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Ron Paul picking up steam
Looking more and more like Paul may actually have a fighting chance at the GOP nomination.

I still think Romney will win, and then we can vote between Obama and Romney who are practically the same candidate.

Anyways, the Paul campaign has been focused on the delegate game and less on getting out and winning popular votes.

If Romney is unable to obtain the nomination during the first go around at the convention, then I think the odds will favor Paul for winning the convention as all delegates are up for grabs at that point.

From most media releases, blogs, and so forth it seems the Romney campaign is extremely worried about what is going on. While Paul is constantly giving speeches to 5, 10, 20, 40 thousand people at rallies, Romney is lucky to even get 1,000.

I honestly don't believe Romney can beat Obama when it comes down to it. His politics are the same ol politics that have got us in the mess we are in now.

I think Obama's worst fear is a Paul nomination. Ron Paul would eat Obama alive in debates and would take away a large portion if not the majority of the youth vote, those under 35.
Ron Paul is not picking up steam. His campaign is nearly broke and the only reason that he continues to pick up delegates is that Romney has started the general campaign and is focusing on Obama. Paul will pick up some delegates in caucuses but he will not win a single primary election because nobody other than some of his delusional supporters can envision any scenario where Ron Paul becomes president. Ron Paul does not expect to be president and his supporters should also face reality.

Finally, Ron Paul is not a good debater. He has a weak voice that cracks under stress. Besides, if logic played much of a role in the election of a president, nobody would have cast a vote for a ticket like Obama/Biden. This election will be decided between working Americans (including those who desperately want to work but have been rendered unemployed by Obamanomics) and mooching Americans and which group turns out in greater numbers.

Ron Paul also has the most support among Active Military Personnel between Obama, Romney, and Paul.

Those lunatics!!!!!
Beetle01 Wrote:Looking more and more like Paul may actually have a fighting chance at the GOP nomination.

I still think Romney will win, and then we can vote between Obama and Romney who are practically the same candidate.

Anyways, the Paul campaign has been focused on the delegate game and less on getting out and winning popular votes.

If Romney is unable to obtain the nomination during the first go around at the convention, then I think the odds will favor Paul for winning the convention as all delegates are up for grabs at that point.

From most media releases, blogs, and so forth it seems the Romney campaign is extremely worried about what is going on. While Paul is constantly giving speeches to 5, 10, 20, 40 thousand people at rallies, Romney is lucky to even get 1,000.

I honestly don't believe Romney can beat Obama when it comes down to it. His politics are the same ol politics that have got us in the mess we are in now.

I think Obama's worst fear is a Paul nomination. Ron Paul would eat Obama alive in debates and would take away a large portion if not the majority of the youth vote, those under 35

LOL, Obama would party like it was 1999 if Paul got the nomination. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the weakest possible challenge to his 2nd term, a Ron Paul challenge would rate about a 14.

Beetle is on tha sauze again

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