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Corbin Coach reprimands player for wearing Pink
A story in the Times Tribune says Corbin Coach Steve Jewell has reprimanded one of his players for wearing a pink towel and gloves in last Friday night's game against Bell County.The player was wearing pink in observance of cancer awarness. According to the paper the kids family has several members batteling the disease or have already passed on due to it. Coach Jewell called him out after the game in front of the whole team and implimented punishment during the next practice.The coach defended his actions stating that the player had broken a uniform dress code. I think this is ironic because in the same paper it shows the coach's son wearing 2 different colored gloves. Shame on you coach! Did he really have to go there with this?:please:
News also stated the school board is planning on looking into this.

For doing this will it cost him his job?

Theirs nothing wrong with wearing pink. Especially if it supports breast cancer
He's Done you don't mess with a kid honoring his family
Don't really know what Coach Jewell was thinking. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the player did and I think this will/has opened up a can of worms that he probably will wish that hadn't done. IMO, Coach Jewell does deserve some kind of reprimand for his actions. As far as getting fired, I think that is too harsh but, I think he should get some kind of suspension and also be made to donate to the Susan G Komen foundation or something similar!
This is just the latest in a long line of poor coaching decisions that Steve Jewell has made this year and it's by far the worst, IMHO.

It's bad enough that the Redhounds are performing so poorly on the field even though the team is talented and has depth. This incident, however, shows that Jewell's poor decisions are not limited to team preparation, player motivation and in-game coaching. He appears to be an inappropriately heavy-handed disciplinarian too.

Almost every team I've seen this month has had players wearing some form of pink attire. Some wear socks or gloves and some just wear pink tape if that's all they can come up with. Last year, some teams wore pink jerseys to support breast cancer research.

This is an issue we can all get behind... even you, Steve Jewell. There is an exception to EVERY rule. Instead of punishing ONE kid for wearing pink, why not encourage ALL the boys to wear it. Team unity doesn't just come in Redhound Red.
“We have a team policy. The kids know exactly how they’re supposed to be dressed when they come out to play. He didn’t have prior permission, and didn’t ask. Nobody questioned it. It’s basically an internal dress code violation,” Jewell said.

I mean really? Your gonna punish a kid for wearing pink towel and pink gloves for honoring breast cancer awareness month?

Isn't it the coaches fault for not talking to the player before hand? Aren't they in the same locker room? Couldn't he have talked to him about it before he went out on the field to warm up?
I'm sure there are 2 sides to this. Nothing wrong with honoring breast cancer awareness. But where do you draw the line between teaching a kid to follow the rules and his right to self expression? I don't want to come off the wrong way here.......lots of teams these days have a week where they wear the pink jerseys to support cancer awareness, and that's awesome; I'm all for it. If the school board wants to make a big issue out of this, then they want Coach Jewell out of there anyway, and like any other cowardly administration in Eastern Kentucky, they will take something like this and try to make themselves look like the good people in it all. Same ole story, coming at us again. Didn't Lynn Camp get rid of Coach Mitchell for some kids playing with dry ice and getting burned last year? Was that really the reason for firing a coach who had done a great job with a small program for 30+ years? How about school principals, school boards and superintendents grow a set for a change and look the coach in the eye, and tell them they want to go a different direction.
I heard a lot of action was going on at the school today. A lot of parents came to the school today to talk to the AD. Jewell has been under a lot of heat as of late for playing his son,who has carried the ball over 40% of the time this year. He is also recieving a lot of heat for kids leaving and going to South Laurel and Williamsburg ( 7 starters off the 2010 middle school state championship team have left, 6 are enrolled at Williamsburg). I can't believe the picture of his son with 2 different colored gloves on in the same newspaper, is this uniform dress attire. Jewell has another son that will be a freshman next year, so for the next 4 years the drama will continue. Hey coach you just got beat by 30 points on your home field and you are concerned about a kid honoring family members with cancer:ChairHit:
:what:I hope this is not true :why:would a coach in the united states reprimand one of his player for wearing pink for cancer awareness.this is unthinkable shame on this coach jewell i don't no him and don't want to no i'm going to Confusederved:by the:policeman:policeman:policeman for a lifetime suspension coaching highschools football in kentucky an you can kiss my:moon:an every family who has dealt with a family member of cancer:please:get a life
So what team rules should be enforced?
SAD, if that is true about telling the player he could not wear Pink. I believe that is wonderful what players around the country are doing for breast cancer.
Just read the paper and heck it says the kid got to wear his pink gloves but the coach made him take the towel off. Coach Jewell told the kid in question that the pink towel was to draw attention to Himself and not to support cancer. Why would coach say that to a kid when all he was doing was honoring his family who has or has had cancer.
What's even worse is Corbin is getting killed by almost everybody they play and the Kidd in question had a heck of a game.

