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The New School Lunch Program
This is what happens when one keeps trying to fix something that isn't busted. This is happening across the nation, though I have cited only Virginia and Kentucky.

"In Montgomery County (Va), Marcenelle said he plans to do a study later in the year to see just how much food is being wasted.

"I predict that we would see a high plate waste compared to previous years," he said. "And my guess is the majority will be vegetables."

Wasted food means wasted money in a time of rising food costs. The new increased offerings of fruits and vegetables are expensive, Marcenelle said. If every Montgomery County high school student were to take the two vegetables and fruits allowed under the new guidelines, it would hurt the budget, he added."

"I am concerned because we've already increased the cost of our meal," he said.

Closer to home Russell High School is experiencing a significant budget crunch because of the new federal school lunch nutritional regulations Obama recently signed into law. From an op-ed by Mike James in today's Independent; "Fewer students are buying their lunches at school following the (new regulations). Because of the drop, revenue is down $74,000 so far this year, Chambers said. At the same time, expenses are up $27,000, because the fresh fruits, vegetables and other more nutritious foods demanded by the regs are more expensive.

That adds up to a $101,000 drop in the food service budget, which buys equipment and pays the salaries and benefits of workers. "We have to be self-sustaining, so a $101,000 drop is devastating," Chambers said."

All of the Obama inspired social programs will have equally devastating effects across the board. By the time the 'other' fiscal shoe hits the floor in the next four years, the once glorious American life style will be a memory. We had a chance to dodge the bullet in November but, that chance is gone. The next train comes in November of 2014. Will the takers prevail again?
TheRealThing Wrote:This is what happens when one keeps trying to fix something that isn't busted. This is happening across the nation, though I have cited only Virginia and Kentucky.

"In Montgomery County (Va), Marcenelle said he plans to do a study later in the year to see just how much food is being wasted.

"I predict that we would see a high plate waste compared to previous years," he said. "And my guess is the majority will be vegetables."

Wasted food means wasted money in a time of rising food costs. The new increased offerings of fruits and vegetables are expensive, Marcenelle said. If every Montgomery County high school student were to take the two vegetables and fruits allowed under the new guidelines, it would hurt the budget, he added."

"I am concerned because we've already increased the cost of our meal," he said.

Closer to home Russell High School is experiencing a significant budget crunch because of the new federal school lunch nutritional regulations Obama recently signed into law. From an op-ed by Mike James in today's Independent; "Fewer students are buying their lunches at school following the (new regulations). Because of the drop, revenue is down $74,000 so far this year, Chambers said. At the same time, expenses are up $27,000, because the fresh fruits, vegetables and other more nutritious foods demanded by the regs are more expensive.

That adds up to a $101,000 drop in the food service budget, which buys equipment and pays the salaries and benefits of workers. "We have to be self-sustaining, so a $101,000 drop is devastating," Chambers said."

All of the Obama inspired social programs will have equally devastating effects across the board. By the time the 'other' fiscal shoe hits the floor in the next four years, the once glorious American life style will be a memory. We had a chance to dodge the bullet in November but, that chance is gone. The next train comes in November of 2014. Will the takers prevail again?

But you're missing the point TRT. With first lady Moochell's influence coupled with these lunch programs, maybe two more high school graduates will graduate at their prime weight. Worth every penny spent and lost huh?

The lunch program (power grab) won't make a difference in 2014 because uninformed/mesmerized voters will never know. The gun control (power grab) that Obama and his liberal friends stepped on their doololly with might save the day in 2014.
Just another socialist program.

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