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Here are a few Dumb Crook news.
It smelled
At a local Steak n Shake in Indiana, two really raggedy looking people came into eat during the middle of the night. All of a sudden all the employees started getting sick and throwing up in the back… they had no idea what was going on until someone went out into the dining room and realized the smell was coming from the customers. It smelled like ammonia and other chemicals, perfect ingrediants to cook meth with. The police were called and a meth lab was
discovered within their presence.

Strait to the bank drive-thru
Sylvester, Ga- While Ms. Powell was at work at a local bank in Sylvester, Ga., her home was being robbed. Before she ever made it home that day to discover the burglary, the thieves, who had also stolen some of her checks, headed strait to the bank drive-thru to cash one of her checks. The bank was the one she works at and she was working at one of the windows of the drive-thru. The teller who received the check informed Ms. Powell that one of her checks had just been received. Upon observing the check, she tried to remove her nameplate so the thief could not see it, while they informed authorities. In the meantime, the teller told the thief he would have to come inside the bank for the transaction. The thief became suspicious and drove off, but not before collecting his driver’s license and social security card. About midnight that evening, officers had the thief in custody

Hit by Lightening
As reported in the Hartford Courant. A Cromwell, Connecticut resident was arrested for pot growing when a workshop in a barn beside his house was hit by lightening and set ablaze. The plants were discovered growing above the workshop after the fire was extinguished. The grower was quoted as saying “I thought my chances of being caught were the same as those of being hit by lightening!”

Would-Be Burglars Call In Police
Detectives in Western Australia are trying to get to the bottom of an unusual confrontation in which two burglars called police for help during an attempted break-in.

Just what happened at the Legend boat building shed in the suburb of Naval Base is still a mystery of sorts.

Early on the morning of June 30, police received a call from one of two men believed to be burglarizing the building.

That man called the cops to report that he and another man had been accosted outside the building by a third man, who is believed to be a security guard.

He also claimed that shots had been fired during the fight.

Police rushed to the scene and as of this writing they continue to investigate.

Three men have been confined and are being interviewed by detectives.

Just why the burglar felt as though he had to call the cops to begin with is unknown at this time.
Their are some stupid people out there.
As long as we have people we'll have stupid people.
Thats some crazy stuff.

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