking for others input about the incident, as well as the coach's behavior, and the decision to call the game, as the injured player had free throws to attempt?
Dang, that's terrible!
That's East Ridge for you
First of all get your facts straight. Referee called a double foul on both players which offset, then a technical foul on Belfry coach. Referee then asked the clock keeper if time had expired. clock keeper sais time had expired. GAME OVER!! I was at scores table book keeper for East Ridge. East Ridge -55 Belfry -54 Warriors win!! Better get your story straight when you start making accusations about a coach too. Coach MCcoy was on the floor to see if the players were ok because the horn had sounded. One of Belfry's players had a smart remark to say to one East Ridge players on there way off the floor. That's what made things get worse. So if you are a sore loser don't say things on here that's not true. Theses are high school kids.get your facts straight before you post stuff on here.
Warthog, were you at the game ?? Bunch of sore losers
Pirates stick to football. You can't beat nobody in Basketball. Maybe Phelps??
Can't say for certain what happened. Randy isn't going to let anybody push him around in his gym. I'd assume some retaliation had occurred after the alleged incident during the loose ball foul. Whatever the case I'm sure there is equal blame to go around. As for calling the game, that decision is determined by the official, and at this point do the W-L's even matter?
pugsley79 Wrote:Pirates stick to football. You can't beat nobody in Basketball. Maybe Phelps??

There's 2 sides to every story, lackluster officiating tonight on both ends, as is usual with the 15th. Just my take from the incident, was wanting a peaceful discussion about it but I guess I'm just a liar so my side doesn't matter.
Good to see East Ridge has a mature person keeping the book for them. Only not really.
Pray that Nathan Copley's X-rays come back okay he's at the hospital now.
pugsley79 Wrote:Warthog, were you at the game ?? Bunch of sore losers
No, I wasn't at the game.
Were you out on the floor to hear everything that was said?
Belfry0304 Wrote:Pray that Nathan Copley's X-rays come back okay he's at the hospital now.

Prayers go out to the young man, hoping for a speedy recovery.
Thanks everybody. Big win for warriors now 14-9 on the season.
pugsley79 Wrote:Thanks everybody. Big win for warriors now 14-9 on the season.

A 1 point win over a 6-17 team under controversial circumstances hardly qualifies as a good win.

Hope Copley is ok. Congrats to ER on the win.
What I will say about that outcome, and pugsley's post is that if the scorekeeper said time had expired when the official blew the whistle on the foul (or double foul as that poster stated) then he was 100% wrong and if the game film has sound I will prove it. The whistle was blown almost a full second before the buzzer sounded.

I could care less, to be honest. I hate to see our kids play one of their best games all season and lose this way, but there's more important things and we've got a game to play tonight.

I do think things got out of hand, on both sides, but it's discouraging to see a grown man in a coaching position who is supposed to be a role model threaten someone, especially a 17 or 18 year old kid checking on an injured player.

Real Badman - all class in this thread, really appreciate that man. Kudos to you.
pugsley79 Wrote:Pirates stick to football. You can't beat nobody in Basketball. Maybe Phelps??
So you are only one point better tonight than the team who cant beat anybody.
This doesn't surprise me at all coming from East Ridge. Belfry is a physical team but they are always classy. East Ridge on the other hand seems like they like the drama.
If the horn had not sounded then they are a double foul which offset. technical foul on Belfry coach. East Ridge shoots 2 free throws for technical and then go to alternating possession and it would of been East ridge ball. Game. I thought people from Belfry had more class than this. Coming onto floor. If there had bee an a law official there that person who stormed the court would of spent the night in the the Pike Co. Detention Center. You people make the situation out to make you all look good. I stated it the way it happened. Once again Warriors win. Had to play Allen Central last night to get a win???
I Know, right were you at the game or hate East Ridge too because we whopped your teams butt too???
007 pirate you said it right about a team that can't beat nobody??
Belfry did not show their class that night
Quit crying Pirates, you played your best game of season and Warriors played one of their worst games of season and Warriors still beat your butt
You can always count on pugsley79 to chime in with some classy comments! :flush:

Sounds about how the game ended! :please:
Okay, you obviously know everything bud. Did you know we've lost 9 games by a total of 11 points this year? Did you know that we didn't play a single senior against you guys? We're young, we'll be fine. Our kids understand that. You need to learn about class, the guy that went down on the court was the kids dad... usually when a kid goes down hard and is literally in so much pain he's screaming his parents will go check on him.

By the way, for you guys who actually cared about the kid who was injured, he had really bad pain in his neck but was treated and had no serious injuries and played Friday night, and played well. Set his season & career high with 29 points. Thanks for your concern, very appreciated.
pugsley79 Wrote:007 pirate you said it right about a team that can't beat nobody??
I wasnt saying it pudgy, i just repeated you're words back to you, stupid.

And reguardless of what one of our players said after that kid took a cheap shot at Nathan, he still shouldnt have punched a player. Of course they're going to say something. He should've been ejected and sitting out a few games.

Y'all talking about us not having any class, it all started AFTER the CHEAP SHOT PUNCH TO THE FACE. Ive watched the video over and over. It was a punk move.
pugsley79 Wrote:First of all get your facts straight. Referee called a double foul on both players which offset, then a technical foul on Belfry coach. Referee then asked the clock keeper if time had expired. clock keeper sais time had expired. GAME OVER!! I was at scores table book keeper for East Ridge. East Ridge -55 Belfry -54 Warriors win!! Better get your story straight when you start making accusations about a coach too. Coach MCcoy was on the floor to see if the players were ok because the horn had sounded. One of Belfry's players had a smart remark to say to one East Ridge players on there way off the floor. That's what made things get worse. So if you are a sore loser don't say things on here that's not true. Theses are high school kids.get your facts straight before you post stuff on here.

It really doesn't matter if the horn had sounded or not. If there was a technical foul called which ever team should have got to shoot those free throws. Khsaa rule is that the officials are in control of the court until the last ref is off the court
And khsaa rule also says nobody can come on the playing floor unless signaled by one of the refs. No coaches, no players, no parents, nobody
Big Don, I'm glad you see it and that you pointed it out...but he dont get it.
hitter Wrote:And khsaa rule also says nobody can come on the playing floor unless signaled by one of the refs. No coaches, no players, no parents, nobody
Im sure it's also against khsaa rules to punch opponents in the face. The rules are you get ejected and that didnt happen. The ref even stated that he didnt see it and he did, the video proves it.
hitter Wrote:And khsaa rule also says nobody can come on the playing floor unless signaled by one of the refs. No coaches, no players, no parents, nobody

Buzzer had sounded. Whistle was blown, clock didn't stop. You are correct though. But since the game was technically over

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