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All women announcers
watching Zags/BYU game. Am I the only one who hates women announcing men's games? First time I have seen two women do a game. I LOVE women, but as a man, watching a men's sporting event, I prefer male announcers.
I feel the same.
I cant stand it, and its not from a masculine stand point. If I wanted to hear a womans take on the game I would have married one that understands it.
I don't like it either.
Although I did not watch the game , it can't be worst than listening to Jimmy Dykes.
Honestly, I watched the game and had it on mute
Men should commentate men basketball games.....Women should comment on women basketball games...Simple as that..
I like two women together

As long as they know what they're talking about and bring some excitement to the broadcast, I'm cool with it.

But im still waiting for that to happen...
Doris Burke is 100 TIMES better then dUKie V! And Holly Rowe does as good a job as any man. I'm not sure what all this visceral is all about, bottom-line, give me someone who knows what they are talking about, add color (mean give me something about the players or the event that I didn't already know, and that will keep me happy! I really don't care what sex, color or creed they are as long as they do those things!

Thank god that blubbering John Madden is off television. Everyone loved him and his stupid descriptives that meant absolutely NOTHING, yet he was beloved. Bonnie Bernstein knows more about NFL football than 95% of the men who are doing, yet she will never get the credit she deserves because she is a woman!

Just because a man played it, does not mean he's smart enough to describe it, al-la Solomon Wilcots:
insideinfo Wrote:Although I did not watch the game , it can't be worst than listening to Jimmy Dykes.

I like Jimmy even though he is from Arkansas,he LOVES HIM SOME CATS,lol
Doris Burke has the personality of a wet mop.
^ Wet is OK. It's still a hundred times better than the dried up brooms of Vitale, Joe Buck, Tony Siragusa, Mike Patrick, Tony Korneheiser, Jim Gray and Tim McCarver!
Stardust Wrote:^ Wet is OK. It's still a hundred times better than the dried up brooms of Vitale, Joe Buck, Tony Siragusa, Mike Patrick, Tony Korneheiser, Jim Gray and Tim McCarver!
I love listening to Joe Buck. Buck and Aikman is my favorite play by play team.
I agree with you about the rest though. I would add Phil Simms, he worse than all those.
cuppett777 Wrote:I like Jimmy even though he is from Arkansas,he LOVES HIM SOME CATS,lol
Jimmy Dykes has such a mancrush on Calipari. I enjoy listening to him however. He sound like he has fun doing the games without being over the top.
Jarons Wrote:Jimmy Dykes has such a mancrush on Calipari. I enjoy listening to him however. He sound like he has fun doing the games without being over the top.
I'm on satellite and can't get the radio and TV to sinc up together,but that better than listening to Dykes.
When a woman announces a football game... it is 10X worse.
I think every televised sporting event in the nation should be scheduled so that Gus Johnson can do play-by-play

Although I doubt they have ever called a game together... I think that Steve Kerr should be his color guy
I would love to hear Bobby "The Brain" Heenan announce one basketball or football game..... and Howard Finkel on the Public Address sytem.
FBALL Wrote:Doris Burke has the personality of a wet mop.

Same with Pam "The Man" Ward.

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