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Well if you all haven't noticed I am indeed back. I had a great time in Boston and I'll hopefully have some pics uploaded by the end of the night...that is if all goes well. I've been super busy this past month with school. Going to Boston kinda put me in a bind as far as some of my classes went. I had to complete my entire senior portfolio in a week and get everything done for the rest of the semester in my english102 class not to mention studying for test and taking notes for my forensic science class and my survey of lit class. I got back on Wednesday from Boston and I was well behind in my forensic science class and my survey of lit class and me getting sick and missing school 1/2 day on Thursday and all day on Friday and then having to go to the dentist to get a crown on Monday put me even farther behind but I think I am actually caught up now, at least in my survey of lit class. As far as forensic science goes I should be caught up by the end of my 1st period tomorrow, I have to take a test, get notes checked and turn in some questions and hopefully my grade will come up from a 38% back to the 100% it has been all year. Now the only thing I have left to do for the year is turn in 2 more papers for english102, do my senior memory book for senior english (that will KILL me...I have to get it odne in TWO DAYS!) and just do work in forensic science and my survey of lit class.

I got my graduation cap and gown today...yay! I can't wait. Now if I could get my invitations in I could mail them out and not have to worry about that anymore.

I NEED A JOB....BAD! I applied for two yesterday in Prestonsburg but I'm thinking I won't get either...but I'm hoping and praying I get a phone call from either place telling me to come in. If anyone knows anywhere that I can get a job in the Prestonsburg area I'll gladly put in applications...unless I get a phone call from the 2 places I already applied for.

BTW..I figured I'd let everyone know...I AM BACK DRIVING SO WATCH OUT! lol... I figured you all would enjoy that one...

Now I gotta go study for my forensic science class...that is if I can stop
Umm...I think Balla forgot she was on my makes me seem
I deleted it DTfan.....someone doesn't know how to log out when they leave my's what I posted:

SHUT joking...You drove good yesterday and I wasn't too scared. All I ask is that you don't lose my check book I left in your
I'm glad you deleted that.... that would make people think I was schizophranic or however you spell I'm studying leave me alone! lol

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