Coach Jewell has no ethics what so ever
by the way per NFHS rules
One (4"x12" min/18"x36" max) plain white towel per player. Must be moisture absorbing and cannot be sticky.
Much ado about nada.

Being the head football coach at Corbin is a very demanding job.
you want :rules:NKY SHAME ON YOU.Hope you sleep good tonight:rules:what planet are you from:omg:another Reprimand coach :getwell:
Why the hate? There team rules and national rules do we get to pick and choose?
I wonder if it would have been an issue if they hadn't got a beat down by Bell County?

Rules are rules but if it was that big of an issue, then it never makes it to the field. HC or AC notices in locker room or warming up and tells him to take it off before the game.
nky Wrote:Why the hate? There team rules and national rules do we get to pick and choose?

NFL players wear pink? I think it's understood nation wide that during Breast Cancer Awareness month that players are permitted to wear pink if they choose to.
MCHSHornets#5 Wrote:NFL players wear pink? I think it's understood nation wide that during Breast Cancer Awareness month that players are permitted to wear pink if they choose to.
they follow a different set of rules also they are making money off of it
When we contacted the NFL's online shop for clarification, we were told 5% of the sales are being donated to the American Cancer Society. If the pink products have a typical 100% mark-up at retail, that means the NFL is keeping 90% of the profit from the sale of Breast Cancer Awareness gear.

So, for every $100 in sales of pink gear, only $3.54 is going towards research while the NFL is keeping approximately $45 (based on 100% mark-up)

i cannot belive you all are turning this into a rules issue! this is all about a kid trying to speak for a cause and getting punished for it by a coach
nky Wrote:they follow a different set of rules also they are making money off of it

NKY the rules say you need to go on to bed, because you may be the 2nd biggest :moon: next to Jewell
What did I post that was incorrect?
nky Wrote:So what team rules should be enforced?

nky Wrote:by the way per NFHS rules
One (4"x12" min/18"x36" max) plain white towel per player. Must be moisture absorbing and cannot be sticky.

nky Wrote:Why the hate? There team rules and national rules do we get to pick and choose?

nky Wrote:they follow a different set of rules also they are making money off of it

nky Wrote:
When we contacted the NFL's online shop for clarification, we were told 5% of the sales are being donated to the American Cancer Society. If the pink products have a typical 100% mark-up at retail, that means the NFL is keeping 90% of the profit from the sale of Breast Cancer Awareness gear.

So, for every $100 in sales of pink gear, only $3.54 is going towards research while the NFL is keeping approximately $45 (based on 100% mark-up)

nky Wrote:What did I post that was incorrect?
You know it had nothing to do with wearing pink for football it was much deeper it had to do with breast cancer awareness so if Coach has a problem with that then he should take a step back and think................
nky Wrote::eyeroll:

You call the refs and tell them that they are some bad violations going on and to enforce this towel rule. Read the article numnuts in the Corbin Times Tribune the towel was taken before the game in the locker rook, then the coach after getting his a## beat by 36 on his home field in a district game called this kid out for his pink gloves in front of the whole team and punished him. When the coach was questioned about this he said the kid violated uniform dress code for the gloves, and on the same page in the newspaper the coach's son is wearing 1 red glove, and 1 white glove. You must be associated with coaching Mr. Rules the towel was not the issue. The refs never called no penaltys for the towel. :redboxer:it's simple about a coach being a --- why didn't he take the gloves when they took the towel are the pink gloves a violation. Now get to bed and quit breaking the rules.:lmao:
If you have a problem with the rule, fine.

But rules are rules, stupid or not. If you break them, you are punished.

Not a hard concept to grasp.

A ll you have to ask is that all rules are enforced and punished equally across the board.
64SUR Wrote::what:I hope this is not true :why:would a coach in the united states reprimand one of his player for wearing pink for cancer awareness.this is unthinkable shame on this coach jewell i don't no him and don't want to no i'm going to Confusederved:by the:policeman:policeman:policeman for a lifetime suspension coaching highschools football in kentucky an you can kiss my:moon:an every family who has dealt with a family member of cancer:please:get a life
Most of the time I find your you got served and policeman annoying but in this thread I think it fits perfectly
Was this a team rule that the player was aware of and the whole team followed? The coach said this was a team policy that everyone was aware of.

I'm 100% for wearing pink and supporting boobs, but rules are rules. If the coach said no, then it's a no. There are other ways you can honor somebody on the field.

At the same time, the coach should have addressed the issue before he stepped on the field. Waiting till after the game made the issue bigger than it had to be and made the kid look like a scapegoat in the loss.

Obviously, the school will look into this. After all, nobody wants to be the villain

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